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Everything posted by tbf

  1. who's got a good science documentary, in the lines of Particle Fever and The Most Unknown?
  2. love this new iphone filter, here's what my back window view looks like with it
  3. wonderful. now I'm starting to feel repulsed by patreon for how it's creator praises facebook, twitter, and the rest of the brainwashing machine for "trying to be the best at getting creators paid" and says that now 75% of kids aged 6 to 17 years old want to be an online video creator like it's an amazing thing while calling it a cute "naive optimism". where the hell are we headed?
  4. well, let me chime in cause I'm vegan so I gots that street cred. as much as you may like to use that logic to your advantage (even if you don't take it seriously yourself) the analogy here is actually of the drop of water. you might say it's small, but with enough of them you form a whole body of water. and if every water drop figured it wouldn't make a difference to that whole that body of water would never be. vegans don't usually get into it thinking they're joining in the winning team (maybe morally they do, but that's a whole other conversation), there's a big chunk of faith and hopefulness and proactiveness there but wouldn't you say the public interest in NFTs (or lack thereof) contributes to the value of ETH? if more people decide to invest in it that must have some effect on inflation and probably in the mining business itself, as there's more demand and therefore more opportunity for miners, no? this is an elite game anyways, this whole NFT thing is just a new hustle by the shot callers of the world, they have the means to fuel the speculation as much as they want, and a decentralised monetary system only gives way to easier and more efficient foul play, and if most average citizens get their heads done in enough with the regular banking system simply out of ignorance, imagine the potential of blockchain for market and financial manipulation. I mean, I don't understand much of this so I might be going full QAnon here, but the way this thing absolutely exploded from almost out of nowhere really doesn't feel "organic" to me
  5. back to Satoshi Kon real quick. this should be enough to get most into checking out his work
  6. everything by the late Satoshi Kon is worth watching, especially Paprika (which my dog was named after) didn't like the trailer but this was really good: and here's Paprika
  7. tbf

    afx nft

    actually the NFT may be worth more... not because it makes sense that real estate is the most valuable asset possible, but because the ruling speculative class wants it that way
  8. I haven't watched it, but it's probably just porn for academic high brow nerds to jerk off to
  9. the guy is just doing his own thing. every now and then someone comes over and simply manages to push the right buttons. and that's what he did, through his music and imagery he felt should be associated with it. he's not trying to push his music into the zeitgeist, he already did, and the fact that so many people talk about it, either good or bad, just proves it. not only that, but - character judgement aside - the pieces of art that strike a chord in the cultural zeitgeist are usually the polarizing ones. I mean, it was also a matter of timing, this combination of factors came out just as pitchfork was beginning, which by itself is polarizing enough. so his album being such a controversial part of their own story which became a egotistical tirade of sorts between some pretty self-absorbed people only adds value to it.
  10. tbf

    afx nft

    it's locked because it hasn't been officially launched, so the date might refer to that. I thought the login credentials could be the within the nft but after trying every combination I could think, I don't think it's the case
  11. it might not sound like a big deal nowadays where every sound artist academic tries to imitate him, but remember this was 20 years ago. kinda like Eno with ambient music I saw him play in a festival in Rio before I knew anything about him, the venue was a church and I must say it was quite an experience, transcendental
  12. tbf

    afx nft

    I think it might be the date for the ODDsound thing
  13. tbf

    afx nft

  14. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CM4nBdbjWO4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  15. this has probably been covered already, but what's up with the 3 accounts he follows?
  16. you pretty much nailed the dynamics between the elements, it's a delight to hear. maybe a good saturator on the master for Xtal could help crunch things together and liven up the drums a bit, they're a bit hidden in the back. I feel like the subtle grittiness is a strong signature on his music from that time
  17. I appreciate the enthusiasm, fellas, so I'm giving back the love. download away ? just know it's not the final version ?
  18. posted this here, in case anyone would like to have a listen
  19. thanks a lot for the feedback, guys ? SC does fuck things up, especially being a demo, not really that polished, I was just tryin to lay down the idea to see how to make it work, just needed to send a rough mix. I'll keep that in mind!
  20. what I'm most impressed by is how well the reverb sits in the mix, despite the lack of cassette mastering. I think it's one of his most under-commented traits, and usually where things can go awry in many productions, especially in recreation attempts. was it all valhalla vintage? excellent job!
  21. cool, thanks for the input ? this was for a VA on a dancefloor oriented label. I tried making it repetitive enough as to fit in with the average dancefloor tracks, maybe it got a little out of hand?
  22. would love to know if you find this entertaining https://soundcloud.com/a_hank/wgwfwdgaf/s-qaCjdsH8lo4
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