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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. Woulg has some neat tutorials. Loads of them for Ableton specifically. I recommend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTXsfk-28Yk&list=PLWnRRbvZYq6Mo_V-8n1iPhdPGQUAFcRzg
  2. I love Melda Granular Mb, been using it a lot. https://www.meldaproduction.com/MGranularMB The best ive played with tho, so far, is VCV rack. (free!! yea!!) Cant recommend it enough if you have a good computer to run it.(its main downside is that it is very CPU heavy) Changed my life. The full modular process is extremely flexible and permits very very thorough sound exploration. You can process the shit of everything in a very organic way. If you still want to use ableton you could record some patch and jams and import the audio in ableton as samples or parts of trx. I would try that. Also: a good ol' looper+overdub impros can bring some very interesting surprises.
  3. JEAN-LUC I JUST I JUST CANT ANYMORE JEAN-LUC MAKE IT STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Ill just have Jean Luc facepalm tattooed on my forehead to express to the world the amount of concentrated facepalm that is boiling in me.
  4. Talking to anti-vaxxers is like asking your drunk friends not to drive. But they're just screaming back at you asking their freedom to drive drunk to be respected. ''we'll be fine, im not even drunk, i can handle alcohol'' ''fuck the law i can drive and drink if i want'' ''my immunitary system is strong'' ''the virus aint that bad'' ''its a mind control experiment'' Thing is, if you do this the chances are you will hit a wall or kill/hurt other people. They are their own worst enemy and they only realize it when they're at the ICU or their whole family is sick. And then doctors have to save their ass when they're intubed for weeks and in pain. ''oh i wish i took the jab'' ''son we fkin told you ONE MILLION TIME'' Intubation looks like a fkin traumatizing and horrible thing to both go through and give as a treatment. I cant fathom why people would even want to risk to go through that.
  5. What a fucking shit show this has been i just cant believe it. Not only we have to fight a deadly dangerous mutating virus, but we have to fight the complete delusion of anti-vaxx sabotaging the work of everyone. It's a fucking sad thing to witness. There is not enough facepalms in the universe.
  6. Look around mate. Freedom of choice is never absolute. There is rules and laws so people dont kill or steal or commit crimes or have reckless behaviours. Freedom of speech and freedom of action arent absolute or unlimited. They come with a degree of responsability and if you abuse them, without caring about your responsabilities, without caring about consequences of your actions, the community has a right to prevent you from abusing from them again. It's why hate speech, drinking and driving arent accepted in society. Spreading lies about vaccines or the virus while there is a pandemic going on is a definite crossing of the limits, whether people that do it are conscious or not of it. They mostly arent conscious of it, even if they're told because they either consider the virus a conspiracy/inexistent/hoax or the vaccine a dangerous invention of mind control or untested poison but at some point its not the rest of the community's problem. All of this is pure delusion and there comes a time when we have a right to put some limits on these delusions that endangers people's life. We've been extremely patient with the recklessness of the anti-vaxx. A facebook censorship aint the end of the world. Quite the mildest censorship. Every day that goes by i am more and more in favor of the passport because there is no reasoning you bunch. You just don't listen. The unvaccinated are currently filling the emergencies, what the hell do you need more as a proof? SMH
  7. News about unvaxxed people ending up in emergency regretting not getting the shot. Everywhere. I hope it wakes the fuck up of a few people. Pandemic of the unvaxxed, here we go. Sigh.... When you know how easy to get the vaccine and for free in our countries....smh. Misinformation kills.
  8. Hahaha fair enough. Surely the other grandfather, on the paternal side. Recently started listening to him as well. Gorgeous stuff.
  9. You just have to go a few step further down the rabbit hole. You remove the AE hiphop loop influence and its what you get. Full on sound fuckery without even a beat to hang on to. Took me a while to get used to it but now he's one of my favorite. Ignatius links are excellent check em out. Morton is a legend. What a boss. Kind of AE spiritual grandfather. He's an old man and he still gets young people pissed off at him because his music is too weird. Not a lot of old men can claim that. Strong Bucephalus Bouncing vibes on this one https://mortonsubotnick.bandcamp.com/track/until-spring-side-two
  10. Cases going up here... People ending in the hospital are mostly unvaccinated... Get your shot people. Delta is super contagious. Legit scared for my friends and family members that still dont want the vaccine.
