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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. thanks! hopefully I can make up my mind this week.. Go for the PhD - working blows goats (and I like my job). Edit: Assuming you don't have family responsibilities that is. Yeah normally I would, but baby is on its way (due end of october) and a bigger salary would be nice... the phd salary + my wives maternity leave would be enough for 2 years, unsure though what it'll look like in the 3rd year. I could also do my Phd in industry with a better payment, but it's unclear if it'll happen at all and unlikely before October... not sure if I wanna take that risk. damn grown-up stuff.... You live in germany - don't they have free day care? Wouldn't your wife go back to work after two years? Do something you like, and forget about the money.
  2. These two alone are worth the price of admission to this thread.
  3. Surprisingly terrible from John Oliver.
  4. Can't wait until the cubs grow up and decide to eat the owners Also lol at the cans of Clamato juice in one of the pics.
  5. Perhaps he's intellectually so closeted now, disconnected, but i am a little shocked that he would be so cruel. It's just not magical cricket, mr. moore. Of course he's got more of a right to comment on super heroes than your average guardian pleb, but not on the quality of films being released currently. Did you see the abomination that he wrote and produced? Most feral. heh. Umm afaik he's disassociated himself with any of the major projects that got put out with his name attached. That's simply the rights holders screwing him over. Which one are you talking about?
  6. Umm, you know it's Alan Moore being quoted there right?
  7. Go for the PhD - working blows goats (and I like my job). Edit: Assuming you don't have family responsibilities that is.
  8. Yeah he looks like a Star Trek:DS 9 background alien. Seriously how the fuck do you go from this: to that abomination posted above.
  9. agreed...great show. season 1 is so dark & intense, reminded me a little of early seasons of Dexter with the cat & mouse game being played. season 2 isn't at the same level as the first, but some damn fine acting from gillian anderson & jamie dornan toward the end The score for this show is also pretty damn great. Done by David Holmes and a guy named Keefus Ciancia (who also has done work for True Detective). The music really adds to the show.
  10. agreed...great show. season 1 is so dark & intense, reminded me a little of early seasons of Dexter with the cat & mouse game being played. season 2 isn't at the same level as the first, but some damn fine acting from gillian anderson & jamie dornan toward the end Two episodes left to go in the second series.
  11. Seriously, The Fall - excellent show. Just started the second series, everything about it is tight.
  12. That was me delet, and yes, mea culpa, I should have read the situation better. Still doesn't change my stance on guns - they're designed for one thing and one thing only, and it ain't "protecting your property." Whilst I never called for it, the removal of the confederate flag on public buildings such as the courthouse or state capital is entirely different than banning such things altogether. I can agree with the first point while disagreeing with the second point. Nothing hypocritical about that at all. Looks like the shooter was suffering from depression. Good article at Wall Street Journal: http://www.wsj.com/articles/chattanooga-shooting-suspect-showed-signs-of-trouble-1437358662
  13. Ah fuck, if we'd got Vidal last season I would have been ecstatic. What a beast he was for juve.
  14. First half of the season we went W9-D6-L3, second half of the season we went W10-D4-L5, so results wise not much difference, but the way we played was a lot better. Even our loss to Chelsea we played some of the best football of the season, just couldn't finish. And of course they're set up to defend and counter. Hopefully we get rid of Di Maria, maybe Hernandez can find some of his early magic. I like Cavani as he's bigger and stronger, and works harder than Pedro. As I said, I'd be happy with either. A player of Schweinsteiger's ability is not well past his prime at 30, sorry, but he's still as influential as ever in the midfield. Yes, his injuries are sometimes worrisome, but with proper rotation and hopefully the physio staff being a little better this season (remember all the injuries first half of last season?) he'll be a great signing for us.
  15. Schweinsteiger is only 30, so hardly well past is best. The biggest problem will be keeping him motivated - he's won everything. Agree we need another striker - but hopefully Rooney will be able to focus solely on being a striker, and not have to bother with the midfield shit that he's had to do for the past 4-5 seasons. We've been linked with both Cavani and Pedro, I'd be happy with either, though I think Cavani would be more suited to the PL. We'll be much stronger this season - team had really started coming together under LVG's philosophy in the second half of last season.
  16. Lolwut? In some climates, a properly constructed wooden house is a far superior choice of building materials.
  17. I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but Texas is already a part of the United States.
  18. Yes, we've had a good transfer window - Depay, Schweinsteiger, Scheniderlin all fantastic. This iTalian right-back I don't know much about, but at least it will free up Smalling/Jones to play more centrally. If Rafael can stay uninjured (lol), we might have two actual right-backs playing in that position.
  19. Oi you lot. This is for ROFLs only. There's a thread from transfer related shite.
  20. Just set your alarm for 8 and put the alarm far enough away that you can still hear it but you have to get out of bed to hear it.
  21. I would bet it's nowhere near that amount. Here's a decent calculator to compare: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/calculator-compare-taxes-might-pay-u-s-developed-nations/ Then you have to factor in what's paid for vs what Americans have to pay out of pocket.
  22. take the moral philosophy to the game theory thread pls.
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