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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. I just got back from doing my shift at work, I think my comment which was intended to be watmm-banter has been taken to be me being seriously malicious, I'm sorry man. I really didn't mean it to come across as such. I was simply pointing out that the way your hand was on your head, it looked like thing from Addams Family, and if you shaved your head it'd be spot on. I'm a dickhead, sorry man I owe you many beverages if I'm down london way :(
  2. I actually really liked the soundtrack. I just rewatched it and those pitched down glassy and hollow sounding strings or whatever they are sound fucking cool They start playing at 0:30. Anyway, I actually don't think it's THAT bad a movie. A lot of the stuff that annoys me are actually just things from Prometheus that I am being reminded of. If Prometheus hadn't existed I'm pretty sure this movie would be looked at through different glasses. See that stuff was fine, quite liked that stuff - the more sound-designy stuff. I just didn't like the constant motifs coming from Alien. I agree though - Prometheus shouldn't have existed
  3. The floating head in the water bit was probably the best bit. But yeah, not great. I also didn't like how the soundtrack was way too influenced by the first film. Music in films is a big deal, and can become inexorably linked with it. Don't like when other films use soundtrack stuff. Especially something so iconic as the Alien soundtrack.
  4. There might be some more tapes coming out later on, at least that's the impression given by the facebook page comments
  5. I'm going to have to take an impromptu 'toilet break' at work so I can get this.
  6. I hope it's one of those classic teaser trailer pieces of footage that is only used for a trailer and is never in the actual end product.
  7. I will fucking laugh for months and months and months at the butthurt here and on Reddit / Tumblr if Dougie Coop remains in the show for the entirety.
  8. More photos from others please, I'm hogging the thread a little at the moment!
  9. Thanks man! And you pointed out something that wasn't immediately standing out to me, also very cool! I shot that one in the bus home from work, purely because I liked the way the fluorescent tube was lighting the area in contrast with the deluge outside. Thanks again for digging my stuff. Positive affirmation at the moment is so very appreciated. Really can't say how much it means.
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