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Everything posted by Squee

  1. No way. This is fucking heartbreaking. My deepest condolences to his entire family and all of his friends. RIP Phillip.
  2. How about the Scarlett 18i20? Cheap, pretty good preamps etc etc.
  3. Guess it's more about when you're a kid/young you're force-fed knowledge day in and day out.
  4. Well, I do, but when you're younger everything is new and exciting.
  5. I miss looking forward to something - nowadays you can preorder anything and play/watch/listen to it the day it comes out. I miss having to go out of my way to get this thing. The act of being spontaneous is way less exciting now and requires little to no effort since you simply click "buy" and that's it. I miss being a kid and calling my local video game store every single day or 3 months if they had gotten Worms yet. I miss going through catalogues and seeing that the Star Wars Trilogy has been released on VHS and asking my parents to drive me to the store so I can buy it. I miss being told "dinner's ready!". I miss long school holidays. I miss not having to worry about social media. I miss not having to worry. I miss having stupid problems. I miss having problems only a grown up could fix. I miss not being a grown-up. I miss my old dog. I miss the feeling of discovering new things. I miss not knowing what money means. I miss having zero responsibilites.
  6. "Hey, is the sound design for the RE: Verse trailer done?" "Erh... yeah, sure..." "Cool."
  7. I kinda liked The Void. It was far from perfect or even good, but I liked it.
  8. Watched 30 minutes of Psycho Goreman. Was pretty excited for it after watching the trailer and I actually really liked most things about it - except for the girl. She's so terrible and over the top that she ruined the entire movie for me. Had to turn it off.
  9. I would prefer that to this... Chip butty? What's wrong with you people?
  10. They're gonna make a Willy Wonka prequel with either Tom Holland or Timothée Chalame as the lead. I thought Biden was supposed to save us?
  11. I'm surprised there aren't any huge glass walls around the inaugural platform?
  12. The biggest problem there is her make-up. Makes her look like drawing made by a 10-year-old girl.
  13. Oh don't worry, just like most media outlets have pre-written most celebs' obituaries, WATMM has a "Far-right shenanigans"-thread prepared.
  14. Should this thread be closed once the inauguration is over? Would be kinda nice, wouldn't it?
  15. Ok, that explains this... https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/joe-exotic-trump-pardon-tiger-king-b1789254.html
  16. What does this mean for the people he pardons? Does it mean they can't be prosecuted for whatever?
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