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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. i thought they did a good job with what they had. it would have worked better as a mini series adapting all three books. i don't think it was hard to understand at all, in fact it's significantly easier to comprehend than the book. i don't really understand this obsession with plot and story as the end all in movies. annihilation was more about instilling a sense of dread. if it didn't work for you that's fine, but it was far from awful.
  2. been watching the americans. two seasons in. i'm very impressed, i don't know why i took so long to get into this.
  3. 88 blob was a major film for me in my childhood along with attack of the killer tomatoes
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwvdIn-_D-o that deer is surreal
  5. etchison's is the one about the rest stop, it only comes out at night. i think. it's real pulpy stuff, more like a richard matheson story. sandkings was great, yeah, also made me respect grr martin a lot. the people on the island by tm wright is also a good one.
  6. i have that collection too. it's one of my favorites, a full survey of horror that doesn't rely on tropes and established monsters. some stuff in there is very difficult to find in separate collections (dennis etchison's work is all out of print for instance). vandermeer will probably be getting more stuff adapted, he apparently signed a book deal for half a million dollars for his next couple of novels and his last one, borne, is already optioned to be a film.
  7. i know this is almost an hour but i'm getting obsessed with these twitch streams from daniel. they play out like little movies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ben5kCf7zK0
  8. it's based on annihilation by jeff vandermeer. although it draws from all three books in the southern reach trilogy, sort of to its detriment. i would have preferred less exposition and less spelled out for me, but still, i was very surprised by how surreal it was for a modestly budgeted hollywood movie. shame it bombed, but they set it up to fail. vandermeer is a skilled writer btw, for anyone interested in "new weird" fiction. his collection the third bear is very good.
  9. annihilation i loved it. they simplify and change things from the book, dumb down some bits, but i haven't seen something this close to cosmic horror in a mainstream film in a long time.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h60PH1WTfHk this band has been hitting a sweet spot for me lately. this one and heavy breathing on constant rotation.
  11. the hunt for red october i miss when films actually had scores. john mctiernan had a run from predator to this. i hope he makes films again some day.
  12. i can't help but feel that every netflix movie gets horrible reviews because the critics have a vested interest in movies being released in theaters. none of these movies are the disasters they make them out to be. they aren't particularly good, but neither was black panther, which currently is ranked above citizen kane on rotten tomatoes.
  13. the number 23 but jim carrey keeps hearing kesha - tik tok everywhere
  14. black panther this reminded me of the star wars prequels. botched execution of something that should have been emotionally engaging. the only character who was remotely three dimensional, and that's a stretch, was the villain. but he's given so little screen time and michael b jordan just isn't a serious actor, that it never registers beyond the thought of "oh that could have been cool". which is what i was thinking for most of the movie. the afro futurism is not really afro futurism. we hardly even see wakanda, so i don't know what all this "world building" is that people are talking about. maybe they've never read nk jemisin, or octavia butler or ken liu? well of course they haven't. but they're film critics, so they've seen blade runner. right? the whole movie was shoddy and cheap, felt rushed yet too long, the first hour is superfluous and could have easily been excised. i would have had the villain attempt to peacefully integrate into wakandan society and then be ostracized, which would lead to him becoming the hateful person he is at the beginning of the movie. there is no real arc to anything. i guess this is supposed to be the most technologically advanced society on earth but they still solve things through tribal conflict and have a monarchy? this movie basically proved to me that film isn't about filmmaking anymore, it's about satisfying the needs of special interests and the wish fulfillment of mostly white, upper middle class journalists who think participating in dialogue about popular culture is the equivalent of political activism.
  15. been noticing this thing actors do in movies where they have dialogue to deliver but the scene has them eating so they eat while talking and it's really fucking disgusting. it's like the food is a prop for them. they'll chew then deliver a line, then chew some more, deliver another line, use their tongue to clean their teeth. just horrible behavior and it's in so many movies, like they're trolling me.
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