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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. well to be fair the russian military did an abysmal job (fortunately), so firing the commander-in-chief is really not surprising (i'm surprised putin didn't do it sooner tbh) involving FSB into the matter, however, inclines me to believe the c-in-c might had been doing some sabotage-ing because russian operations operations in ukraine are that bad, it would be surprising if that wasn't the case (can they really be that bad?)
  2. Funny how the sociopathic politicians do a 180 kick-flip benihana over the ramp when they smell their opportunity for shameless self-promotion for the sake of political points and, in our case, pre-election maneuvering. After Salvini's promo trip to Ukraine from which he was deservedly ousted by the mayor of Przemysl, now our prime minister Janša also went to visit Ukraine to show his unwavering support. He even published a picture of himself as the defense minister from 1991, dressed in a military camo uniform, along with Zelensky's picture when he was dressed in a helmet and a body armor, as if they are brother in arms, birds of a feather. It's completely fine and welcome for him to offer support if it wasn't for the complete change of his political narrative that was going on for the last several years: feeling his best among the likes of Le Pen, Meloni, Salvini, Orban, etc, who sympathized with Putin and even received his funds for their political campaigns. He wants us to forget his life work on eliminating free press, meddling in state legal authorities, cleaning up opposition, curtailing personal and political liberties, etc. He will now receive 100,000 Ukranian refugees with an open heart, after he spent years building an argument of a radical nationalism against dark-skinned refugees from Syria, Afganistan, north Africa, etc. The war in Ukraine now became one of his pre-election promotion strategies. "Heroes don't run, heroes fight." lmao, sure Janša, sure.
  3. ^....or in her case, surrounded herself with people who work for her so she doesn't have to
  4. your heart must be fresh broken in order to enjoy Pierrot Le Fou and Le Mepris. I'm speaking from experience, there's no other way.
  5. I'll vote for the next asteroid the size of a continent to just obliterate the whole thing. there's no other way.
  6. But not everyone fights on the same side though. As ww2 history showed us, every country under Nazi occupation had a resistance and a collaborationist movements. Even neutral or un-invaded countries had volunteers who fought on both sides. And the messed up thing about the collaborators was that they legitimately thought they were fighting for a good cause, e.g. anti-communist. Unfortunately, this divide is still present today, and it further messes up things. New generations don't have the experience of the horrors of past wars. One would think that a country such as Ukraine, in which nazi pogroms were so terrible, they would be extra vigilant towards nazi ideologies, but it evidently (and unfortunately) isn't so.
  7. right on, cloud storage baby. what's next... my call is agro-corps with climate change, followed by robot dogs because of "civic unrest"
  8. since pharma made money off covid, and now that weapons inc. and oil guys are making money off putin and ukraine, who's next one the list of big spenders? we might be able to predict the next crisis!
  10. two gigs in italy in the cities relatively close by to each other...weird so the closest to me is about 600 km from here, and it's in autumn so no road trip flavor here, damn
  11. yeah you can eat all the burgers you want and talk shit and probably wont get arrested, but disclose any shit that goes on behind the scenes and you get panama papered or Snowed-in ;). if you steal 100 bucks, you'll go to jail for 10(+) years, but if you commit a millions-heavy federal fraud and you're a "part of the tribe" you'll get a silly tap on the wrist and get to keep the money. if you become an (allied!) country leader, you'll receive a memo in a few days outlining what you can and can't do as a "sovereign" nation. and if you don't stick to the memo, you'll get gaddafied. oh you want to unionize for worker rights? haha, nice joke fella, billion dollar corporations are the only one on social welfare, here, fight a platoon of million-dollar lawyers, while you struggle to keep your kid in college. i can go on all day about this. no nation is perfect, and yes, there are shittier countries than usa. but saying someone should stop exercising his constitutional citizen rights and strive to have a better society is just the worst case of peer repression imaginable. see, you don't even need state repression. the sheep do it for you.
  12. well it's not just oil that's on the table, and if i'm not mistaken, usa has enough oil reserves for themselves. yeah it was both gaddafi and hussein who wanted to trade oil in euros as far as i remember.
