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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. the transition into stpl idle is quite something yo. NTS2 for lyfe.
  2. The 2016 remaster is the one I am talking about- it's still harsh as fuck but a little more rounded http://www.invisibleoranges.com/of-wolf-and-the-past-ulver-reflects-on-20-years-of-nattens-madrigal/ There's some good insight about that all in that interview... TLDR they don't give a fuck Nice read! Also wow, totally missed that remaster... Not sure what to think about it. It certainly is interesting to hear more detail in the bass department but at the cost of everything seeming somewhat muffled. "More rounded" seems an apt description, but that also means taking away some of the "edge", iykwim. Anyway maybe you should try that one out, Ivan. ;)
  3. And most importantly Person Bad = Everything and everyone that person ever did / created / worked with / had a relationship to / touched / took a shit into is tainted and ruined beyond salvation. Srsly tho if you only wanna consume shit by perfectly decent individuals you might just give up culture entirely. Artists are people, people are assholes.
  4. aw. he was adorable as vendex mascot: not quite as charming in the ring tho... rip.
  5. ya, digitally supporting the procreation of such individuals is clearly cheating natural selection. D:
  6. The latest reissues on vinyl sound pretty good if you are into that kind of thing. Ulver are true originals. Legendary maybe. They stick to their conviction and don't put up with "scene" crap. I respect that a lot. Yo i got the 2009 vinyl. The artwork is quite blurry, like they just scaled the CD version up in Photoshop. Agreed on the originality remark, also where to even go from this album in terms of trveness n kvlt... The latest reissues on vinyl sound pretty good if you are into that kind of thing. Is there still a thousand decibels of ultra sonic noise slathered all over it? I mean, I like noise music but holy shit! It's like they found the most painful frequency they could and just cranked it as high as it would go, music be damned. An original mix choice, granted. I've liked other things I've heard from them tho. The sound is perfect imo.
  7. Thanks alot!! Hmm... this sounds decidedly more like 92 than the "Crazy" remix, makes you wonder if the latter was indeed more remixed in the years up to its release.
  8. Wowzers, the more u know! ... Someone mind sharing that Closer track? :3
  9. Isn't the D-Breeze track from Mask 500 (1999)? I thought it was canon that the Buck Tick remix was their first. Oh wait... it says "Closer" lel... But is that actually a thing?
  10. Yeah, one's inclined to believe that the general idea of abstraction might be more attractive to above-average IQ representatives of spectrums on each side, since you're challenged to fill in more blanks in terms of perception (what's it supposed to represent) as well as intellectually (what's it supposed to mean / thematical context). Sure, far too plump for a general assumption, anyway i wouldn't be suprised if the correlation (if there actually is one) stems from somewhere that direction. Dunno. Which also still begets the scaling question. Maybe on the right side the IQ bell curve is more extreme? Apparently that's the case for males in general, which would fit the demographic. Then again most right wingers seem to like to think of themselves as rational / factual and leftists as more sentimental. Like honestly Michael Moore's style of presentation is cheesy af, too.
  11. (then again the right had futurism... i guess my point applies to good taste, too, after all)
  12. Well on the other extreme you got social realism n shizzle: ... bad taste tanscends isms! (no right wing el lissitzky to be found tho...)
  13. where has this been all my life. that channel is fucking hilarous.
  14. track was a single hollis "comeback" in 2012, apparently. ... i rly wanted to give those later talk talk records and the s/t a spin (in quite a while) as a bb ritual, but i sadly couldn't for long. apart from the music being rather on the melancholic side (to me at least) by itself it's taking me back to places i just can't stand to be going rn... well, life's what i made it, i guess. :I maybe tomorrow...
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