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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69

  1. I've decided that virt's fx4 is one of the best electronic albums ever made. I know some don't take chiptune seriously as an electronic genre but virt has more technical finesse w/ a tracker than most of your so called "IDM heroes", better melodic structure and solo lines than squarepusher. prove me wrong


  2. Hmm I really liked 100% electronica, definitely will check out his new album. I didn't like 200% electronica as much, just never got into it.


    EDIT: oh wait that was just 100% electronica with a espirit release on it.


    EDIT2: just finished a good long listen of this. Excellent album

  3. Ah shit, I still haven't listened to my vinyl. Hope it's not bad.


    That being said, wow what an excellent record this one is. T69 collapse I got kind of burnt out on w/ the video, but now listening to it again more in context of the record and it's obvious to me why it's the single. Great track. Mt1 is just amazing in full quality.


    Lol sold out.


    Well, I’m definitely not getting one anyway until I get full time job that isn’t contract based..


    For some reason I can never fully grasp the specs of new grooveboxes these days. Like, what are the synths, what are the drums, can you load your own samples, how does the UI work?


    I’ve watched all the videos multiple times and learned everything but I just can’t recall.



    To get to a synth you just press + then upward triangle, turn the green screwdriver right twice then the red one left once while holding down M + 7 + lightbulb then double tap arrow-going-around-a-corner to change synths. I don't see what's so hard to understand.




    not being mean, i'm just picking y'all :)


    I'm guessing the lightbulb is for sequencing a light rig of some kind?

  5. The blofeld is pretty damn easy to program if you understand the signal flow. Even the filter routing is graphically shown to you on the panel. You take wavetables/oscillators, modulate them with lfos or envelopes or whatever ring modulation you want, then choose your filters, then modulate those or whatever, then you mess with fx. It's really easy to understand IMO. Basic wavetable/subtractive architecture, with different routing options. And uh, you can do karplus strong with the comb filter and cool stuff like that. Good sounding synth.

  6. Weirdcore's interactive display goes through each track, each one with increasingly weird visuals and a increasingly fucked up effects on the original track. By the time pthex is over, the crowd looks completely stunned. A metasynth sweep a la windowlicker bleeds into the speakers and richards face appears "Hahahahahahaha(reverberated and reversed), are you ready for some aphex aciiiiiiiiiiiiiid?" richard screams. What happens next is track after track of the most next level shit you've ever heard, each track has more and more sublime melodies a la ziggomatic 17 or fenix funk 5, DSP a la squarepushers go plastic, also a more evolved version of one of the myspace-only steinvord tracks, confirming it is him, after two hours of anus rupturing and bliss enducing, depression curing music smoke shoots out from tha back of the white van. Richard emerges with a scraggly ginger beard that has clearly been growing for a number of months, maybe even a year. Richard climbs on top of the white van, takes a short moment to throw appreciation and gratitude to his fans with a slight nod. He puts a gun to his head and with a wry smile pulls the trigger. Confetti streams out and he winks and says, "this is only my penultimate album, drukqs 2 coming 2020, I will see you then". He then proceeds to ejaculate and projectile diarrhea onto the faces of his fans and several of them isnta-cum as a reaction to this magnificent display. He proceeds to climb back into the van turned mobile bedroom, basking in the glow of his trusty sony vaio.


    It's funny that there are problems like this when richard is such a stickler for quality. According to him, the reason they didn't add pthex is because he wanted to make sure the tracks were pressed loud enough.



    as you posted in the other thread:





    I actually saw that after I posted here. The original post I'm talking about is this: (which is the actual daddy1 account, not the daddy/daddy2 account)



    First off: loving Collapse - some of his best work to date IMO.


    Second off: Anyone hearing "old" sounds in some of the tracks? I don't want to imply Richard is recycling old sounds (I am 1000% sure he has throughout his musical career though and is really good about tweaking them so they sound new and original), but sometimes I get a feeling of recognition during some of the tracks with certain sounds (I need to sit down and write down the times in each track to identify them for sure).


    Anyone else notice or feel this? 


    Yes, the beginning of T69 collapse sometimes has me singing in my head 'get me another tie, get me another shirt, get me another wooly. Everyyyyydayyyy.' Weird. 


    Enjoying this EP. Especially 1st 44. Favourite track by far at this point. Whole EP sits nicely with end E2, MARCHROMT30a and umil 25-01. 



    The drum programming on this EP in general sounds more like RDJ/HAB/CTD than it does drukqs or tuss.

  9. Anyone familiar with these locations. Do they have large video displays? Maybe a new video? But if so, why would they be staggered out? Maybe... 4 new videos? It can't be an impromptu live set because the times are too close together.

  10. The fact that people listen to that Fantano dude astounds me. Music reviewers generally are knobs, but that guy is the knob on the castle's 10meter tall door. Gigantic. Biblical in scale. 


    Album is the tits tho. I thought I had some hiss on my vinyl during the last few minutes of T69Collapse but upon further listening, there's just some noise that gets gated out with almost a LPF roll-off automation quality. Noticed it on XMASEVET too, all those pieces of gear have to be noisy as hell and the rolling noise gates sound amazing and let the mix flow well without being too clinical.


    I like fontano a lot, he's grown on me a lot. You have to accept his track to track opinion sometimes, it's just that, an opinion, he listens to new music every day, that's got to be tough on the palate to switch between like all those genres. That being said he's generally pretty spot on and provides some good insights. I like randomly watching his reviews and learning about new music in genres I don't usually listen to, hiphop esp.

  11. I like new thing, but can we please go back to 20 year old thing


    not what I'm saying my dude. I just kind of dawned on my that while drukqs/the tuss are my favorite albums (still are), I am really appreciating his less beat-heavy stuff more, analord, soundcloud dump, SAW1/2/, icbyd. Would be cool to hear, say, 10-12 tracks of straight fucking elevator music. Get some dry synths, simple beats, some nice melodies. Would be nice to hear that side of him a bit. I'm probably just saying that because I've been extremely stressed out for the last couple weeks. When I'm less stressed out/insomnia my mind tends to suck onto the drukqsian stuff more than the old stuff/analord.

  12. I love this stuff but I'm secretly hoping the next full length album is a return to less chaotic rhythm and more easy listening melodies and synth. like ICBYD, or the analord series, or SAW 2. I want like an hour or two of just farty synth love, cottage tracks, notting hill buss, analord 8, analord 11. Don't even know, just want some chill melodies and vibes.

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