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Everything posted by Squee

  1. No matter what he’s still completely inept.
  2. Maybe these "leaks" should be taken with a grain of salt.
  3. The foundation for my annex is almost done. Thank fuck! NEW STUDIO SPACE!
  4. Oh man, I loved it! The stuff that goes down on the island was not the beat but the change of scenery was amazing. God damn, that game is so fucking good!
  5. love the switch. i think what they're doing is great. compare it to vita, where they they were similarly targeting console type experience on a handheld (Sony published vita versions of Uncharted and Killzone, Vita being able to stream games from PS4 and play on handheld) but not even having 1:1 button of a standard PS4 controller (only 1 set of L R shoulder buttons, joysticks didn't click in as L3 and R3). Vita just seemed confused out of the gate, and failing to reach an massive audience never really came as a surprise... which then meant no audience = no one bothered to publish or make games for it. switch out of the gate had a solid launch line up and built an steady player base nice and early (giving publishers reason to want to release games on the system and sell lots of copies). nintendo have also done a lot of great work making the system easy to develop for, and reaching out to a lot of indie developers to get their games on the switch system. i remember reading twitter posts and the like of game developers pretty much confirming that they had been approached by nintendo, instead of the other way around. i also think, the switch being what it is, is perfectly in tune with a lot of gaming audience today, who enjoy playing games while having "content" or something playing on a tv/computer screen in the background. my positive experience with switch may have something to do with also owning a PS4 and a PC. i loved the PS4 at first, but after awhile the asking price of PS+ just felt really shitty + it was also getting to the point of all the games i was interested in were also being released on PC. i tried Horizon Zero Dawn, for example, and thought it was garbage. I tried God of war for example, and i thought it was garbage. Bloodborne was the only exclusive PS4 game i actually cared about and loved. Naughty Dog are good too i guess! But i reckon owning a PC and PS4 has too much overlap and the asking price of needing to pay $80 a year to play PS4 games online, when i can play the same games on PC... online for free.. + better performance.... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Like, i understand building and maintaining a PC is a massive chore and not an easy task for a lot of people (myself included) ... but i dunno. I'm very much at a point where a game having amazing graphics doesn't cut it if the game itself is going to be boring. and the Switch pretty much lines up with my needs perfectly. LOL @ God of War being 'garbage' All those Game of the Year awards seem to disagree with you on that point. I don't think it's garbage but it definitely dragged on and the combat got so boring that I ended up lowering the difficulty to "Easy" just so I could blast through it. Visually it was stunning though and the acting was wonderful as well.
  6. yeah I have the same issue. Love the explanation about how the ancient pyramids are actually a re-charging station for aliens. I also love their use of language in those documentaries. They never explicitly state anything as fact and will instead use a question that suggests something could be a fact (such as the pyramids) and then go off on a thirty minute tangent about their suggestion, where they ask more questions and then answer those questions with more questions. And you end up in like 4 or 5 questions deep where you realize what they are talking about is based on assumptions built on more assumptions. it's great. i think i've seen just about every episode and some of them are just classic.. bigfoot is an interdimensional being who travels on bursts of light, pumapunku.. all those places.. i mean.. those "theorists" are all living in a different reality. it's fascinating. you should watch the stan romanek story. it's fucking hilarious. then the end.. is the big twist and i think i yelled out "OF COURSE!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poUb2mMEdB8 there's also "patient 17" and another one called "unacknowledged" that's pretty good. there's probably 10 or so that are older that are just absurd and unentertaining that i've had on in the background. forgetable. not that many have the pizzazz of the more recent stuff.. Turns out he’s a pedophile.No, really. On August 8, 2017, Romanek was found guilty of felony possession of child pornography.[6] On December 14, 2017, he was sentenced to serve two years in a community corrections facility. He is now a registered sex offender in the level 3 program for severe deniers. He is unable to use computers unmonitored or contact children under 18, without special approval.[7][8] you ruined the surprise. i was trying not to let that out because it makes watching the doc even more incredible when you get to the end and it comes out and he's arrested. i had no idea and i'm watching this doc laughing at all the bullshit then the end comes and of course he's a fucking pedo! it's the capper. so much hokey bullshit in the documentary. the phonecalls and the little aliens peaking in on his house. i's a riot. Oh shit, I didn’t even know they revealed that at the end. I didn’t bother watching all of it. I think I stopped shortly after he greeted the alien in his kitchen.
