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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Just to clarify for the non-British herb smokers - many smokers in the UK roll spliffs, a mixture of loose-leaf tobacco and marijuana. Why the fuck they do this, I have no idea. So when he says "pure" joints, he means no tobacco, not some ultra-powered strain.
  2. Loading a Word doc from my dropbox folder on my desktop cause Word to crash. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  3. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    Some longer articles about this and that. NYTIMES: The Wreck of the Kulluk BBC: The Twisted World of Sexual Organs VICE: Chopping Houses - Fears of Witchcraft Leave Trail of Dismembered Bodies in Buenaventura New Republic: My Terrifying NIght with Afghanistan's only Female Warlord The New Yorker: The Mission - A Last Defense Against Genocide
  4. I queued for six hours for my new copy of Syro, but by the time I got to the front it was past midnight and my ration ticket had expired - SWP I just finished my shit-hot new acid EP, but the Union of IDM Composers censored the tracks - SWP My 808 was seized by the police on suspicion of being an aid to espionage - SWP Granted leave from the military to go to a jungle gig, but on the drive my Trabant blew a gasket - SWP - But I was able to fashion a new one out of some six-pack rings and two paperclips - Second-world Success! Second World was used to refer to former Soviet bloc nations. It's very much out of of fashion now old chap.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_%28independence_movement%29
  6. naw I'm only kidding. I had 50 cent breakfast every day in Burma. Sometimes I would splash out on coffee and bump that shit up to 70 cents.
  7. What they don't tell you is what the meat actually is ;)
  8. fried crickets and grasshopper. Delicious. Do not, under any circumstances, eat the boiled silkworm pupae they serve up in Korea. That shit is vile. I think I would enjoy watermelon moth!
  9. I like meat and plants both, oh what a pickle. edit: oh and seafood and fungi!! edit: and some insects!!!
  10. Jesus fuck that's rough man. Stay strong and much love and blessings to you and your fam.
  11. No easy transcoder? Does VLC show an audio track? I never have problems with mkv, but then again, I rarely watch any dodgy anime rips ;) (i kid i kid, i'm sure your sources are fine. oddly though i watch less anime after being with my current partner (who's japanese) than i did before). My FWP - doubtful if my bloody cold is gonna let me make it past more than two beers. Pressure in my sinuses could crush the hull of James Cameron's Deepsea Challenger.
  12. Easy night in tonight, not feeling so great. Two porters plus two relatively strong ales (nothing like those bloody Belgian beers spiral is drinking), asking for a hangover on top of this lingering cold. Oh well, 2015, YOLO.
  13. Hagel was wasted, and never stood a chance of accomplishing anything in Defense. Shame, cause he's actually not bad for a policy maker. In other words, pretty much agree with Joshua.
  14. That's what I'm referring to JE
  15. Notorious for what now? I'm flattered that anybody would even notice anything I write. Lol anyways please note I said the full wipe for 2014, not the full Adam Curtis documentary. On mobile at the moment but I will post the link to the full wipe 2014 when I get home.
  16. Russia played a large role in preventing the bombing of Syria. edited for clarity.
  17. Also, America's foreign policy is not doing well in winning hearts and minds: http://foreignpolicy.com/2014/12/31/the-best-worst-quotes-of-2014-lies-from-government-officials-and-politicians
  18. Brewing up a delicious dark at the moment, bottled about a week and a half ago, so should be ready to go in a couple of weeks. Haven't bought anything yet for NYE, it's gonna be a quiet night as me and the missus are both sick. Couple of ales I'm sure, maybe a nice chocolate porter. And if any of you want to increase your alcoholism, download the app untappd, and drink socially with RL friends. Tis great fun.
  19. The full wipe for 2014 is up on youtub.
  20. I love Time Heals All immensely. You might might want to check out ASC's collab with Ulrich Schnauss, although it's not beatless at all. It's wonderful. More along the lines of Time Heals All: Ben Lukas Boysen's "Gravity", and "Mother Nature" are two wonderful albums. Lots of stuff on the Glacial Movements label fits along those lines, give a bunch of their stuff a try: http://www.glacialmovements.com/ edit: forgot to add, Oophoi's "An Aerial View" has been getting a lot of play here lately. His output is a bit hit and miss, but this one hits solidly.
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