  13. joke's on them i do neither of these things yeah the game is rigged, that's why bush, rumsfeld and cheney and every cia director since never got to hague
  14. if shit happened in U.S. like it did in Russia with Putin and all, would the rest of the world have the power to cut them out of the Swift system? Asking for a friend.
  15. well that's the thing, isn't it. I very much agree with what you wrote, but at the same time, I'm surprised you managed to exclude this particular observation... namely, when you mentioned the capital's monopoly. I will ask you this: how powerful do you feel, as an individual or as a member of a hypothetical interest group, to hold the powerful to account? Do you feel equal in parity against the powerful capitalist when it comes to exercising your human/worker/environmental/societal/political rights?
  16. comedians in before US mercenaries ala eric prince and ex-SF jockos what a time...
  17. If they are kids, then this is just kids stuff, kid's fascination with historical or contemporary larger-than-life ideas they don't even fully grasp. When I was a kid, fascinated by history, I was easily drawn into the imagination of the mighty Roman empire or the ancient Egypt, I had a book about Carter's exploration of the Valley of the Kings and read it cover to cover several times, studied their pantheon, and even thought Ramesses II was the shit as the mightiest deity, and I imagined how his life would be. My friend at the time made himself an FBI ID (x-files effect) and unironically flash it around like he is an agent or something. Other kids got a moped and thought they were Mike Doohan or something... I mean there was so many things you could become fascinated by, but you grow out of it, puberty kicks in and then girls become the main thing. But that was a different time, I guess. I think it's a part of growing up, seeking own identity. I'm no psychologist so I can't really make any conclusions out of this, but with this new internet echo chamber communities, I tend to think kids have a harder time growing out of it and maturing. Without parental supervision or self-reflection they become settled in and find answers to their angst in things they really should not. It can become some Lord of the Flies shit, just as a school playground would if it wasn't for the teacher's presence and supervision. I still think this is a relatively low percentage of kids - others still grow out of it by themselves. But because we're plugged in into this matrix all the time, it seems like it's always here and even growing.. idk. It's a well-known fact that new technology brings about societal phenomenons we cannot predict which amplify bad things exponentially for which we are not prepared. And as a crucial thing as supervision and education is for kids, with this in mind, I believe it is absolutely necessary to extend supervision and education into the realm of internet. Starting with parents, of course.
  18. It must be a logistics train in there as well so it's not all troops. Anyway, an incredibly lucrative target for an A-10
  19. He talks like a lawyer, no substance, beating around the bush. I skipped through it and even that exhausted me. I imagine how the dinner conversation must be. Wife: Honey, what would you like to eat? Zuck: My current nutritional requirements are signalling a desire for broccoli and steak. *turns over to his kids* Zuck: My community guidelines obligate me to inquire about your well being. Was your education and peer interaction satisfactory today? Kids: Yes, daddy. Look, I drew a dinosaur! Zuck: It is increasingly important for offsprings of your age to engage in a meaningful exchange of social interactions and ideas at school. We are continually engaging in providing our offspring an environment in which they can grow and provide service to society. Kids: Do you like it? Zuck: My research has shown that your image depicts what appears to be a Stegosaurus living in Triassic era. This is obviously something we recognize as an anomaly. Also, stegosaurus was probably not yellow, but we will continue to engage in this conversation and provide necessary insight for our offspring, because we believe it is mutually beneficial for your tightly knit nuclear society. Kids: But I don't understand daddy, I saw a cartoon yesterday, and Larry the dinosaur looked exactly like that. Zuck: Let me circle back and provide you with an explanation on how we can grow along with our understanding of natural history. We would not be able to grow as a society if the information we acquire and share is not accurate. *Kids start crying* Wife: Please, Mark, look what you have done now. Zuck: I am aware that the current interaction could lead to non-constructive dialogue, but this predates the internet. How can we alleviate the amount of discomfort that ignorance bears? ...
  20. I'm sorry, I received this info from several sources, I'm not a Twitter user. I didn't want to spread misinformation. I will see myself out. There's no reason for name calling though.
  21. Bad prospects for the Russian spec ops running into the woods from Ukranian Spetznaz. I bet they wont get any mercy.
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