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Everything posted by Squee

  1. It's all good. My client is cool and I'm sure we'll figure something out. Just kinda wish I could post the music once it comes out. Oh weeeeell!
  2. Been working on a project for the past 6 months and I’ve just been told that I can’t tell anyone I worked on it when it comes out. Damnit.
  3. Every big empire's reign comes to an end at some point, but the US sure is doing everything it can to fuck things up faster than anyone expected. Nero must be watching all of this from wherever he is in awe. Next time, maybe don't base your country's fundamentals on religion and stupidty. Better luck next time. All the best
  4. THAT scene in particular. What was up with the scale?
  5. Yeah, and it's actually better. I think they're planning on turning Once Upon a Time in Hollywood into a mini-series as well. I'd totally be up for spending 4 hours with Rick and Cliff
  6. Let's see what Youtube thinks of my edits...
  7. So the season has started where idiot parents allow their kids to have parties at home. Ever since all these moronic fucking parents felt bad that their little gems couldn’t go out and drink and act like fucking monkeys during the Covid lockdown they’ve all decided that parties at home is a GREAT idea because fuck your neighbors. I’m not really sure why but it seems like it’s now a thing that everyone now has to respect ruthlessness and bad behavior. Grandpa Nic is coming for you and I will fuck your parties up before the first track reaches its first drop. Anyway, just a chat with a parent who, before I even said anything, said, “I just told them that it’s way too loud. Way too loud. Sorry. Yes, way too loud”.
  8. Holy moly, that sure was a show I watched 6 episodes of where someone needed help and then 6 hours later things everything was back to normal.
  9. Crimes of the Future Couldn't get into this at all. I loved the visuals, but my god it was slow. And listening to Viggo Mortensen clearing his throat for an hour and 40 minutes gets a bit annoying. 5/10 Lea Seydoux though. 11/10
  10. Finally got it! Including a whole bunch of extra stuff he added to the package. Amazing!!
  11. What is people don’t understand about falafel? Don’t serve dry and cold falafel!
  12. lol Now go look up stories about Burt Ward's (Robin) penis and Adam West dressing up as Batman for orgies
  13. Yeah, I think he died 5 days after doing the final lines.
  14. DEH_StopLaughing.mp4 ^This was the first obvious edit I did. DEH_Knife.mp4 ^I stopped the movie and put on the correct version just before this scene came up DEH_Face.mp4 ^I also made shorter edits like this. DEH_Face_02.mp4 ^I was pretty proud of this one.
  15. My friend’s girlfriend is obsessed with musicals and has been begging us to watch Dear Evan Hansen for forever. I absolutely despise musicals and has been a strong opponent to this idea. Then a couple of weeks ago I got a brilliant idea: I decided to redo the sound design for Dear Evan Hansen and re-edit parts of the movie it to make it watchable. I made seamless transitions into scenes from Saving Private Ryan, tracked weird parts of the main character’s face and body, made awkward zooms, added extra instruments that are playing in the wrong key and so on and so on. It took me about 3 nights to redo it and I almost pissed myself while working on it. So last night we all got together and I was like, "Ok, let's fucking watch Dear Evan Hansen" and I put on my version of the film and didn’t tell anyone. After two quick transitions to people getting shot and blown up my friends were like, “What a crazy decision to buy the rights to add scenes from Saving Private Ryan". They actually fucking believed it was part of the film. My friend’s girlfriend was totally sucked into the film and didn’t say a word. I started to panic, because she was really into the movie and a couple of minutes away was a not so subtle scene from Saving Private Ryan. I didn't want to piss her off completely, so I made an excuse about the audio being out of sync and said "let me just restart the film" and then put on the correct version of the film. This was one of the transitions IMG_4039.MOV I’ll post more of them later today. After we were done watching it I asked them if they didn’t think those clips from Saving Private Ryan were weird and then told them what I had done. Everyone except my friend’s girlfriend loved it.
  16. Yup! She puts up with so much of my “memorabilia” bullshit and old toys that is placed in every single room in our house.
  17. Haven’t received it yet but it’s this one
  18. My girlfriend got me an original cel from Ren & Stimpy drawn by John K for my birthday
  19. To be honest though, you’ll be able to create anything you want using Live’s Operator and Wavetable. Learn that and you’re golden.
  20. Oh man, the collabs with Thies/Thys are amazing!
  21. Haven't had much time to play with Vital yet, but I agree with this sentiment. But yeah... this is a broad question, man. I use FabFilter plugins on every single track in my projects no matter if it's sound design or music. But that's probably not what you're looking for.
  22. Got my new Mac Studio and it turns out an EQ I use doesn't work on the new Mac OS so now I have to open a bunch of projects on my old computer, replace the EQ with a different one before I can start using my new computer.
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