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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. I know how you feel, I think. In Peru this year I was basically sick all month. I still had an awesome time but it really sucks being sick. I lost like 9 or maybe 11lbs due to the sickness. Feel better soon man! Oh I felt better by the weekend, took it easy and am right as ever now. Cheers though. what are you doing in burma if you dont mind me asking An internship at the Canadian Embassy.
  2. I did eat lots of yogurt prior to coming here, and I picked some up this weekend actually. it's mostly just the lack of hygienic practices in general in Burma.
  3. Powered through the first four seasons of Archer. love the shit out of it.
  4. Do you mean because you are too young? Move to Vancouver, they love youth there. my own FWP in a third-world country - my stomach has become too soft....can't fight off bacteria like I used to. For three days this week every time I went to take a shit it was literally like pissing out of my arse. And I was full of gas cause I was scared to fart for fear of sharting all over the office.
  5. Just started season 2 of Arrow. Queen, Felicity, Diggle and Laurel in a fourway == would fap.
  6. I dunno if this one has already been done, but this loop from chuck persons eccojams has been playing non-stop for the past three hours and i'm gonna go all night with it. 03 - Eccojam A3 loop.mp3
  7. Coming to India at all? Unfortunately not. Time and money are the usual suspects.
  8. Stuck in Myanmar with only earbuds and/or laptop speakers to use on my first listen to Syro...
  9. This is Shwedagon Pagoda at night from a distance. Mental.
  10. For Tokyo, standard fare for first time visitors is grand. Shibuya, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Harajuku. There are cool bars and restaurants basically everywhere, the problem is if you don't have someone to show you around for those finding them can be quite difficult. As for my own travels: Yangon is ducking mental. Most if the cars here are second-hand Japanese, so they're right hand drive. Some are Korean, which are not right hand drive. Regardless they drive on the right. Food is ridiculously cheap, to the point that it's cheaper to eat out than buy shit in the supermarket. I spent 50 cents on breakfast yesterday, and splurged for $3.50 brunch today. There's a crazy mix of people here, not too many dreaded crusties (yet) and the Burmese are super super friendly. Loving it so far, even with the mild case of (inevitable) food poisoning.
  11. In Taipei for about an hour and a half. Just enough time to stretch the legs out before getting back on a plane.
  12. On my way to Burma (Myanmar) for three months. Will be there for work, but hope to travel a bit in SE Asia as well. Leaving in slightly less than 11 hours, have not yet started packing!!
  13. Fucking school. Quick enough when they're owed money, but when they have to pay out, good lord. They make the Canadian government look efficient.
  14. Oh you and your penchant for mythological creatures.
  15. I'm downloading all 4 seasons of GOT for my upcoming trip. Hope it's as good as people say.
  16. Italo disco, serious funk, and I think the occasional drum and bass tune.
  17. Looks like it could bore someone to death You'll never know. Anyway, off to Burma on the 14th.
  18. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Actually it was bureaucratic inscrutability.
  19. My FWP in the other thread has been successfully resolved.
  20. Mind is blown. Excellent that one - would love to drop that in an industrial club full of people old enough to remember when Head like a Hole first came out...
  21. Canada, and yes it is possible to get it pardoned (I was 19 at the time, so no juvie). I thought it had already been pardoned, as I had done crim record checks before with no issues. It's not too expensive, so I'll get it done, but my fear is that if I don't get this position, I will be flagged in the government HR system as unhirable....
  22. Oh I was young and stupid, and I worked at a big retail chain here, saw some fancy bicycle pedals that had obviously been sat in the back for yonks and figured no one would be the wiser. Put them in my bag one day and store security was on me like a hawk when I left work that day. Stupid fuck - who knew that $120 bike pedals would bite me in the ass this hard. ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
  23. Highly doubtful. My only hope is that because I paid the fine instead of serving time I will be cleared. It's fucking stupid, because all I'm really guilty of here is not ensuring the pardon was taken care of to ensure they never found out if committed a crime. Which is ridiculous to me.
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