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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. Succeeding in making Art, Music, Reading, Writing, Science and various other subjects a chore and a soul breaking activity is the proof that this attitude is broken at it's core. Learning and teaching when well done is interesting at every single step, maybe not easy at every step but always interesting. Would you pay a private teacher 5 fucking years for courses that are an absolute bore and pain? of course you would not. But that's what happening in high school. And you're forced to take those course on top of it. The high school cursus were made by unimaginative small-minded bureaucrats. Teachers are having a hellish time as well because often a majority of the students in their class either hate them or hate their course. How can this be a good way to learn? How can you learn from a course you hate or a teacher you don't respect? If people were choosing all or a majority of their courses it wouldn't be a problem. You're in there because you choose to. Would greatly help the job of teachers and the life of young students. It's like it was designed for maximum bore and pain for everyone it's insane. How much do we like to suffer to continue with this BS? Can't we make the start in life of everyone richer and more interesting? if the point is to make everyone think that life sucks well it's a success. But life doesn't suck. Math and science are super interesting and can open your eyes to the beauty of this fascinating universe. Music is the most incredible expression of the human soul. Books are an infinite resource of inner growth. Art is freedom. Yet none of this is truly conveyed! How can that happen? how is it possible to take the life out of all these riches of the human experience? There is a big lack of vision in the high school education system, i find it absolutely pathetic.
  2. I will never agree with this point ''the point of school up until post-secondary is to ensure that everyone has the same base level of education'' How many time i have heard such things. The point of high school is to prepare people to be docile. Mechanical memorization of facts is not education, i can't accept that. Science is taught without trying to develop curiosity, without explaining the context about how these things were developed and how they can help you understand the world, visual art is taught without freedom, most projects are imposed and limited, music is big bands, no improvisation, no creativity, may as well join the military music band, language courses ends up being boring and take the life of one of the most amazing things in life which is language and human communication, some people ends up hating books and reading, people are not encouraged to search for meaning and growth through reading and writing they are just forced to memorize rules for a test. High school takes all human achievements, take the life out of it, and it comes out as a standardized, lifeless, disconnected set of forced exercises empty of meaning and true educational value. It's an utter failure of a system from the point of view of the human spirit. Wanting people to all have a basic education sure is based in good intentions, but you know the saying: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is also about HOW you do it. And the near total lack of freedom in high school is inexcusable. Human beings deserve better. We are not robots to be filled with information. Please more emphasis on curiosity, creativity, freedom, philosophy, human cooperation and sharing! Anyway this was my experience maybe some people like high school lol I am probably an idealist for believing that school could do more for the full blossoming of the human soul instead of being just a grinding machine molding humans into the neo-liberal free markets structures where they are an exploitable resource to make numbers go up in bank accounts but eh. That's why i became an artist and not a banker.
  3. High School was a special kind of hellish place for me. And i know i'm not the only one with that experience. I wish it was designed in a way that resembles university. You pick your courses and interests and voilà. It would greatly help the drop out numbers. Not being force-fed a standard impersonal program that is the same for everybody for 5 fucking years. Learn by curiosity, interest and enthusiasm instead of being forced taught everything. Not a lot of people even question this horrible education format. It's talked as a given and only way to do it. And teens certainly don't have a say in the way they are educated. Not a single time in my high school curriculum was i encouraged to develop curiosity, creativity, critical thinking or a philosophical mindset. It was only: obey, obey, obey and never question anything the authority of the teacher tells you to do. Always thought it was really shitty and a big mess, and in general, a waste of human potential. A cold blooded grinder that kills curiosity, creativity and suffocates the human spirit. I don't think that's a good way to start the education of young people...
  4. Watched Space is the Place on criterion channel, The Sun Ra afro-futurism movie. One of the early scenes in the club is absolutely memorable and hilarious! (im just gonna say the power of music was fully unleashed in that room)
  5. I remember Mad Mike explaining why James Stinson had a beef with Hawkins and stuff. Something about being denied entry in a club because he was black. Love this album so much.Experimental and weird. https://cloneaqualungseries.bandcamp.com/album/biometry
  6. Messy studios are the best. You can feel the maelstrom of ideas. I get turned off a bit by clean studios, it always feel like they've spent more time cleaning it than actually making stuff in it lol
  7. I'm not usually a big fan of remasters but i think they nailed that one.
  8. Depressed repertoire crushes
  9. Yeah nothing beats seeing the real thing.Nothing.Some things cant be translated to photography.Colors are never 100% accurate.Monet seems to be in particular radically better in the flesh because it focus so much on effects of colors.You dont get the full textural and sensual quality of paint.The basic impact of the size also vs a small reproduction in a book, in print or on the web.The unique soul, spirit and vibe of a piece can only be experienced in the flesh. Also CGI/visual motion mediums will never make painting obsolete for the same reason photography never made painting obsolete, because painting is it's own thing and nothing else can recreate what it does.
  10. Must be that ''love to love you baby'' dancer guy secret shack
  11. Here is two very colorful and beautiful figurative work by two of my current favorite living painters Cecily Brown and Daniel Richter. Crop of ''Where, When, How Often And With Whom’ by Cecily Brown.Huge painting, cant find a good full size pic on the web. Daniel Richter
  12. Rembrandt, portrait d’une jeune femme, 1668, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal My mom told me that it made a great impression on me as a kid, i just stared at it for a long time, stunned.The second time i saw it as a 16 years old, not remembering ever seeing it, it had the same effect.Every time i see it i rejoice immensely.A masterpiece, one of the greatest work of art i have seen in the flesh. Shows you the importance of museums. I think this one is highly underrated and a bit of a hidden gem.You rarely see it mentionned or showed in Rembrandt books but i think this is a Mona Lisa/ Girl With Pearl Earrings level of a woman portrait.
  13. Frank Auerbach, Head of Catherine Lampert, 1986 Landscape ca. 1807–1810 Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes)
  14. Props to the researchers who made this HQ vaccine possible.This is some bad ass vaccines we got here.I remember early in the pandemic when people were speculating that it could take years and years for a vaccine.But they pull it off and with high grades.
  15. Syro u473t8+e is one of his best. Funnily enough it was my least favorite on the album when it came out. Found it weird and awkward. Now its in my top 10. Never understimate the weird trx.
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