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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. i want the cast of entourage in the white house.
  2. lol "take a deep breath" "i'm naturally breathing" master troll
  3. i'll let you in on a secret: the rlm guys don't really know what they're talking about.
  4. tactical micronuke fired at trump's head. his hair is a missile defense system that unfurls and shoots the nuke down. everyone applauds. bannon appears, caressing trump's face. "i thought i lost you for a second there."
  5. man this was diminishing returns for me. i barely laughed at all.
  6. I made this guy totally bumbling and nonthreathening in a series known for one of the greatest villains ever where there is literally a light and dark side and the only other bad guys in the movie either get fooled by an obvious trick or are future school shooters but I subverted it so it’s all good. Btw I used this writing technique and applied it to everything in the movie so now it’s trash but see it’s supposed to be that way.
  7. Guys look I subverted this thing look what I did guys I did the opposite of the way it is how cool is that
  8. there's a part in this movie where ryan gosling just disappears, one frame he's there the next he isn't. it's when he's in the elvis hologram room in vegas. weird edit.
  9. i couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on from one scene, hell one shot, to the next. it was like an alien made a movie.
  10. Nah she was distractingly bad. Straight out of a hunger games movie.
  11. The prequels were better than this trilogy at least in terms of production design and story. Execution sucked but I’d rather watch any of them over this trash.
  12. 1) That hasn't explained why it's a bad tax situation - you've just repeated yourself. It's not unsustainable in the slightest. Forex traders pay taxes, a large percentage of which is subject to the fluctuation of value of foreign currency, as capital gains will vary based on the amount of profit you've gained. If you purchase a good or a service with crypto, you are not subject to taxes on that transaction. If you trade one crypto for another you are subject to taxes much like forex traders are (not identical situations, but certainly not completely dissimilar). 2) Price differential is inherent in markets, not hyperinflation. You cannot guarantee that hyperinflation will never happen with crypto, because currencies are subject to supply shocks and the value of other currencies just to name two possible external factors on the value of a currency, 3) No, inflation does not always equal devaluation - largely due to international trade. If economies were completely closed, then yes - the premise would be correct. However because they are not, inflation does not always equal devaluation. The premise that a higher supply of money means inflation is also incorrect. Here is an easy explainer: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johntharvey/2011/05/14/money-growth-does-not-cause-inflation/#\ You have not explained how no value is created out of nothing - you simply said that value only exists for hard forks because people choose to give them value. However, people have clearly chosen to give value to forks such as BCH, BTG, and ETC - hence value was created out of nothing (as people got those forked coins simply because they held BTC or ETH at the time of the fork). 4) Earlier in the thread you wrote - "fiat holders do not get a boost in their fiat stashes like crypto holders during crypto forks do." This implies that crypto holders get a "boost" in their crypto stashes, and a correspondent boost in fiat. You then wrote, "Crypto holders do not inherent get a boost in the fiat valuations of their crypto stash from hard forks..." These two statements are contradictory. To be fair, you provide a disclaimer when you wrote that, "...they only do if people think those hard forks are valuable." However, clearly people give value to some of those hard forks, as noted in point 3. 5) When you wrote "Fiat currencies are backed by the full force of their respective countries, fair enough - and this is often good enough. But it's not perfect," - The saying is "don't let perfect be the enemy of good." Which means just because something isn't perfect shouldn't prevent it from being used, if it is good enough. There are certainly problems with fiat, but the system is actually very good. Terrible regulations and policies that allow the wealthy to avoid taxes are certainly problems that stimulate inequality - but crypto won't solve those. 6) You provided information that was essentially incorrect, and I corrected it. As a result m-pesa went from "proving that widespread adoption is possible" (widespread adoption of what? payment processors using mobile networks? Japan and South Korea proved that was possible in 2004) to being analogous to a "centralized shitcoin". However, even that description is inaccurate - because it's not a currency. The point may be made that mobile banking is popular in developing nations. For payment processors using blockchain (and mobile banking, though not exclusively), examples such as Everex and OmiseGo (although pay processing is only one factor in the overall OmiseGo project) can be looked at, particularly because they have working products. a) Never once have I used a straw man argument, my responses are always on topic. However, when you write that I don't understand the topic or how markets work is clearly an attempt to attack the intelligence of the person you are debating. This is fairly obviously an ad hominem argument, and one which I will not respond to beyond identifying it as such. b) See my response to a), as you repeat yourself. Sorry to all that just see these walls of texts. you're completely wrong. if you purchase goods with crypto you are subject to taxes. you're subject to tax on every transaction that involves an exchange. read the tax code the irs has put forth on this subject. also most of these are not currencies. crypto in general is a misnomer. bitcoin at best is a store of value with a secondary use as currency, like gold, but it is an extremely ill conceived currency. most coins are merely utility tokens. xrp for example isn't even used by the banks working with ripple. the token itself is valueless. i'll also add that blockchain tech is correcting for problems that mostly don't exist. in almost every case with crypto as a currency you end up having to work backwards to introduce regulation to make it customer friendly. and you already have an equally anonymous method of exchanging money (or laundering it) with quick transaction times and no fees: cash
  13. When I was a child and I watched Star Wars it wasn’t the mystery of the force, John Williams score or the imaginative world than drew me in. It was the millennium falcon’s forward mandibles.
