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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. LOL a citations index? really? Come on Eugene you know that progress is achieved mainly through standing on the shoulders of those that came before you. So while I don't disagree that a lot of good science comes from the US, your claim that "us' achievements is culture in science are simply unmatched by all of the rest of the world combined." is a pretty good definition of hyperbole.
  2. lol "some fat people". US achievements in culture unmatched? Even in science, while the US has certainly done impressive things, it's not like other nations haven't done them as well. Part of their scientific success of course, is due to their fairly liberal immigration program. I do generally agree though I think if the US had a more Canadian mindset, with the resources at their disposal, the world would probably be better off.
  3. Got a nice contract starting in January. Will be nice to actually get paid for work for a change.
  4. Pros: Some delicious craft beer, a love for bacon, some awesome music, some great science, and loads of nice people. Plenty more good things, but I'm not listing them all. Cons: you guys are doing a great job at nailing the cons...
  5. I can definitely help you with that. I can definitely help you help him with that. For a mere 5 quadzillion dollars, I can definitely help you help him help me with that.
  6. Bloody Apple store won't accept my credit card anymore - never mind that I used this same credit card to purchase something on November 22nd.
  7. "Trilluminati" and "Killuminati" are also taken fwiw fwp imo tbqh So is Billuminati. And Philluminati: https://twitter.com/asapcroissant
  8. I got the rape thing from autopilot. I don't feel more racist or homophobic, I just don't think those particular bits get the message he intends across. Especially the bits about how words are just words. Anyways, you are right, I probably do need to hear more of him to get a feel for his style. I loved the bit about the doctor basically telling his celebrity patients to find god. And i agree..some of the "edgy" comics really suck.
  9. I'm not arguing for censorship - I'm trying to say it's an intellectually lazy way to make people laugh. Pointing out the "other". Also I don't get offended by it, as I said, I think the way people go on about it can be mind-numbingly dull (case in point *points to self*). I just meant he doesn't get it. As for finding humour in dark places: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=935xZdnVwq4
  10. Haven't heard that bit - but was watching his 2013 special "just before he pulled the trigger" (something like that) and his bit about having a picture of a giant black cock to put in front of his mouth to prove that he's done research on what being a "fag" is, shows a clear lack of understanding of what privilege really is. Also his claim that they're "just words" reiterates that lack of understanding. Let me ask you a few questions: Have you ever been beaten to a pulp because of your sexual preferences? Have you ever been denied a job because of the colour of your skin? Have you ever been asked for your papers because of the colour of your skin? If you answer no to those questions - congratulations - you win the hetero-normative privilege prize. Hey, so do I, and yes, I find the way a lot of people go on about these things to be mind-numbingly painful. However, at the same time, I believe that I do need to be conscious of the systemic oppression that occurs. Recognizing this does not grant people who are not hetero-normative any "special class", it simply means treating them as a human. White privilege is not saying that white people have no problems, that's ridiculous, everyone has their own problems. It's saying that there are systems in place in North America and a lot of Europe that have clearly allowed white people to benefit at the expense of others. Nor is this to say that other ethnicities don't act like assholes, don't treat other humans like shit, etc etc. because to state that is also factually ridiculous, a cursory glance at history will confirm that. But a 15 minute long bit about ass raping a 300lb NFL player (is the player black?) is clearly showing a lack of understanding of hetero-normative privilege - because in Western society, the people who are doing the ass-raping....
  11. Never heard Doug Stanhope before...some funny, but clearly doesn't understand white, hetero-normative, privilege.
  12. well they had me pee into the tube so i had my junk out, peeing into a tube in front of 3 women does that change the dynamic any? It changes the name of the tumblr site...
  13. Sorry delet was from a friend's facebook. She's from the Philippines, so she couldn't understand what the fuck everyone was complaining about. They got an inch and a third of rain! LOL
  14. only half-black child ;) COuld have been worse - you could have bust out with Buffalo Soldier.
  15. I just saw a video of the "worst storm in SF in decades" and i loled.
  16. Must be google fucking with firefox - cause they went with Yahoo as their default search provider. Google works fine in Safari - just hideous in Firefox. ahhh fml, is there a good adblocker for safari? I don't even see youtube ads with ABP...
  17. No mouse, and no pinch and zoom. It just started suddenly this morning.
  18. my google search results come back in huge font size in firefox.
  19. I just watched my first ever episode of The Voice. I hardly recognized Gwen Stefani. I know who Pharell is...but who are those other people? Why should I continue to watch? Should I just gouge my eyeballs out instead? Also heard a lot fo good things about the latest season of South Park. Might try and catch up.
  20. I was going to say - your way sounds like a 'eck of a lot of work.
  21. People who don't flush should be drawn and quartered.
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