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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. Yup. Will never forget the first descent into the reactor core. No laundry could have saved those pants. Never understood the criticisms about backtracking. 10/10. (Only meh would be DLC. Dunno, the whole thing doesn't really work in the "jump in and quickly do some objectives" kinda way to me, also not real incentives besides leaderboards.)
  2. jaderpansen


    Like i said the respective live sets are similarly percussive but sound alot better to me. Whatevs. Glad ppl can dig it. Can agree on clean and detailed. Punchy not so much. Would love to hear Iera (my fav+ off Ted) with the fat-assnes of, say, spTh. Quite confident i could take it. :3
  3. jaderpansen


    The key features that qualify Ted for most proggy are scope and multitude of shifts within tracks, quite narrative in that regard. Confield might be able to keep up in general complexity, but tracks are more monolithic. imo.
  4. KXH went up to 333 today!
  5. jaderpansen


    lol! yeah, it's deffo their proggiest, with quaristice being the punkish answer to it.
  6. jaderpansen


    Yeah. Ted is absolutely awe-inspiring in terms of percussion sequencing and composition, no doubt, probably even their opus magnum in that regard. But i just can't get over the puny sound and buried pads. I really don't quite get how and why they mixed it so thin. It's obviosuly not the Elektrons, even the Glasgow / Hemsby bootlegs sound jucier / more lively to me. Don't get me wrong. It's still 100% post human excellence. Still it's the only ae release ever that sounds actually better reminiscing in my head than when i put it on.
  7. word. it's quite literally stunning. endless repeat over here. the grooves, the way everything blends together, the subtle harmonic transitions, the overall sound design (especially how elements work off each other). its all just so ridiculously tasteful, kicking and good. and it's only 50%. deepest gratitude to everyone involved making this a thing. what a year. never stop ae. just dun.
  8. uh yiss, all nice n pumpy now! thanks again, you wonderful internet person!!
  9. I’m sorry I’m out of the loop and behind on this. Is there a download link for the all the audio files so far? https://wetransfer.com/downloads/de58969b997b8a6849ca7e0841e7913520181115182645/d4ece4 https://mega.nz/#F!sZZkGQ7L!NLnxzo8uuoPzdjJjgU2pKQ the former is audio only. i think there's a video-link for those as well somewhere.
  10. yeah all i can say mega kudos to IOS. well worth the effort, blasting shit non-stop!
  11. Yeah on second thought the images controlling the audio to a certain degree makes alot more sense from a working process perspective. "Yo, so we got this organ noise generator thingy, let's feed it with data from our old VHS collection for a while." seems more likely than "Yo, we just did 444 random organ noise jams, let's check how they all look in this jitter patch of ours." But my point stills stands it only seems to control it in a rather crude / macro manner (or the audio has a rather tight set of parameters), since different images seem to lead to similar results, while other times audio goes wildly out of the ordinary while images remain somewhat stagnant. Dunno, did you check out 247 from above? Another good example in my book. Anyway the "smearing" seems to be happening as an effect just on top of it all.
  12. 2/3 DA finished recording new record: https://www.facebook.com/nooneknowswhatthedeadthink/ if they manage to drop this in 18 also this'll deffo be the best year in music since... dun even no.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDQe_FkZClA&t=0s&index=261&list=PL5ow3ZyXAhopA4NUdSIuAfTCvWTemihut 0:15
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ixjqKB31t8&index=248&t=0s&list=PL5ow3ZyXAhopA4NUdSIuAfTCvWTemihut the first few seconds of this one just rocked my boat quite majorly. also another example being quite lively and irregular in parts without apparent visual correspondence. 3 days of listening to hardly anything else. death, pierce me.
  15. don't see a reason why a single person would have to own all the gear. with some coordination different donors could provide MPC / NMG stuffs seperately for someone to mix it all together. iffy fo sho, but not impossiburu!
  16. If the original video soundtrack is involved then that could explain the latter, but could you point to an example or two where it happens? I haven't really seen it, but wasn't looking for it either. like 3 - 0:23: there's a rather "stabby" section, but those individual spikes don't seem to be recognized, just the inital switch into said section. also only when they completely stop another clip seems to be loaded (yellowish, blue before) despite the fact the same cluster as before seems to be playing. of course it could also be the same clip as before that just changed scenery in the meantime... dunno. i think changes in the lower end have the most striking impact... can't check properly tho atm.
  17. i don't believe one is the direct source of the other, they are most likely just generated by the same patch with some interconnection. i mean what correlations image->sound do we have for sure? some kinda UPIC thing is out of the equation, colors don't seem to be crucial, neither is pixel density or distribution. on the other hand sound obviously isn't generating images directly either as these are from external sources. so the question is how does it affect the way those clips are played back? well volume is turning them on / off obviously but apart from that... it's hard to say. sometimes it seems like more drastic / sudden frequency changes affect image selection (like 94 - 0:50), but other times sound is going wild and the movie seems to just go on like before...
  18. just noticed i'm obviously late to this. sorry for redundantly restating stuff. scham.
  19. oh my fucking god... this is so utterly retarded and pretentious at the same time it hurts, like literally... and he's holding a fucking steven crowder mug in his profile pic. a match made in heaven indeed. bah. fremdscham.
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