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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Potential kids. That was step one... now on to step two...
  2. Memories is great! The second one is the one with the guy who picks up the wrong chemical, right?
  3. Don’t read the comments and use something like Tweetdeck to see tweets in chronological order and also to NOT see what people like, ads, or what’s trending.
  4. I noticed that today and was like, “I’m just gonna pull down the curtain” and so I did. It’s just an absorbent I placed in the window. The Mac Studio is a fucking beast! I can export an 11 minute episode of a cartoon show ( around 300-400 tracks) in 2 minutes. None of the tracks are frozen or anything.
  5. It's a mess right now
  6. Squee

    British Culture

    God damn, he was an ugly kid.
  7. This new sticker justifies this post EDIT: Oh fuck, my MS20 looks disgusting. I promise you, it's not as dirty as it looks.
  8. Had to put in a spoiler tag. Don't want to reveal anything about this movie
  9. Barbarian - yes!!!/10 @Nebraska you might like it. Don’t read ANYTHING about it.
  10. I'm going to get a Flipper Zero as soon as they come back in stock, so I can store signals from bluetooth speakers and shut off my neighbors' music during the summer. It's a neat little hacker device that can store signals from remotes. People have found out that the signal from the Tesla car keys that open the battery lid is pretty simple and not a rolling code, so people have been running around popping open battery lids left and right. It's amazing.
  11. Oh shit you actually watched it? Hahaha! Nice and thank you very much! : D I may or may not do the voice for a monster in an upcoming episode.
  12. A new show premieres on CBBC in about an hour. I did the sound design for it.
  13. I hate saying stuff like this, but isn't she just... plain? If it wasn't for her being a celebrity nobody would notice her. She's vanilla-Nashville-white-girl.
  14. Ok, I've been meaning to say this for 2 years... Really?! REALLY!?
  15. Thanks! Won’t watch it then. X was amazingly disappointing. The Twitter hype was in full effect.
  16. A lot of bots. Just look at the comment section for the Jurassic Park Dominion trailers.
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