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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. does that really happens in stalker? i must have watched it 2 times and i couldn't make out nothing out of it, apart from the atmospheric experience... when people praise the movie it just makes me feel dumb... lol maybe it's a good time to watch it one more time... to be an elitist, uber-pretentious cunt, Stalker is fuck all like Annihilation & while the comparison might appear fair enough on one level, on another its absurd one is a metaphysical confrontation with the eternal invisibly visible mystery of this universe & our unfathomable existence in it, all done on a minuscule budget, the other is a solid enough bio-horror however, the thing that stuck w/Annihilation was that segment with the thing melded with the dying scream, that was fuckin creepy, not many recent productions have leveled that degree of the heebie jeebies to the extent it made me put the light on taking a piss, Stalker didnt manage that the comparison is fine but you are definitely a pretentious cunt
  2. does that really happens in stalker? i must have watched it 2 times and i couldn't make out nothing out of it, apart from the atmospheric experience... when people praise the movie it just makes me feel dumb... lol maybe it's a good time to watch it one more time... Heh I don’t remember if anything happens in stalker but they’re definitely similar premises.
  3. More in reply to goDel: every team that had gone before all died, except her 'husband' that came back, obviously very much not in an okay state. I forget how many teams they stated/implied in the movie or in the book, but it was a significant amount in both iirc. You don't sign up for a mission like that expecting to all come back alive. You might hope, but if teams of trained soldiers had gone in before, what makes you think you're going to stand a chance against whatever it is in there? The premise is that taking a mission like that at all is a deathwish. I thought that was pretty obvious. In the first book the teams didn’t die, they reappeared in different places outside the zone or whatever it’s called. it’s basically just stalker right?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhSO_op6I4g
  5. this is still his magnum opus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUIcCyPOA30
  6. Maybe there’s someone stuck in your chimney
  7. first ep of americans season 6 was good. i don't see things ending well for them. terror second ep was also deece. i hope the entire show isn't just them hunted by a giant bear but i wouldn't put it past simmons to write a thousand page book about something that dumb.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR_hrKQ7f7c
  9. the first ep of the terror was good. like eugene said, it's a bit of master and commander with a heavy atmosphere of dread. i see it's based on a dan simmons book. not a good sign, but we'll see.
  10. we'll all be dead by the end of 2019 so maybe it gets repealed in 2020
  11. the entire march for our lives thing is inconsequential because it targets assault weapons which make up a tiny fraction of gun deaths in america. most are from handguns and happen to black people and that isn't something people are going to march about. the unspoken truth is that school shootings like parkland are quite rare and mostly a white problem and an issue of privilege and also an easy talking point because the problem is "solvable" by "banning" "assault weapons" which does not affect gun manufacturers in any significant way and also satisfies both political parties. it's an ornamental policy change.
  12. I’m gonna listen to this exclusively for the next six months, just a feeling I have
  13. so did he realize the earth isn't flat or what
  14. i actually bothered to read what these parkland kids want and its pretty fucking abysmal. do away with privacy so mental healthcare providers can communicate with the police and basically discourage people who value that privacy from seeking therapy? great idea guys. this is why you don't deify a bunch of high school students. although i guess they probably didn't even write this shit.
  15. huh, didn’t care for that ep of Atlanta at all. big issue I can see with this show is all the character development seems to be happening off screen.
  16. i liked season 5 of the americans but i don't know how they can wrap this up in a satisfying manner. i'm concerned they won't be honest about the characters. hoping it doesn't end happily because elizabeth at this point is kind of beyond redemption. season 4 was still the best. also watched the most recent couple eps of atlanta. still very good. the show is so light and deadpan. i'm positive if it was shot differently it wouldn't be nearly as good.
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