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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Bubba69

  1. I stopped listening to the 96khz leak a number of days ago, it's just so bad. I stopped enjoying it. Would love for warp to release the digitals a bit early. I just get bummed out whenever I hear the crap version of it. I don't want the vinyl rip either, I will listen to the vinyl when it's in my hands.


    Does anyone remember from what era the 7 Cutting track is? Really love that track.

    My tags say:


    part of HAB4 but i got distracted with Windowlicker...i think..

    +some others were a bit weird with vocals, couldnt decide if i liked them or not, will rechek@somepoint



    God damn can you imagine you're making some goofy HAB ep and then suddenly the idea for windowlicker pops into your head and you're like. Oh shit this is going to be big isn't it? Better pour my energy into this one.

  3. richard is LUDD


    (hint: that is his old username)


    haha whatever happened to him anyways? my watmm history is shit. Also what happened to mcgriff? I've been here for almost 13 years and I can't fucking remember anything that happened.

  4. Richard is really creative and has a lot of ideas, sometimes they don't pan out down the road or as quickly as we would like. That's why we've seen a lot of things that haven't been released, like melodies, or sosw2, or the extended version of saw 1, or the best-of mastered soundcloud dump, or the extra orphan tracks on the aphex store. I'd put the weirdcore extra vids into that metaphorical bin for now until we've seen it with our own eyes.

  5. Just got the vinyl and randomly put on a vinyl, it happened to be elyc9 7hres and it's fucking glorious.


    I guess there's a TINY bit of wobble in the record but it's not terrible. The ends of the sleeves are all bowed to the right. Kinda surprised considering it was nested in so many rigid boxes. Oh well!

  6. anyone here use a digital mixer like the behringer X32? Even though I like analog mixers, the greater routing flexibility and ability to automate with a digital mixer really appeals to me. I don't like being limited to 4 aux sends, I want more. And I also like the idea of having better integrated fx per track, like a digital parametric EQ per track. I feel a bit limited by my allen+heath mixer and the EQs on it are not super flexible. I dunno. I guess this is what I get from moving away from computers.


    Opinions? What sucks about using digital mixers? Can you tell there is latency?


    I think richard might have used an elektron analog four for some of the percussion on 1st 44. One of the clanky metalic sounds that you can hear near the end of the track sounds JUST like one of the that I've heard from one of the sound packs on the A4. 


    I felt this too sounds like my Rytm




    Yeah could be that too, or anything. Just sort of reminded me of that one in particular.

  8. I think richard might have used an elektron analog four for some of the percussion on 1st 44. One of the clanky metalic sounds that you can hear near the end of the track sounds JUST like one of the that I've heard from one of the sound packs on the A4. 

  9. this ep is definitely really good. i get the impression there will be bonus tracks added on his store, maybe pretty early because of the leak.


    It could be. The early edits (live versions) of t69 or MT1 would be cool to have. They aren't that different but I think slightly they are.

  10. One HUGE contrast between these tracks and the syro CIRCLONT tracks is the amount of reverb used. Syro was all about the raw, dry synth sound, which is a very cool sound don't get me wrong, but it's a vastly different feel than smattering on loads of reverb /delay. This feels ever more wet than the tuss tracks, probably the wettest stuff I've heard.

  11. Make sure you listen to this release with Beats headphones or else you'll be missing out the real deal... It's the only way you'll ever experience every bit from the 96000 bits of the baseline gamma frequencies creating the unity of conscious perception...


    Lol actually I listened to them on beats x bluetooth earphones. They sound a bit shit but they are quite convenient.

  12. I may just have to give in now after reading the last few pages. Fuuck. Let's see how the end of this week pans out.


    I would wait.... I got pretty sick of the shitty rips. This release deserves better quality. There are so many subtle high-end verb-tails and pads and percussion sounds and transient detail that just gets lost and muddled up in the rip. It sounds alright on speakers in a room that's already muddy but for headphone listening you're missing a lot of detail, I feel.

  13. Pro tip: Next time you listen to 1st 44, remember that richard did this mixdown live and that he performed the record scratching and yelling live, those are not samples you're hearing. ( I don't actually know this but I like to picture him in a swivel chair yelling into a home-made microphone and scratching a turntable and switching up sequencer patterns on the fly while twiddling aux send amounts on the mixing console.


    Deleted this from my computer last night until it drops in full quality. The urge to redownload is killing me.

    I’ve had like 30 “final listens”.



    Same. I've listened to it so many times that my brain has started to "filled in" the shittyness with what it now thinks is hifi but deep down I know it's still ass.

  15. I FINALLY managed to track down where Richard debuted a version of "pthex" live (by using the search feature of the forum with me as an author for the word "unreleased)


    starts around 2:30 



    I distinctly remembered the tempo breakdown around 4:20. 

  16. I've tried getting into footwork a few times now.  Some of the Jlin stuff is really good but otherwise it sort of grates on me.  I can tell this EP is influenced by footwork, but I'm absolutely in love with this.  Go figure!


    Despite the clear footworky playfulness on some of the drums, it's not really straight up trying to be "footwork", i think he just likes having a new way to make rhythms. Like abundance, it starts off with a really clear footwork vibe and then it sort of morphs into a SAW 1 era ambient techno piece. It's actually insane how much abundance sounds like a SAW1 track towards the end.

  17. My drukqs comparison is lazy. This is much newer than that.. and frankly more exciting than a drukqs rehash. It’s unrepetative with nimble beats flying everywhere... but with a vibey, spacey, emotional undercurrent that gives me a bigger buzz than anything he has released since... Jesus.... a very very long time.


    This is better IMO than having an EP of 5 unreleased drukqs tracks. And that's coming from somebody who's favorite aphex album is drukqs. This is drukqs-level shit with just as much ambition but without the limitation of working with just a tracker and a bunch of samples on a laptop in the 90s.


    This reminds me of the freedom that came from that earth portal track or the marchroma track but with far crazier beats and better mixing and production.

  18. I would kind of describe this as all the analog lushness/gear paying off in the best ways. The pads and vintage samplers really shining here. Plus a bunch of constantly changing reverb, panning, delay fx, lowpass filtering, tight cirklon triggering, and even motherfucking record scratching. It sounds like each of these tracks took weeks to put together. Each of these tracks deserves it's own video, hope we get at least one more official vid. This is the shit he was working on and really excited about with all those soundcloud comments about being too obsessed with making new tracks to do anything else. The production sounds fresh too, sounds a bit more like some of the modern production works that I think are really cool, like that autolux album pussy's dead, or some death grips stuff.

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