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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. So proud of my Ohio peeps, lol.
  2. Had the opportunity to live in India for 4 months in grad school and Brazil for 3 months for my job. Had a great time in each place. While that's not long enough to really "live" somewhere, it made me realize I could probably make my own happiness anywhere as long as my basic needs are fulfilled. However, I don't plan on leaving the US. I'm lucky to have a well-paying job that I actually enjoy. I plan on retiring at 55 to Washington state, and buy some house high on a hill with a view of Puget sound, where I can wake up and mosey on out to the deck and have my breakfast while staring at the scenery.
  3. You've cracked it! This is why Americans are such assholes, America's dick has shrunk considerably and now we're overcompensating.
  4. I do still also go to FB because I'm in a Lego Technic group and a Lego train group, which is kind of an OK way for me to use FB I think.
  5. I've had Facebook for years, only started getting on Instagram about a year ago. I think this is one aspect where my personality type actually helps me. For example, the view I have of myself is a strange dichotomy in that I know that I am relatively smart and am proud of what I have accomplished and can accomplish in life, but at the same time I kind of have a low opinion of myself in that I feel that nobody really cares to know anything about me so why post anything in social media? It honestly baffles me why some people share so much about themselves on social media, I can't even imagine being in the headspace to think that someone else would care that I worked out this morning, or that I'm taking a walk in the park. I can understand artists and musicians posting their stuff a lot, that's different. On Facebook I've only ever had max 90 friends, and that's mostly family members or internet friends from various music forums. My FB feed has really been going downhill recently with a constant barrage of ads and my friends / family posting less, so I've moved to Instagram. I only follow about 35 accounts, mostly family / friends / musicians. Primarily I use it to keep up with artists / bands I like who generally release small quantity releases that I don't want to miss out on. I never post myself, so I guess I just don't have a personality type that can easily become seriously addicted to social media (thankfully).
  6. Same here in NJ. Seems all quite arbitrary and not set by any relevant metrics. At my workplace, we're still in wave 1 (people who need the facilities to do their jobs, luckily that includes me) and nowhere close to beginning wave 2 because that milestone is actually based on positivity rates in the state, which haven't come close to being in a good place.
  7. That low part of the curve is MEATY and packed with tons of voters.
  8. My brother is part of the construction of the new Columbus Crew stadium. One day while on the job, he sharted pretty bad in his work jeans. He changed, but still had to get rid of his shart clothes. It was early on in the construction and there were no trash bins around, so he buried them around the midfield area. I'm gonna watch the opening kickoff of the first game at the new Crew stadium knowing that my brother's sharty pants are just under the players while they're kicking off.
  9. take detailed notes edit: asking for a friend...
  10. Sucks, man, sorry to hear that. It's amazing how empowered these people have become lately. I think they've always been around, but only recently have felt empowered enough to be more active in their racist behavior.
  11. Same, except I was about 13. I've recently been watching episodes from the DVDs during my lunch break, which is why it came to mind for this thread. Too bad H's & M's isn't online anywhere.
  12. Local ramps and bacon with mozz & parmesan. Enjoyed in perfect weather with a not so local but perfect Orval. Damn, it pairs well.
  13. What a Moron, capitalizing Television Ratings like it's some sort of Proper Noun, or Important Thing, or Holiday. I love crap like this. You can gain some interesting insight into what they really value by where the grammar / punctuation mistakes are.
  14. We're talking about West Virginia here, savings bonds are right up their alley. Nobody there will even know what cryptocurrency is. BTW, took about 12 hrs for side effects to kick in from the JnJ shot. Side effects were worst 24 - 36 hours after the shot. Muscle soreness, fatigue, headache, slight chills. Felt like I had the flu without the nausea. Beginning to feel somewhat normal again at the 36 hour mark.
  15. My brother said he had chills & body aches about 36 hours after his J&J shot, so we'll see.
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