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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. https://the3dforge.com/products/captain-jean-luc-picard-face-palm-meme-bust
  2. Hong Kong cinema is now dead. They killed it. UGH. https://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2021/sep/21/iron-curtain-falls-on-hong-kong-cinema-as-censors-demand-cuts-2361838.html ''HONG KONG: Once renowned for world-class cinema, Hong Kong's film industry was already struggling before the latest hurdle -- Chinese mainland-style censorship as authorities take their purge of dissent into the cultural sphere.''
  3. Superb spacey experimental techno from Zachary Lubin Out on Jeff Mills imprint AXIS records. I absolutely LOVE the first intro beatless track especially. https://www.axisrecords.com/product/zachary-lubin-abeona-adiona/
  4. Electro Course in physics!!! pretty cool! https://dopplereffekt.bandcamp.com/track/entropy also some other solo tracks recently added https://dopplereffekt.bandcamp.com/track/drake-equation https://dopplereffekt.bandcamp.com/track/hadron
  5. https://rekids.bandcamp.com/track/a-system-of-mirrors
  6. Yeah fair enough haha expensive shit. Im gonna get it eventually for one precise task: transforming Spitfire sample banks instrument into banks usable in samplers that support microtonal. Microtonal Orchestraaaaa
  7. listening to this right now and damn
  8. might be of interest for some https://samplerobot.com/
  9. Superb set of Beethoven symphonies by Jarvi very lively the 5th is especially good
  10. Daaaaaamn this is interesting but also will fuck with your mind hahahaha
  11. https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2021/09/20/675000-american-deaths-coronavirus-now-deadlier-than-the-spanish-flu/?sh=75c6088c720a ''The U.S. reported 675,444 total confirmed coronavirus on Monday according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University, surpassing the number of Americans believed to have died during the Flu of 1918 and making the coronavirus the most deadly pandemic in American history. ''
  12. Fanaticism is a hell of a drug. Not even once kids.
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