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Everything posted by sneaksta303

  1. Sadly I am on family vacation at the moment so can't smoke a thing right now... do you guys think I should wait to listen until I get back on the 29th? I feel like the experience would be worth it. no just listen, it will fuck you up enough as is
  2. Not at that point yet but my god I have to turn it off because it's just fucking with me too goddamn bad. But I can't. I'm hoping this gets better. I made the discovery immediately after smoking a bowl of some beautiful and I'm just reeling.
  3. OK, my heart is racing. This is seriously having physical implications on me. I'm started to get a bit scared and I'm not even joking.
  4. 3 NOTES CON WTF OMG *revelations swooning madness ensuing* OMFG OMFG.
  5. this just may have obliterated my christmas depression.
  6. indeed, among other things.
  7. look, I'm terribly sorry, but the thought of using that gear has me a bit excited. My blood vessels are (hopefully) going to be WAY to constricted for anything to happen.
  8. ok you just made me involuntarily stain up my pajamas.
  9. new years eve is going to be the sickness mate. can't fucking wait!
  10. You seem to have humbled yourself a bit. Good deal. Take care man.

  11. Done & Done looks like he's been using them to skin up to me of course I was! silly colonials...
  12. If I come home for Christmas can I stay with you?
  13. BCM be wasting the fags. Wtf.
  14. ah ok, nvm then. I just never was attracted to a screen-less mp3 player.
  15. yeah but how can you pick what you want to hear without a screen?
  16. really? seems about as useless as a shuffle, but whatever....
  17. Dave Chappelle said it best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teq8-3Xitxc
  18. I still can't believe how much Americans pay for weed. Fucking crazy! I thought you guys were on par with us, then I talked to a couple of my friends who live in Portland and holy shit. oh no man, it was expensive. I've never paid more than 100$ for a 1/4, and it's extremely good, and usually an identifiable strain. I don't know why she got taxed so much, but it's not my business. Usually I smoke 30$ for a 1/4 shwag, so I wasn't bitching when she brought this by. I just emptied the roach into a bowl and got ripped again after 1 hit. FIRE.
  19. We'll see but I doubt it. Depends on how desperate I get.
  20. well yeah, but she's a bit too mental for me these days. Me breaking up with her was good though, because it took her down a few notches. No one had ever broken up with her before, and me not getting back with her, despite the opportunities that would present themselves (her coming into a bit of $$$), made her take a look at herself. Hooray for self-growth. She's still mental though, so I'm content just chillin and smokin every now and again.
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