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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. https://www.quantamagazine.org/recounting-the-history-of-maths-transcendental-numbers-20230627/
  2. Just finished season one of Fargo (I know, just a tad late). I can't help but think that the part in the finale where Gus pulls tacos from his mail bag was an homage to the "taco mailman" sketch from MTV's The State.
  3. Cool but Thomas's robe should have the playboy & hooters adverts, plus probably brazzers, onlyfans, etc.
  4. Really? How do you eat it?
  5. yeah fuck pizza
  6. And corporate taxes should depend on what the company produces. Companies that produce physical goods (manufacturing) should be taxed lower, then service industries a little higher, then companies like banks and hedge funds that just make money with money and don't produce anything should be taxed to the maximum extent.
  7. Yes, thank you, I should've specified that I meant 1 million in cash, unrealized gains, etc. Not personal property. But again it would be too easy to get around. Kids don't need more than $1 million in cash inheritance.
  8. The fact that the flames are coming from the passenger compartment (especially the rear-seat area) and that the car had been off for around an hour, means I'm gonna go ahead and speculate that her (probably bored-as-fuck) kids found a lighter in the car and started playing with it...
  9. Thanks for taking the time to type that out. I don't have anything to add but I'm thankful that I can sit and try to learn as much as I can.
  10. This shirt is "dry-clean only", which means... it's dirty. -Mitch Hedberg
  11. Just the typical "I don't like this person's beliefs so I have to start a thread about it and let everyone know so I can bask in the attention of my narcissistic bullshit thread" bullshit that seems to be rampant these days.
  12. I agree with your second paragraph. Wrt the first, I am a realist and a cynic by nature, and I wonder if the Ds are trying this legislation primarily because the Rs fucked the situation beyond repair and just drew ridiculous maps (going ape shit crazy IS their M.O., as you well know). If what they're doing actually fixes the problem, then I'm all for it. I just wonder about their motivations. Would the Ds be pushing for this legislation if they were the ones with the advantage? I'd like to think so (more than Rs who just fuck everyone over for their own ends), but I'm just not sure. To be clear, I'm not staying that both sides are just as bad, I do realize that the Rs are basically beyond repair, while the Ds do seem to try to occasionally do some good (when they can manage to get out of their own way and when we're not involved in any major conflicts).
  13. OK cool, I haven't read the legislation but my point is that these D-bag politicians (Rs definitely, Ds less likely but nonzero on average) are incentivized to find ways around this legislation. Take the Ohio case as the first shot. A fair map stipulation was in the Ohio constitution. It did not work, the voters went to the polls with unconstitutional maps. I guess I'm saying that I believe it will be really fucking hard to force these assholes to do something they really really don't want to do (on either side), draw fair maps. I would have to really read the legislation to know how serious the Ds are about this and how likely it is to work, so take what I am saying with the caveat that I am ignorant on that.
  14. To be fair, in the Ohio case the Ohio supreme court struck down the many bullshit maps that the Rs submitted, correctly saying that they were unconstitutional (unfair). The courts are supposed to be the neutral party here, but the Rs strategy of stall until the last minute forced the Ohio voters to go to the polls with the same unconstitutional districting maps, with no real consequences for the politicians failing to do their job. I know that at my job, if I just refused to do what I was told 4 times in a row, I'd kinda get fired. There's a pretty good podcast about that recent situation in Ohio.
  15. OK, but the Rs in Ohio appeared to play nice and play along all the while introducing language that would let them ignore the will of the people by determining themselves what "fair" metrics to use for redistricting. Of course they voted for it, it's good PR, that's what the Ds' base wanted. All I'm saying is, that I have a hard time seeing either party when, in control, striving to draw truly fair districting maps. That being said, I do think Ds in power would be less damaging than Rs in power. And I'm also open to being surprised if some politicians actually follow through with attempting to end gerrymandering. From what I've heard and read, the Ds attempt in Ohio did seem to be in good faith, but was that only because they knew they were getting screwed by the current maps?
  16. If there is a blue wave, do we trust the Ds to actually fix the gerrymandering problem in that they'll make it as fair as possible or will they "fix" it meaning they'll just gerrymander it back to slanting more blue? I'm thinking of the recent case in the Ohio state legislature where the people overwhelmingly voted for a resolution to force a fair redrawing of the districts, but the shithole Rs refused to do it on the back of some sneaky language they put in that allowed them to loosely define a "fair" redrawing any way they wanted. Not saying they wouldn't have done this anyway, but it seems they were empowered by the Ds previously gerrymandering the fuck out of the state to lean blue. My point is, that for this issue to really be fixed, it seems that one party is going to have to stand up and be the adult in the room (which is what the majority of Americans want, it seems), and I just don't see either party doing that right now, thinking it will hurt them at the ballot box in the short term. Nobody's willing to give an inch.
  17. And there should be a 100% inheritance tax above $1 million (although this would be so easy to get around).
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