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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Watching Free Solo. I’m having such a hard fucking time looking. I feel like throwing up.
  2. I was thinking the exact same thing. One still wonders if he is actually meaning these things or if he thinks that it makes him sound pragmatic and smart among a certain demographic of total retards. He sounds like my former boss who would just barge in a say shit simply to say shit without knowing what was right or wrong. But he said things in a way that made people believe in him.
  3. That’s the least precise tutorial I’ve ever watched. Thank you.
  4. On a Hilltop Sat the Moon is amazing. Give me 50 minutes of that and I'm happy.
  5. Look at this way. We now know that the US can go three years without a president.
  6. LOVED that movie. But I would almost go as far as to say that your plot summary spoils a bit too much...
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1p9lVmOnzo
  8. LOL! It was the most nerve-wracking day ever. I had spent the last 4 weekends chopping down trees, destroying an old shed, digging 3 feet deep holes with a gas powered earth auger, measuring, using a spirit level about 900 times to make sure everything was in order, putting down 88 pound base poles into the holes, filling them up with concrete, measure some more, and the finally put the wooden foundation in place. My whole body is aching. Alright, so the studio arrived on a truck. It was supposed to take 1 hour for the delivery guy to put it onto the foundation I had built. His first try didn't work because the mechanical arm on the truck wasn't long enough. He then put on another one. This time the arm was long enough, but apparently the studio weighs way more than I had been told. I had been told 2 tons. He said it was more like 4 tons. So he stopped when his truck started tipping over. Fair enough. So he gave up and I stood there not knowing what the fuck to do. So I called the delivery company and lo and behold he knew someone 40 minutes away who could help out. So an hour later the biggest fucking Terminator 3 mobile crane arrived at the scene, picked up the studio and put in place - all within 40 minutes or so. The parking spot the mobile crane was parked on is completely fucking destroyed now, hahahaha. The concrete is complete mush. But hey, the studio is in place. All I need now is to drag some power cables from my house and to the studio so I can heat it up and set up all my equipment.
  9. I feel bad just posting this because it's comic book related, but... it looks pretty interesting if you ask me. Also, I'm a huge sucker for Joaquin Phoenix.
  10. The thing about FPGAs/Mister is that instead of a computer program emulating the hardware (like you would with Snes9x or Dolphin or whatever else) it is actual hardware emulating the desired hardware. So if you compare Retropie games with games running on a Mister you'll notice that the Mister produces a LOT sharper images and the sound is also way more crisp - just like you remember it from the 80s/90s. Also, people are using FPGAs to emulate old synths now. It's pretty amazing actually.
  11. Everything will be covered by my home insurance.
  12. Friends who don't pick up their phone when they know you're calling because you're in need of their help.
  13. Don't worry about that. Just interact with them whenever you get back to camp.
  14. People on Soundcloud commenting, "Oh man, I wish I could buy/download your track" and then you PM them and go, "Hey, I'm in a good mood so feel free to download the track from this link!" and then your hear nothing back from them. You're welcome, assholes.
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