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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. Saw recently the number of teachers out there that have second jobs. America sucks. Getting rid of the orange weirdo ain't gonna change shit.
  2. worse... probably Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elmstreet. Absolute shit. The original nightmare is doable...bout' it. Halloween, the first 2 are fine. That basically secures it being better than those other two. Season of the witch is it's own animal. I think here is where we part ways friend. Elm Street is amazing and Friday the 13th is exploitative rubbish but at least you get the nudity and the gore. Have you seen Dream Warriors?
  3. Looks like the new Halloween film stays true to the series in that it's pretty shit. Is there a worse horror franchise?
  4. Nocturnal Animals - aka The Screenwriter is Bitter About an Ex-Girlfriend: The Movie. He literally stood her up at the end.
  5. Who do you hold a torch for? From the old days I mean. Gregory Peck?
  6. You can vote for Trump with the excuse that the apparent adult in the room will curb his extremities. It's bollocks but it'll probably work.
  7. They are still the fucking goons going down with their captain though.
  8. I don't get why twitter is angry about Ivanka texting but gushing over Bush dishing out sweets.
  9. The Killing of a Sacred Deer - Colin Farrell's deepest secret he tells to his son could have been a post on watmm.
  10. RIP Lindsay Kemp. Was in The Wicker Man, taught Kate Bush and shagged Bowie. Fantastic.
  11. I would just like someone to ask him what IQ is an acronym for next time he boasts about it.
  12. It's like they've tried their hardest to stop the brain from doing any work so have found the most simple code to live and die by.
  13. Yep, I don't think any game has been better for multiplayer death match than the Battlefield series for yonks.
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