  14. yeah it's fine in the theater. it was actually shot by pta afaik, not a dp. it's pretty, there's some nice scenery. make sure you have a theater that isn't going to be filled with restless assholes like my local. every pta movie i've seen has had audible negative audience reaction to the point that i've been kind of uncomfortable. the master was probably the most uncomfortable i've ever been in a theater. edit: hi zcm!
  15. yeah i saw it. it's a weird one. there's nothing notable about it. ddl is playing something close to an understated character so i'm not really sure why he's in it. i left thinking "why does this movie exist" but maybe with further viewings i'll like it more. i'd put it far below twbb, the master and obviously boogie nights. it's not as interesting as punch drunk love, it's not overblown melodrama like magnolia, and it's maybe slightly worse than inherent vice but they aren't really comparable movies. just a strange decision imo, although if pta is really an artist i guess he should do whatever he wants. it is probably his most "kubrickian" movie if that means anything to you. maybe some hitchcock in there as well, but he never explores the perversity of the movie's central relationship. at the script level, there's a lot left on the table, which i feel has been the case with everything he's done since there will be blood.
  16. watched barry lyndon for the first time in like fifteen years. what a film. get the criterion blu ray if you still buy that sort of thing, the transfer restores the correct aspect ratio and it really does look beautiful, especially the candle lit scenes. might be kubrick's greatest.
  17. Alt coin prices are not tied to btc. They’ve decoupled from it in the last month. You don’t know what you’re talking about. It also isn’t sound speculation. You are investing (gambling on) vaporware. The most you can do is read white papers and hope the speculative bubble continues to favor your picks, but the entire market is driven by hype, not working product. This is coming from someone with some significant money in the space.
  18. I’ve been heavily invested since last January. I’ve made a lot of money catching alt coins in their infancy. The most I made was on antshares/neo. Right now I’ve pulled almost everything out except for a small amount diversified into Req and eth and xrp. From an investment standpoint, it’s incredibly risky but the ROI is often a lifetimes worth of stock returns. Anyone who tells you this is not mostly gambling has no experience trading real stocks. But if we’re going to talk about crypto currency for its supposed use case as a world currency and replacement for fiat, there are a lot of issues. You’re deluding yourself if you think bitcoin is ever going to function as a replacement for cash. The transaction times, fees, energy usage from mining, complexity (my latte cost .00000004 satoshi and I have to file for capital gains tax for the sale of property??)... these are all things that limit bitcoin and other cryptos use in the real world. But if you look at blockchain as a technology, you can see where the possible world changing implications are. Research projects like golem to see a use case that exists outside the world of finance. I don’t think everything will be good though. The government will develop its own digital currency which will allow an audit of every financial transaction using block chain scanners. Crypto is a massive windfall for the IRS. The amount of tax evasion and under reporting going on right now is kind of stunning. And reporting is a nightmare. I’ve spent weeks preparing my return and it’s really shown me how utterly useless this tech is as a practical currency. Not to mention the issues I’ve had with converting coins back into real money. If the idea is to stay in crypto, then there needs to be an ecosystem to support that. And right now, it’s just not feasible. No one is really buying major life purchases with crypto. If they are, and they live in the US, the tax implications are a complete mess. 2018 is going to see privacy coins take off, and it’s also going to see banks developing their own block chains. Someday we might use digital currency, but all of the coins in the top ten market cap right now, including btc, will be gone.
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