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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Oh beerwolf come back! It's usually much more lighthearted. :) My FWP from last night is one of my external HDs died last night, containing some music i was in the mood for. I had to re-download it all from bleep. I think it took at least 30 minutes. Grrr
  2. Two year old accidentally shoots mom dead in Idaho Walmart. So yeah, that's kind of how the rest of the world views America.
  3. Jesus fuck delet, there is a difference between saying "yes unfortunately your mother did suffer a miscarriage and it was a very traumatic experience, so we should respect her and leave it at that" and "yeah the woman flushed it down the toilet". Speaking as someone whose ex-partner suffered a miscarriage, the hardest thing in the world was telling my daughter that she wouldn't have a little brother after all. hence yek should not be so hard on his dad over telling him this, which is what this was all about in the first place chen. Way to miss the point of the post, are you being thick on purpose? You don't say " she flushed it down the toilet" to your son when discussing your ex-wife's miscarriage unless you are being completely insensitive. unlike your post chengod, whose ammunition was based around the emotional turmoil experienced by the parent and obviously the young child when having to broach the matter (an i don't envy you that experience and you have my deepest sympathies over it). Yek is a full grown man and should harden the fuck up. Sure it might have been a bit of a shock to the system, and i'm sorry that he had that happen in his family but my point all along has been that he shouldn't blame his father for telling him something when he brought the issue up in the first place. How is this key position being missed by everybody? How many times do i have to say it before it gets through your thick fucking skull? It's fine for his father to talk about it. What's not fine is the way he told him. Here let's try again with examples. Good: "Yes son, your mother did have a miscarriage, it was a bad time and we should probably not remind her of it." Bad: "Yeah, she miscarried and flushed it down the toilet." (bit of a paraphrase, but yek did include the words "flushed it down the toilet" No one is blaming his father for telling him, they're discussing the manner in which it was handled. So again, what part of that don't you understand?
  4. Jesus fuck delet, there is a difference between saying "yes unfortunately your mother did suffer a miscarriage and it was a very traumatic experience, so we should respect her and leave it at that" and "yeah the woman flushed it down the toilet". Speaking as someone whose ex-partner suffered a miscarriage, the hardest thing in the world was telling my daughter that she wouldn't have a little brother after all. hence yek should not be so hard on his dad over telling him this, which is what this was all about in the first place chen. Way to miss the point of the post, are you being thick on purpose? You don't say " she flushed it down the toilet" to your son when discussing your ex-wife's miscarriage unless you are being completely insensitive.
  5. FWP: I think I have the flu or something and have to go in for an interview for a part-time job to supplement the full time work i'll be doing. Feel like ass, even though i sweated most of that shite out last night. Old brittle bones!
  6. Jesus fuck delet, there is a difference between saying "yes unfortunately your mother did suffer a miscarriage and it was a very traumatic experience, so we should respect her and leave it at that" and "yeah the woman flushed it down the toilet". Speaking as someone whose ex-partner suffered a miscarriage, the hardest thing in the world was telling my daughter that she wouldn't have a little brother after all.
  7. Found out recently that one of my partner's high school friends is as composer in residence (or something along those lines) with Sakamoto-san in NYC. Let's hope he can beat this throat cancer!
  8. Supreme Court ruled that the interpretation of the second amendment applying to individuals is legit. So the whole well-regulated militia bit is a non-starter. Still not buying it (the right to bear arms that is) though, it's just the security dilemma on a smaller scale.
  9. Sometimes though, I get sad at 'murica. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/12/23/ohio-homeowner-told-to-take-down-his-zombie-nativity-scene/
  10. Just watched "gone girl" after reading about half the book. They did a decent job of turning it into a film. Affleck was very convincing as the dumb good looking mid-western guy. Felt they could have gone into a little more depth over her rage of giving up shit to be "the cool girl". Score was excellent - it was nice finally seeing the scenery to go with the music. Reznor/Ross draw a lot on Twin Peaks era Badalamenti fo this I feel - with some modern updates obviously. Excited to see that Snowden doc already, and a Reznor/Ross score just adds to it.
  11. Hah! FInally chen posts a funny vid before one of the cool kids! ;)
  12. Seems like being friendly to him would make things easier for both of you Pretty much this.
  13. Nice, does that involve mining too? You'd be surprised how much mining exploration in Canada is paid for with Chinese money (actually, maybe not). And not just oilsands stuff - they probably would have evacuated Labrador by now if it wasn't for Chinese cash propping up the iron and nickel projects there It sure does ;) http://theasiafactor.ca/
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=122N7wI3ai4
  15. Oh it's Lego - I didn't know they were Danish to be honest. and logakht - that's awesome! But was it difficult to find, with only one cornea left?
  16. NICE! What kind of job? A couple of days ago I finished the sound design and music for a film about the world's best selling toy manufacturer. It's only a short term contract but it's doing research/data analysis for a think tank on Canadian provinces and how they interact with Asia in a variety of sectors. Who is the worlds best selling toy manufacturer?
  17. Just watched "The Purge: Anarchy" last night. Ok for a dumb film. The main dude should play the punisher.
  18. Cuz i is old... Just looked it up on Urban Dictionary - that explains why - I don't visit reddit or other such places.
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