  11. Fuck. Covid psychosis?? didnt hear about that till now. Ughhhhhhhhhh
  12. yeah, terror phobia level of fear is absolutely next level Lol a friend told me how as a child he was afraid and reluctant of just about any medecine and would reject them all. He once catched a big cold or something and would refuse to take any medicine and ended up really sick.
  13. Yeah man. Exactly. You cant convince people with facts it seems if they have a strong emotional bond to an idea. It can be done if it's not too bad but after a certain point, you're wasting your time and energy and you just have to deal with it and hope people will stay safe and healthy. I had personally some fear of the vaccine, i will confess, because i got some side effects as a teen for Hepitatis B vaccine and fainted. Also fainted a few times with blood tests. So i have a kind of basic fear of needle that stayed because of that. I had to use some reasoning and stimulate the fear of covid and realize this is ok and has to be done. Still had a bit of stress on the moment tho. No too bad but still there. Like an irrational anxiety. Luckily i didnt get into ideological or conspirational misinformation. People are afraid. It's not that easy to unease someone else fear once it gets really strong.
  14. Seems to me that the whole vaccine thing comes down to fear. What do you fear more: covid or vaccine? There is STRONG facts that points towards covid being more dangerous but if someone is hardlocked into a fear of vaccine for various reasons, may it be fear of needles, fear of side effects, fear of big pharma dictatorship that it's difficult to change their mind as fear is something quite irrational.
  15. @Claudius t Ansuulim my man, sure we are a bit of dickheads but we just wish you could get past this fear and get safe with a good vax, but eh if youre not down with it, what can you do? pretty sure we cant force you to change mind at this point, it would have to be from your own effort but im sure we could get along in real life. I've got real good friends and family that are afraid or wont take it. One of my best friend is unvaccinated. I love everything about him but this very fact. Hell, AFX is pretty anti vaxx and i still would love a chat with him ( on other subjects lol) This is the internet things escalates. This is of course a massive disagreement but eh, my mom dont want the vaccine and i dont agree but i won't cancel her out of my life. It's just a thing like religion and politics i guess at this point. If you discuss it, it can really escalates. I'm personally happy i got the vax. I feel safer and less dangerous to others. I strongly think that in these times of pandemic it is the most responsible thing you can do. I'm not gonna further argue with you, it's not that much of a fertile convo at this point. If you want to discuss aphex twin ae or else that would be better.
  16. In the end, like Dcom mentioned, right now its the gamble of 4.3 millions deaths (+ long covid + more community transmission + social instability, etc) vs a couple of unfortunate serious short terms effect victims. At this point i know which side of the gamble im taking. The consequences of Covid are far worse.
  17. Just realized that if you mess with grammar a secret underlying coherence surfaces. Taiwanese Girls Fart Beijing Hooligans Don’t Want to Go to School. Coincidence? i think not.
  18. Gotta love communist dictatorships for their respect and dedication to a clean and good smelling social environment. Never knew farts had such power to disrupt the autority. I shall from now on, fart in the face of oppression.
  19. Alright. I can understand this fear. But mate. Vaccines don't have long term effects. It's not something associated with vaccines. From what i know and from what ive heard doctors says, it basically doesnt really happen. The real bad effects happens on the short terms. If you don't have effects in the short terms, you're basically clear and safe every time. "I usually start by saying, first of all, there are no vaccines that we know of that have long term side effects," she said. "So, there are vaccines that we have studied for years and years and years and years and years... when they're approved, they're not known to give long-term side effects. Where we really are concerned about side effects is especially right at the beginning there, and then typically where you see a problem, it will happen in the first couple of weeks, even with a brand new vaccine. I mean, when they're studying it, very, very, very rare to have anything coming after that time. And in fact, that's part of why the FDA wants the six months of monitoring because if you've monitored somebody for six months afterwards, really there's no biological reason that you would expect there to be any long-term concerns from the vaccine." https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/how-dr-arwady-responds-to-those-worried-about-vaccines-long-term-side-effects/2520299/
  20. You have the right to criticize the vaccine, sure. You also have the right to disagree. But we have the right criticize your anti-vaxx stances as well if you spread it. You can't expect people to be just neutral and silent when you say things like ''i dont want my natural immune system to be destroyed by this vaccine'' This is some straight lies. What you want is the right to lie with no consequences and no question asked whatsoever so your misinformed belief stays safe and unquestioned. You can't even begin to fathom the possibility that you are lying. Please take you scepticism and apply it to yourself. Be sceptic of your own assumptions FIRST. And TEST them and have OTHERS test them. Are you a doctor? Are you a virologist? Are you an expert in epidemics? No. So how the hell would you know better than people that are expert at viruses and vaccines? people that have experienced and studied first hand what the virus is and can do and what the vaccine is and can do. Where did you get that superior training im asking you? Can you take that step and question yourself to that extent? where and how did you get information that can be deemed better and more efficient than what has been provided by highly trained professionals? Until you do i can't consider you a true sceptic. I can't trust you and you shouldnt trust yourself. I'm really calling your inner sceptic here. Be sceptic of yourself, you may have bad information, realize this. Please entertain this precious sceptic idea that you may be wrong. Critical thinking goes both way mate. If you can't take that, keep your dangerous misinformation for yourself. There is a pandemic going on and people are dying because of lies and stuff like this. These lies have real life consequences.
