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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Yeah, I think I’ve found it on sale. If I buy Elements I can buy a cross upgrade and save around 60%.
  2. Squee

    AI Art

    It was Mid-Journey. I think I wrote “Twin Peaks concept art by David Lynch” and that was it.
  3. Hatching Ehm… I like body horror, but this didn’t do it for me. Not at all.
  4. This channel made my night. Thank you!
  5. Ok, I've now watched 4 other Cart Narc videos and they're amazing. Also, how fucking big is this car?!?!?! HAHAHAHA!!!
  6. LOL! Here you throw in a coin in order to get your cart and you don't get your money back until you put it back where it belongs. Stupid Americans.
  7. Hahaha! Well, could be. Or perhaps the gaming industry is just being weird as always.
  8. Squee

    AI Art

    Sound of Silence_02.wav Sound of Silence_01.wav I uploaded the Sound of Silence and had an AI finish it
  9. Started watching the original "The Vanishing" from 1988. The characters and music were so horrible that we had to stop it. Then we put on the new Resident Evil series on Netflix. Watched 15 minutes of it and then stopped it.
  10. Oh shit… if I didn’t know any better I would have thought that was. Pureflix movie. The Ben Hur remake is a bit of a one off as most of the movies on the list are from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. It was just a movie I mentioned and nobody believed me when I said it existed - so naturally, I added it to the list.
  11. Squee

    AI Art

    Star Wars concept art in the style of Picasso
  12. Squee

    AI Art

    Make sure to post what you searched for. That's part of the fun. Also, there s a thread already. I'll go ahead and merge them.
  13. : ( By the way, adding riccotta to a margherita is
  14. My friends and I have made a Google Doc spreadsheet full of movies that we've never seen but always saw on the shelves at the video rental place when we were kids or movies that everyone has forgotten (such as the Ben Hur remake from 2010) We use Picker Wheel to decide which movie to watch. It's always an amazing experience. I can't wait for the wheel to land on Cool World.
  15. Looks thiccer than it was. Just a lot of goody air in that crust
  16. I’m no longer using a rolling pin. Level up!
  17. Yeah, sound design and music. I can't talk about it because "business". Was told about it two weeks before launch.
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