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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. Leaked today (1 day early). I'm liking it a lot, very space-y and psychedelic. Seems like a nice continuation of where they were going with wildflower but sounds better and different in a good way, IMO.
  2. Recently Fauci has said that he regrets not pushing for more widely available testing for everyone, not just people showing symptoms. He said he might try to get some traction with that once Biden is in office so it could still change.
  3. I had a dream the other night that I was at work and one of the building maintenance guys was hanging around my desk and talking to me without a mask. It was freaking me out during the dream and when I woke up there was a second that I felt like I had just been infected.
  4. Tried brining the turkey for the first time this year and damn was it good. Never gonna go another year without brining.
  5. What we really need now is that ghost of christmas future to come and visit those 70% of Rs who think the election was rigged. They need to be shown what will become of this country if they continue their moronic behavior. Even with that, I'd doubt that many of them would change their behavior. This may take a generation or 1.5 generations to fully cleanse, if we're lucky.
  6. Got Greek food tonight, had a delicious moussaka and it went excellent with my young Orval. This Orval is pretty much perfect, the funk is still subtle and the hops are still shining. Now to finish it off with some baklava.
  7. Note the creamy brown center meaning he's full of caca.
  8. Philly charity run from Four Seasons Total Landscaping to the Four Seasons Hotel https://www.inquirer.com/news/four-seasons-total-landscaping-fraud-street-run-philadelphia-20201110.html
  9. Democracies can be both powerful and fragile because everybody has a voice in their vote. IMO the two necessities for an enduring democracy are a reasonably well educated public and a news media system that is not motivated by money.
  10. Fair enough, but a stammer isn't a static thing, it evolves. Perhaps when he was in the Senate for so long, he was at a comfortable, low-stress frame of mind where it was minimized. It is often maximized in high-stress situations like what he's going through now. Instead of speaking just before Congress as he's comfortably done for years and years, he's speaking in front of the whole world in one of the most watched elections ever. Of course it's possible that you're right to some or the entire degree, all I'm saying is I didn't know he has a stutter before he ran for president, and once I sat down and watched him speak, I could tell instantly.
  11. I think his point is that what you're taking for confusion and/or cognitive decline could more easily be explained by his stammering-avoidance strategies, and those might not be easily recognizable to those who don't have experience with that sort of thing. For those who do, there's little doubt that most of the examples shown here are likely not "confusion" or shades of senility.
  12. Thanks, baph, for sharing. My stammer definitely sounds more severe than yours, and has evolved quite a bit over my lifetime. Every time I try and develop strategies to overcome it, it seems to find new ways to circumvent that. I had it tackled pretty good in my 20s but I've lost ground the older I'm getting (39 now). Social situations with new people give me so much fucking anxiety because I know what the look on their face will be when they see me stammer for the first or second time. People aren't mean about it for sure, but every time I see that face on people that gets quickly hidden once they realize my problem and try to hide their confusion, I just feel like a failure. Not going for sympathy here, it hasn't really held me back at all, I mean I was able to get a PhD in Chemical Engineering and I work for a huge company and have to give presentations to management all the time. Funny thing is that for me I think it's almost 100% psychological. When I'm giving big presentations I kind of get in "the zone" where I can speak very well, then when I'm chatting with friends afterward and I get excited it's a total fucking mess lol. Regarding BIden, as baph said, I'll guess at least half (if not more) of Biden's mental energy is just going toward speaking when he's giving speeches. Using the mechanisms he's developed, trying to keep a rhythm, using certain physical movements at key points of speaking like sentence beginnings and certain hard consonants or consonant blends. The primary goal is to just keep going, just keep going. Because if you falter and start to stutter, man does it just get fucking worse so quickly from there. So these "gaffes" probably come from him expending so much energy just speaking, then maybe not finding the right word and faltering and quickly substituting perhaps a wrong word. In his mind I'm sure saying the wrong word and keeping the speech going is preferable to a stammering blubber. A good example of that is his famous, "For every man, woman, oh you know the thing..." or whatever gaffe. I'm telling you 100% he knew he was about to stammer so he just said something that he could say cleanly to keep the rhythm going.
  13. The Republicans will have to take a long hard look at themselves when they begin the search for a candidate for 2024. They never wanted to allow Trump to get the nomination but caved when he said he would run as an independent if they didn't (who knows if he would've followed through with that threat considering it was all meant to be a PR stunt and he never really wanted to win). If there is a non-traditional or whacko player trying to get the nomination, the Republicans are going to have to decide, after possibly having 4 years of near normalcy for their party, if they want to go down the wacky road again or possibly suck it up and take some immediate losses to keep their party focused on their traditional values.
  14. As I said a while ago in this thread I think, a lot of these are due to the mechanisms he uses to cope with his stammer.
  15. Who was an awesome, smart, mustachioed dude that I've been watching since I was a little kid?
  16. I would say that they don't mind it enough to vote for a Democrat when they've been Republican for most of their adult lives. The people I talked to are definitely not racist and don't like Trump, but still voted for him because being a Republican is so baked into their being that they couldn't betray that part of themselves. That's what really worries me about America, that tends to happen a lot here, not sure about other parts of the world.
  17. It's not that simple. I know some people who didn't like Trump but voted for him just because they're Republican. I think there are a lot of people on both sides that thought, "well I don't like my candidate, but I'm going to hold my nose and vote because I want my party to win."
  18. That's why I'm hoping that he goes bat shit insane and attacks the election process so hard that the Republicans are forced to disown him and hinder future chances to run for any office on the Republican ticket.
  19. Yay! Now my hope is that Trump flies so far off the fucking handle, challenging the election process, that the Republicans in Congress won't be able to get away with non-commital responses when asked about his behavior. They'll be FORCED to denounce him. One can hope.
  20. Latest batch of votes from AZ goes 52/48 for Trump/Biden. However, going into this batch Trump had to avg. 59/41 split to earn a tie. Trump now has to avg. 63/37 in the remaining ballots to tie. Becoming increasingly unlikely, but not impossible that Trump can gain enough in AZ.
  21. My totally uninformed and naïve opinion is that it could be due to the rise of the internet and social media, which has been used to dupe previous non-participants into going right, and right-leaning into going further right, primarily because conservatives tend to be less educated and able to critically digest all of the information being thrown at them nowadays compared to liberal or left-leaning people who are typically more critical thinkers.
  22. NBC is saying around 400,000 votes in AZ, Biden up by about 80,000. They're not calling it because the main county where the ballots are coming from was basically 55/45 for Trump in 2016.
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