  7. That there has nothing to do with dementia. He's just an awkward idiot. He reminds me of my old boss - only he showed a bit more empathy.
  8. yeah I have the same issue. Love the explanation about how the ancient pyramids are actually a re-charging station for aliens. I also love their use of language in those documentaries. They never explicitly state anything as fact and will instead use a question that suggests something could be a fact (such as the pyramids) and then go off on a thirty minute tangent about their suggestion, where they ask more questions and then answer those questions with more questions. And you end up in like 4 or 5 questions deep where you realize what they are talking about is based on assumptions built on more assumptions. it's great. i think i've seen just about every episode and some of them are just classic.. bigfoot is an interdimensional being who travels on bursts of light, pumapunku.. all those places.. i mean.. those "theorists" are all living in a different reality. it's fascinating. you should watch the stan romanek story. it's fucking hilarious. then the end.. is the big twist and i think i yelled out "OF COURSE!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poUb2mMEdB8 there's also "patient 17" and another one called "unacknowledged" that's pretty good. there's probably 10 or so that are older that are just absurd and unentertaining that i've had on in the background. forgetable. not that many have the pizzazz of the more recent stuff.. Turns out he’s a pedophile. No, really. On August 8, 2017, Romanek was found guilty of felony possession of child pornography.[6] On December 14, 2017, he was sentenced to serve two years in a community corrections facility. He is now a registered sex offender in the level 3 program for severe deniers. He is unable to use computers unmonitored or contact children under 18, without special approval.[7][8]
  9. "UP TO 4k/60fps" so they aren't really promising anything except for the ability to reach 4k/60fps. But yeah, I don't like this. I don't like this at all. I wanna know what this means for developers and I wanna know how developers make money off of this. If a developer gets x amount of cents for every minute played then that makes some sense for big companies. But what does this mean for indie developers? I'm trying to be positive about it, but I don't like this. Shit; that's true - unless Google buys the rights to the game for a fee, and then provides royalties thereafter based on plays... that would be fair, right? True, but this could make a big impact on the launch sales - and again, unless you're releasing the new CoD or GTA of course. Indie games need a fairly good launch and that's where the word of mouth comes into action and once that has cooled off you're relying on sales on Steam, Humble Bundle sales, and so on. This screenshot says it all... Anyway, I'm just paranoid about the indie scene because this wasn't mentioned at all at Google's presentation. Hopefully, Microsoft and Sony will have something to say about this at this year's E3. Also, does this aggressive push mean that MS and Sony will start talking about their new consoles/platforms earlier than expected?
  10. "UP TO 4k/60fps" so they aren't really promising anything except for the ability to reach 4k/60fps. But yeah, I don't like this. I don't like this at all. I wanna know what this means for developers and I wanna know how developers make money off of this. If a developer gets x amount of cents for every minute played then that makes some sense for big companies. But what does this mean for indie developers? I'm trying to be positive about it, but I don't like this.
  11. Luckily, hasn't 14 states(??) made it so you can't loose a state if you win the popular vote? I was told that by someone and that sounds like good news
  12. Every American who watches Captain Marvel should watch Border/Gräns immediately after. Now that’s a fucking movie.
  13. I watched most of the recent (2nd) Rogan podcast with Alex Jones, mostly for lulz but he had some good points. Let me stop you right there.
  14. lol I haven't thought of her in like... 25 years.
  15. Kill me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc2YFMUXo1s Hahahah! The best part is the half assed job on inserting the the clip onto the tv
  16. Wtf?! 2019 is fucking savage!
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