  21. -Only “healthy” songs that “promote positive energy” will be allowed- Reminds me reading Ligeti talking about how in soviet dictatorship not only you were oppressed and under total dictatorship control, but contrary to some other dictatorship, you also had to be happy at all time to be oppressed and under total dictatorship control on top of it. Next level of mindfuck. You don't even have a right to sadness. ''Under the plan, karaoke venues would be responsible for policing their song lists and deleting any songs that: “endanger national unity, sovereignty or territorial integrity, or harm national security, honour or interests”. It will also ban songs that “incite ethnic hatred”. While the proposal did not mention any specific songs by name, in the past banned songs have been those seen as political or promoting poor social behaviour such as I love Taiwanese Girls, Fart, Beijing Hooligans and Don’t Want to Go to School. A central song list would be created by the ministry for karaoke venues and their operators who would then be responsible for deleting banned songs. Only “healthy” songs that “promote positive energy” will be allowed, and venues are encouraged to promote songs seen as championing the government’s agenda.'' https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/trending-china/article/3141406/china-seeks-ban-karaoke-songs-new-crackdown
  22. Isnt it funny how many anti-vaxxer begins with ''im not an anti-vaxxer but'' And then proceed into spitting all the anti-vaxxer usual misinformation. lol
  23. ''Bernard Parmegiani (1927–2013), the grand old man of French electroacoustic music, did not write much music for tape with live performers. Among them is “Stries” for the unusual combi- nation of three live synthesizer players and tape. Until recently, “Stries” had not been played live for some 30 years. This is the first complete recording, only part of it had been previously released on LP on the INA/GRM label. “Stries” was written for the three synthesizer players of the Paris- based electroacoustic trio TM+, Yann Geslin, Laurent Cuniot and Denis Dufour, founded at the INA/GRM. Over the span of the ensem- ble’s lifetime, TM+ used a range of different instruments — analog synthesizers in the late 1970s and early digital synthesizers in the mid-1980s — and amassed a repertoire of about 40 compositions written especially for them. Fortunately, Yann Geslin, of the INA/GRM, archived the original score by Parmegiani, as well as the parts for the instrumentalists. Also in GRM’s archives was the original analog reel-to-reel tape for the piece, as well as the analog 8-track recordings from the recording session. Armed with this material, the electronic music trio of Colette Broeckaert, Martin Lorenz and Sebastian Berweck, together with Yann Geslin, recreated the piece with the aim of bringing it back to the stage as well as producing generic scores that could help get the piece into the repertoire of many instrumentalists. Their work is real- ized on this release. “Stries” (1980) is a work in three parts based on the tapes of Parmegiani’s “Violostries” for violin & tape from 1963. The tape part is derived completely from recordings of the violin which Parmegiani masterfully alters to create an at times extremely dense, at other times pointillist piece of music. The first part, “Strilento,” is a piece for tape solo and can as such be played alone, while the second and third movements — “Strio” and the eponymous “Stries” — make direct usage of the old tapes and the analog synthesizers of the players. Sebastian Berweck’s liner notes detail the reconstruction of “Stries” for both performance and this recording. '' Mindblowing stuff.
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