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Everything posted by fumi

  1. It's the soundtrack. Check out the track 'Sea Wall' - it's a really jarring, awful sound. Zimmer's trademark really.
  2. Haven't seen the film yet but the soundtrack is just bland and boring, Zimmer tooling away on the CS80 or pounding you into submission with his super-heavy approach. It's nothing like Vangelis at all. It's so far below what he achieved, it's not even funny. There are no real identifiable melodies - in fact the only real melody on here is the Vangelis track towards the end. Seriously, go back and listen to the original again, it's chock full of ideas - even on the very small, almost incidental pieces. I'm still hopeful I will enjoy the film but the soundtrack is a fucking travesty. Even without the BR baggage, this would be a very weak effort indeed.
  3. Well, I only picked that review from the many out there because it has a more balanced appraisal than all the over-the-top reviews I've read elsewhere. I think the movie will be excel at some things and also be a disappointment in others. by the way, there are reviews out there that basically say the film is at least an hour too long and offers visual spectacle only to prop up a thin script. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/452208/blade-runner-2049-review-dark-vision-weak-storytelling
  4. Vox Media Review (No Spoilers) If you are already inclined to see Blade Runner 2049, then go for it. Rest assured: It’s not a disaster. It’s the sort of original and stylish film that — if Hollywood is going to insist on resurrecting everything — is actually worth the film it’s printed on. And it’s worth seeing on a big screen, because if there’s one thing Scott’s successor Denis Villeneuve knows how to do, it’s make a compelling image. In this film he works with his frequent collaborator, the great cinematographer Roger Deakins, whose comically accomplished oeuvre and work in this film almost certainly guarantees him an Oscar nomination, if not the still-elusive Oscar itself. Blade Runner 2049 does its due diligence as a sequel, wrapping up some threads from the original film that may (or may not) satisfy some fans still puzzling over Blade Runner’s biggest open question. But it’s not mere fan service; the film tries very hard to sustain interest with new characters and developments that draw on the past without being handcuffed to it, throughout its sometimes ponderous 163-minute runtime. But far too often that attempt to be interesting fails. Its score (from Benjamin Wallfisch and the ever-present Hans Zimmer, detectable because your chair shakes when the music plays) lacks the pristine transcendence of the original Vangelis score. The Blade Runner 2049 screenplay (co-written by Logan screenwriter Michael Green and a returning Fancher) doesn’t have the thematic or even structural clarity of its predecessor. Too many of its scenes seem invented as vehicles for cool images, without the latter also informing the former. Much of cinema’s greatest sci-fi leans heavily on visuals for its storytelling, of course — Tarkovsky’s Stalker, Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner itself. But all the senses need to work in tandem, and in Blade Runner 2049 they fall out of sync. And it’s the thematic material that suffers.
  5. I posted up the soundtrack release details. https://forum.watmm.com/topic/94034-hans-zimmer-benjamin-wallfisch-blade-runner-2049/?p=2581168
  6. It's even on the front page of the Guardian tomorrow. Either this is a good film or after a very poor year for Hollywood (sales-wise), studios are paying for this to be a hit. Mmm. I'm highly suspicious of someone gushing over a film so completely. Lots of these early reviews are just press/PR paid for by film studios. In addition, this reviewer is usually quite balanced in his opinion so why he has gone so overboard with this is mystifying. nah peter bradshaw is a good critic he hits the nail on the head a lot of the time. there used to be a weekly show called the guardian film show which sadly stopped but he was great on that he also quite readily tears films apart also I'm waiting for mark Kermode to weigh in. I'm sure he's already seen it. If it gets the thumbs-up from him then I'll probably go see it.
  7. I really don't know what to believe with all these gushing reviews. Time after time, I've seen this happen only for a week or so to pass, things calm down a bit and folks are like, "Yeah, it's good. But...."
  8. Have we reached peak Hans Zimmer? https://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2017/sep/18/hans-zimmer-blade-runner-2049-film-composer
  9. Empire Magazine. 5 Stars too. They don't think much of Jared Leto though. http://www.empireonline.com/movies/blade-runner-2049/review/
  10. Wired Magazine also seem to have got caught up in the heat of the moment. I wonder what normal folk will make of it? People who actually pay to see it. https://www.wired.com/story/blade-runner-2049-review
  11. Peter Bradshaw, Guardian Newspaper Review (5 Stars) Mmm. I'm highly suspicious of someone gushing over a film so completely. Lots of these early reviews are just press/PR paid for by film studios. In addition, this reviewer is usually quite balanced in his opinion so why he has gone so overboard with this is mystifying.
  12. Happy Birthday, Trish. https://nosdam.bandcamp.com/track/t-r-i-s-h
  13. I just watched 'A Ghost Story'. Hands-down the best film I've seen all year.
  14. Lol. What? That guy has one style. His stuff carries about as much emotion as an electric toaster. Granted, Com's style hasn't evolved, but as far as the aesthetic , I think his music would fit Blade Runner pretty well. Plus, artists sometimes take a different approach to OSTs than they do their own compositions. That's true. Maybe Zimmer will step out of his comfort zone. I hope we don't just get those huge, pounding strings and horns everywhere.
  15. I would have given a rough cut the artists listed below. They would each score the film. Then the director etc would choose the best piece that worked with each scene. Alva Noto OPN Claude Speeed Huerco S. Pye Corner Audio Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Leyland Kirby Phil Struck Nadia Struiwigh
  16. The thing that should have happened is for the producers to give a rough cut of the film to twenty different artists Lol. What? That guy has one style. His stuff carries about as much emotion as an electric toaster.
  17. Deckard's apartment nightside ambience https://soundcloud.com/paper-dollhouse/blade-runner-elevator-scene
  18. Supposedly iOS 11 can play Flac files (lol, finally) from within the files app. I cannot get the to work at all.
  19. Probably one of the following. He is too old and felt he couldn't take it on. He knows that any attempt to write music for a foolish sequel would be pointless. He'd rather be remembered for the first film I don't believe he's ever done a sequel to anything. He's happy to sit back and let lesser-talented people fuck it up.
  20. Didn't realise how close this is. The movie opens in just fifteen days. There isn't even a placeholder for the OST on Amazon. WTF!
  21. Indeed. Interstellar is maybe his best score. But it's a totally rip off of Koyaanisqatsi.
  22. Actually, when you look around, there are so many good composers out there who could (and probably should) have been given the assignment. But it's all about who you know. Lol. I bet Ridley Scott hasn't even heard of most of the artists that get discussed here and other places. All he knows is people in the business. Just a handful of 'go-to' guys. Zimmer's been in the business for decades, scoring dozens of films - despite that fact that (for me) he has probably only written two good scores. I think he is the most overrated composer in the film business.
  23. There is something really off about this. I mean, it's like weeks away. You can't even pre-order the soundtrack anywhere.
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