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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I have. Some places they call it Geisha. One of the best coffee shops and roasteries in the world is located in my home town and they've had a bunch of different gesha roasts. It's ridiculously good but it's also, as you said, ridiculously priced. I think I paid around $30 for 100 grams of coffee beans. But I would prefer a good Kenyan bean any day of the week over that.
  2. But does he actually have any chance of winning? I'm all for Bernie, but I'm just wondering if he's too progressive for the average American?
  3. I think that was debunked by Lynch himself. But Mulholland Drive (the tv series) was supposed to be a Twin Peaks spin off starring Audrey going to LA, so who knows...
  4. Yeah, but they're too salty in an uncool way. If only they would use Maldon salt or something like that. Salt that actually tastes good.
  5. We agree on that. You need to be able to bite into a burger without dislocating your jaw. And two grilled cheese sandwiches as buns is just... very American. It needs to be a soft brioche bun.
  6. Give me an egg, give me some pineapple, fuck, throw some chips, or falafel in that borgar. Throw meat, cheese, and ketchup between two buns and it's pure magic. Actually, it's so magical that you can throw pretty much anything else in between those buns and it's still good.
  7. I really don't buy into whole Freudian thing when it comes to Lynch's movies. To me his movies don't require that sort of interpretation - just like real life. Life is confusing but we, individually, make sense of it in ways that don't translate well into an actual explainable explanation. When I tell my girlfriend about a dream I had I can't possibly explain to her how frightened I was. Unless you're a poet, when you talk about a dream, this big grand and horrifying nightmare, becomes smaller. I think that's why I prefer watching his movies when I'm alone because I don't need to talk to anyone about it afterwards. I really don't want to hear anyone's opinion about his movies. But then on the other hand, I'm always intrigued by what people have to say about them ;)
  8. This is so weird. The Mandela effect in full effect. In the book Lynch on Lynch I remember reading that Lynch said that Lost Highway takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks. I just spent 20 minutes going through the chapter on Lost Highway and couldn't find anything apart from this: So I Google it and it turns out that I'm not the only one who remembers reading this. Wtf? I need to look into this.But yeah, I can definitely see Lost Highway being set in the same universe or whatchamacallit as Mulholland Drive. Or as you said, at least they're about the same thing. I've only watched Inland Empire twice so I'm gonna leave that one on the shelf. But the way I see it both Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway are about
  9. Hahahaha! Sounds wonderful! PS. these “kids” are in their 20s.
  10. I overheard a conversation today while I was out in my garden. The girl, my neighbor's daughter, said: "Oh wow, the grass sure looks weird huh?" The guy then replied: "I think it's because of the moss..." To which she replied: "Moss?"
  11. Alright, guys! Here we go! L4F-D5V-XKG I changed a few things. VLJ-FVX-RVF
  12. My neighbor's kids are taking care of their parents' place while they're on vacation. Or actually, I don't know if they are. I think they just crashed there. Quick note - I live in a VERY quiet neighborhood. Yesterday I was recording an audio book but was interrupted by the worst dance music. Who the hell would listen to or MAKE for that matter a dance remix of one of Adele's songs? Anyway, it was loud. So I decided to ask them to turn it down - just a bit. The girl was like, "yes of course, sorry ohmahgawd". That helped. Then four hours later their friends showed up. These fucking bulked up guys with the dumbest and loudest voices ever. Every conversation they had from there on out was them shouting. I think their muscles were covering their mouths so they had to shout in order to be heard. This carried on all night and at 1 AM I flipped out and walked up to their place again to find 5 people crammed into a fucking kiddie pool listening to mumblecore. The girls reacted by covering up their breasts and the guys did their best to flex their muscles. I'm not even sure they could hear me over the hollow echoey sounds inside their skulls, but the party ceased to exist quickly thereafter. I'm not even sure if this was a FWP. It kinda was, but I solved it. Maybe the FWP is that I'm turning into a cranky old man?
  13. Haven't made a tune for myself in over a year. Started working on one yesterday and I think it's got some potential.
  14. Same here. Luckily, I wouldn’t say that that channel actually tries to interpret what’s going on. It’s more like a straight analysis of what goes on. But since it can be pretty hard to follow season 3 it’s actually pretty nice to have someone simply explain what is happening and who “Billy” might be ?
  15. Nah, that's the same kind of "revision" as when the PS4 got a quieter fan. People are just idiots and a spin stories out of thin air. Nintendo didn't even announce this on Twitter. Instead they highlighted their new purple, green, blue, and yellow Joycons. They've simply upgraded to the new Tegra Mariko chip which is capable of longer battery life and a slightly improved performance.
  16. Someone just bought a stock track I did 24 times. I guess it happened on accident. Now I just hope no one notices.
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