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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. Someone needs to post in 2009 delet style. With the mad spelling and without the racism.
  2. The Ritual - the lack of black metallers made for a forgettable ending but the monster looked pretty grand. I enjoyed Rafe Spall taking loads of fags on a hiking trip.
  3. tec

    Now Reading

    Kubrick was right to lose the final chapter though. Page break! This was referring to Clockwork Orange.
  4. eugene and phling are the worst. They make me wish for abusive george.
  5. Finally can read this thread, i had to wait for the film to come out on blu-ray and after reading about hello spiral's experience in the cinema I am glad I did. Anyway, the thread is as hilariously autistic as I hoped and those that copy and pasted entire articles should be banned. I really liked this, my favourite moment was when he leaves the city with his hologram bird and they look out the sunroof of the vehicle and there is a big structure emerging from the smog which could be either a ship or a building. Awesome world-building.
  6. Bah, i thought they would bottle the second half but hoped they wouldn't.
  7. It moved me more than 'The Shape of Water', but it also made 'Life' look really good.
  8. I wanted to watch a film with his brother in the class, slowly becoming comfortable with other people and making friends.
  9. Battlefront 2 is a constant reminder of the dirge that is the prequels. I'm not sure I'll stick with it much longer.
  10. Speaking of Netflix... they're releasing Charlie Kaufman's next film. And in early February they're releasing a new horror movie that actually looks pretty decent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfugwq2uoa0 The book takes quite a turn midway through, I'm very intrigued to see how close they stick to the source.
  11. The Fall aren't The Rolling Stones. Some people may have posted older tracks but do a bit of research otherwise you sound like a tit.
  12. You don't know what you are talking about.
  13. MES is a tough one. Who's left? No-one can touch him.
  14. Anyone else playing Battlefront 2? I'm not sure if I'm remembering it wrong but I feel the graphics are worse than the first one.
  15. I bloody love Dying Light, maybe one of my top five favourites. What didn't you like?
  16. I started a new job last week and I am finding it very confusing. But then if this guy can be president for over a year surely I can manage. So inspired.
  17. lol I'm trying to feel neutral here, I will forgive someone for almost anything that they do whilst they're young but some of these reactions are jokes. I checked out his music when I heard of his passing and would be genuinely intrigued to see which of his lyrics have been helpful or inspiring. From the handful of tracks I listened to it didn't go deeper than taking pills, getting money and trying it with birds.
  18. This must be what it feels like to become senile but I can't remember bb-8 in the film at all.
  19. The Witch - still great. Can't wait to see what this guy does with Nosferatu.
  20. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but I felt he was sympathetic to Tommy. He had his moments on set but when Sestero hints towards his past and how Tommy has tried to reinvent himself in America I thought it was in a positive light. I've not read the book in about 4 years.
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