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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. I don't like Booker but he's killing it rn on the Senate floor.
  2. Senate is back in session. Mitch just called it an insurrection in his opening statement. Seems like Republican challengers will likely still challenge some states in some way, but probably not the lengthy debate we were initially expecting.
  3. Yeah I'm just talking about my immediate area, which is the Princeton, NJ area. This is the bluest place I've ever seen (in the US). Sure, I can go to the shore or to south Jersey to see some Trumpers, but in my daily commute it's just a sea of blue, luckily.
  4. Really glad I live in such a thoroughly blue area. I really feel bad for all the regular people who have to travel through these hotspots for their jobs.
  5. I'm celebrating with my 2016 kriek boon. It was bottled when this fucktard was elected into office, and I'm drinking it when this shit is finally coming to a head. Edit: beer thread cross-post.
  6. Now that all congressmen are unharmed, this doesn't upset me. If only protestors were harmed, this will not upset me. Let these morons show their true colors.
  7. This shit is so fucked. That cannot be overstated. While this is certainly a bad sign for America, I am kind of glad that it is happening (and continue to hope that nobody outside of the protestors is injured) as this could serve as THE moment that the Republican members of Congress needed to completely break with Trump as they have a pretty good excuse to do so and still save face.
  8. Reports of tear gas being used inside the capitol building. Edit: tear gas used in the rotunda, congressmen told to grab gas masks under their chairs and await for capitol police to come.
  9. Protestors inside the capitol building. Congress told to shelter in place.
  10. Congressmen told to stay away from doors and windows as Trump supporters breach Capitol steps. They just cut the audio to the Senate proceedings and rushed Pence out of the room.
  11. Yeah but my point is that that dude's and the rest of the Republicans' reason for not breaking the rules and refusing to count the votes, is because they're afraid the same scenario could be used against them in the future. Instead of the correct reason being it's against the f-ing constitution. That's a nice peek into the mentality of these degenerates.
  12. That's exactly what I am talking about in my earlier post. These dumbasses are only going to follow the rules because they know that if they break them now, the Ds could break them in the future and possibly hurt the R party. FFS, what about doing right for the country, your state, and the people you represent, regardless of your political affiliation? Isn't that your fucking job, asshole?
  13. I'll bet only a couple if that actually believe that there was any widespread fraud during the election. The rest is just appeasing the base and the stupid, childish one-upmanship that politics here have become. Rs are rallying around the "precedent" that was set when some Ds symbolically challenged the electoral college result in 2000. They're saying, "Look, you guys challenged in 2000 so why can't we do it now?" Of course, don't let facts get in the way, because that was a legit challenge where the presidency was decided by a few hundred votes and some conservative judges, not tens of thousands of votes and a 7+ mil pop vote margin. If anything will erode our government here, I'll bet it's this stupid one-upmanship. Every time one party (usually Rs) throw out decorum and do something that's borderline but not really against the rules, neither party will ever follow that rule ever again. Where does this lead us in 20 year's time?
  14. I'll bet there are a LOT of Americans who want to go somewhere across the ocean but not have to speak another language. Australia is too far, so yay for the UK!
  15. I actually made two of them. ? I made one small change with the sloped bricks on the top of his belly. I know the whole design is "brick-like", but I feel that the sloping line at the top of his belly adds a lot without affecting the overall aesthetic too much.
  16. Got the Lego trains going around the tree this year:
  17. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/12/jared-kushner-campaign-shell-company The article notes that it's possible that no laws were broken but really, what's the chance of that?!
  18. His previous password was "yourefired" lol. His passwords seem to be thoughts that are constantly knocking around his empty dome, making them easy to remember. After the most recent hack I'm guessing he changed it to "IvAnKaIsHot". Who wants to try it out?
  19. It's finally hitting hard in my hometown area (rural Ohio). I think it's hitting especially hard there because Ohio actually locked down early on when things were starting to get bad in the NE and NYC areas. They probably didn't have to lock down just yet, but they did it anyway, and as a result everyone there has serious lockdown fatigue and is going all, "fuck it I'm going out and eating in a restaurant and walking around with no mask and getting together with my family". Just heard that a bunch of my old friends' parents have it. Some are in more serious condition than others. I was hoping to go home and see my folks for the holidays but that's not going to happen now.
  20. god and jesus did, and not that brown version of jesus, either. i'm talkin the anglo-lookin' jesus.
  21. Most Americans are raised with a sense of exceptionalism and entitlement, "Murica is the greatest, most powerful country", etc. This makes it very easy for them to look for people to blame when things aren't going the way they think it should in their individual lives. They live in the greatest country ever, why shouldn't their lives be the greatest ever, and why shouldn't they be more rich than anyone else in any other country? Thus they are always eager to blame others for their problems. In my personal experience, Donnie frames himself (falsely) as being "oppressed" by "the system", and always attacked by "the establishment". Using these vague terms allows him to create a sense of comradery with people who: have failed to achieve in life (often because of their own below-average intelligence or work ethic) and rather than face the truth, or have the intelligence and introspection to find the truth, find it easier to blame their self-perceived, shortchanged lot in life as resulting from being "oppressed" by "the system". It's not their fault they aren't rich, the system is rigged against them. distrust minorities (consciously or subconsciously) and believe that they are not succeeding in life or that their way of life is threatened because minorities are stealing their opportunities, and that "the establishment" is creating an unlevel playing field that favors minorities over themselves. I believe that the vast majority of his base come from people described above, and the way that Donnie frames himself, as an "outsider" trying to "make america great again", is why these people will follow him to the grave over any other traditional politician.
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