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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Damn. The Twin Peaks curse is real.
  2. The acting, the story, the cgi, the new characters, reusing old characters, the constant urge to include characters you know but “I bet you didn’t know how xxx was like as a kid, huh?” I don’t really care but I was kinda hoping that it would be more of a quiet story about Obi Wan dealing with the loss of his friend and being one of the few Jedi left. But I should know better by now.
  3. You know what... and I'm not joking here. It took me about 20-30 minutes to write "What the fuck are you guys doing?" because after reading what had happened I saw a different article that said that the NRA is banning guns from some upcoming Trump rally or something. After reading that I just stared at my monitor trying to formulate something slightly intelligent but ended up being confused. Anyway... serious question here. What's in it for the government? They insist that people should be allowed to buy and use guns but what do they gain?
  4. So you're telling me they love children in wombs... but hate the ones that walk among them? Trying to wrap my ahead around what these people are like.
  5. Trashy good! It completely undermines the entire franchise and shits all over it! So good.
  6. I had a sore throat throughout all of 2021 and it still comes back every now and then. So it could be other things. Just saying.
  7. Is it a health problem to hate the youth?
  8. Hahah, yes! In general, the acting was piss poor. Willem Dafoe was great as always, but it seemed like everyone had just come out of theater school and did their damnedest to get their emotions across so even the people in the back knew what feelings they were trying to convey. And then the shoulders went up again.
  9. His smile was beyond manic. He went from 0 to 100 in a split second every 5 seconds.
  10. The Northman Started out pretty good and then Madam Tussauds’ Nicole Kidman showed up. 2,5/5
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