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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Kevin James. Sorry, I don't have anything.
  2. I've more or less planned to quit my job and focus on my sound design and music making business instead. But my boss wants to ship me off to London for a couple of days for some business related stuff, so I'm probably gonna wait a couple of weeks before quitting.
  3. I thought it was only included with the new COD SUPER DELUXE EDITION? You can't buy it separately, can you? No, you can't buy it separately until Activision feels they've milked the new COD and then will graciously offer COD 4 Remastered to the filthy unwashed masses who couldn't pony up the dosh for modern COD (MODCOD)? LOL https://www.change.org/p/infinity-ward-call-of-duty-4-modern-warfare-remastered-sold-separately Pfffffftt... hahaha! "We're angry nerds and we want everything we point our fingers at! WAH!"
  4. I know, right? But no, really... let's turn this ship around. So Trump, huh?
  5. Hahahaha! What the fuck is going on in here? You need a timeout, man. Alright, let's see if we can get this thread back on track. We have 14 days before Jev/WNS000 comes back.
  6. I thought it was only included with the new COD SUPER DELUXE EDITION? You can't buy it separately, can you?
  7. They added a teaser to the trailer. Also, I'm getting really sick and tired of Jennifer Lawrence.
  8. My words exactly. I visited NYC for the third time a couple of weeks ago. I stayed in Brooklyn (again) around Fort Greene Park. I liked it there. I ate so much crap and had so much coffee.
  9. I noticed that as well and I told my girlfriend, "that's just like in that terrible film Non-Stop with Liam Neeson!". A couple of minutes later the movie was already boring the shit out of me so I decided to look up the director's previous movies and lo and behold... turns out he directed Non-Stop. Also, Blake Lively's skin color in this film was very close to Trump's. lol
  10. What about her? She wasn't terrible but the acting was so stilted. Sure, she's a pretty lady but it's gonna take more than a small bikini to and laughable cgi to make this movie worth watching. Oh, and she befriends a seagull and is a medical student so she can fix herself up.
  11. Watching The Shallows right now. This has got to be one of the ugliest movies I've ever watched.
  12. Yes! Finally someone agrees with me! I've yet to meet the person who disagrees. No one likes Fallon. At least, not anyone you meet in real life. Obviously he has his own show... so someone likes him. But I've never met that someone. Fallon is the ultimate tofu celebrity. No offense to tofu....
  13. nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. nah nah nah, nah nah nah, nah. katamari damacyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  14. Don't worry, nothing will be spoiled at all and no answers will be given. I solved a bunch of other puzzles in the meantime (the labyrinth ones) and now I'm back to staring at the one I mentioned. Still nothing.
  15. I know. And I don't want the solution to the puzzle. I just need a vague hint. But not right now... I'll give it another shot tonight and see what happens.
  16. you'd have to be way more specific, post a screenshot maybe but yeah some puzzles require thinking outside of the box a tad My girlfriend and I were staring at this puzzle and the surrounding environment for 2 hours last night. My girlfriend fell asleep, I got angry, and then I went on to another puzzle, but I fucking HATE leaving things behind. If I start something I NEED to finish it. Also, I was having a bad fucking day and today isn't much better... So, it's obvious that the shadow from the tree plays a big role in this puzzle and I've tried drawing the rest of the branch on a piece of paper and then adapt that to the puzzle, but it doesn't work
  17. The Witness is already doing my head in. What the fuck is up with that red puzzle on top of that building that comes right after the puzzle that is a 3-in-1 puzzle?! Does it have something to do with the tree?
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