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decibal cooper

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Everything posted by decibal cooper

  1. Samsies but on lysergic - At daybreak I looked out window and saw a cloud formation that looked like skull and crossbones - happened over a decade ago and I still remember clear as day
  2. Clay-colored sparrow
  3. damn even that right wing schemer Nixon was able to speak openly about these issues:
  4. Where is Chris Morris when we need him? The satire potential here and for so many online trends is incredibly ripe imo
  5. Grasshopper sparrow
  6. https://www.complex.com/style/a/alex-ocho/pee-stained-designer-jeans-sell-out
  7. Nice. I enjoyed his album Plant Age a lot as well, also from 2018.
  8. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/11/18/twin-peaks-fan-gorbachev-asked-bush-who-killed-laura-palmer-a41488
  9. I heard they are gonna rein in Israel finally, good news for Michigan, prominent dems did a pinky swear with Bibi
  10. His style is pretty easy to parody and very funny when done well. Know I already commented on Curtis before, but I definitely recommend starting out with Hypernormalisation. There are certain things that you will get there that you are not likely to get anywhere else in documentary form, like his narrative about how suicide bombings became a preferred form of attack in certain Muslim countries in response to American interventions in the region. His coverage of Muammar Gaddafi has a similar thing going on. The post WWII history of Libya and Gaddafi himself are never really discussed in honest terms in the West because the US helped the rebels track down and murder him, and the ways that Western countries used him to promote their own foreign policy goals in the 80s, 90s, and 00s is fascinating. After the British and Americans air bombed his home in the 80s, Gaddafi called Margaret Thatcher a harlot lol
  11. Still gassing hard for a tele, been watching some demos today. This one melted my face off:
  12. I always look forward to Patricia's releases, especially Several Shades of the Same Color from 2017:
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