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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. nomen est omen? :I ^haha beaten to it... TWICE. i suk.
  2. tt1pd will forever be woodpechre in my mind thanks to someone in the NTS chat B)
  3. jesus fuck dude you're in for such a ride, i'd love to be able to listen to vol. 2 for the first time again :*O
  4. woo arrived 2 days early. massive shit is massive :O good question man, i still got unused exai & quaristice stickers, no idea where to place em...
  5. Be glad it wasn't another steel slipcase... ____ Mine's estimated to arrive excactly on b-day, happy accident :3
  6. χψμοπηανε?? That's hardly even pronouncable lol... moron. Sounds pretty nice tho.
  7. count me in :) vinyls coming home to papa...
  8. ye actually reads like your typical watmm swooning in a way... enjoyable for the choir :)
  9. yeah actually bewildering to me how watmm is percived the elitist / hostile place nowadays. you lot should've seen zilty in its prime... gotta agree. sure it's cool to speak your mind freely n shit (and honestly while i can dig it i don't think this release is even half as mindblowing as alot of ppl make it out to be, then i again i never really cared much bout the fex since saw 2 days anyway but i digress) but stuff like "ooh those reverbs, how unprofessional" and "why would afx be influenced by petty unsophisticated hick nigger musics", this is where subjectivity ends and what spiral described begins imo. then again i reckon he's only trolling anyway so who gives a fuck, at least makes the spice flow. <3
  10. unholy lol... i only heard albino de congo before quite a while back, decided to check em out but honestly forgot to. genuinely weird as fuck band, pretty great! also "de vette cuecken" sounds like "the fat chicken" in german XP haha, it's from this painting from breughell, fat kitchen times/ meagre kitchen timez oh alright cuecken=küche then, makes sense i guess.
  11. unholy lol... i only heard albino de congo before quite a while back, decided to check em out but honestly forgot to. genuinely weird as fuck band, pretty great! also "de vette cuecken" sounds like "the fat chicken" in german XP
  12. yeh dafuq with them post-african beats n shit, afx used to invent amen break and musics now dis... nah. edit: didn't listen.
  13. Actually it went 1.0 roughly a week ago. It's been on my wishlist for quite a while now... but i've got too much unfinished business *cough*
  14. yeah those definitely share a similar theme (identity crises) and to a lesser extent visual aesthetics / narrative structuring.
  15. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    AE recording pendulum casual:
  16. Am I going to have to watch a David Lynch movie? Are the one WATMMer into AE but not seen a David Lynch film and/or Twin Peaks? Seen a measly two David Lynch movies but I don't think they were the right ones to be honest. Am also shit at watching tv series, it's extremely rare for me to catch more than a couple of episodes of anything. Always had a feeling I might like, e.g., Mulholland Drive, but never checked. I don't know, maybe it's time. Eraserhead is still the best imo but MD is widely considered a post 2k classic for a reason. Do it! (Sean once explicitly mentioned his affection for Inland Empire (AAA) but i'd save that one for laters once you got into the mode... I found it rather tedious tbqh) lol ... Palace of marvels?
  17. jaderpansen

    elseq 1-5

    mods ban pls ^ yes. i hardly know any track by any artist that's so "casual" yet intense, complete one of a kind aewsomeness right there.
  18. how do they keep churning these out?!! talk about a late fucking roll: absolute insta-wuv. the sound is great, too. fuck the kids.
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