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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. > smoking > civilized (I kid, I kid) If man didn't evolve to pollute his lungs with a carcinogen that releases pleasurable chemicals in the brain, then I'll climb back up into my tree.
  2. Have successfully avoided writing my final paper for 6 months now. edit: and currently drinking a lovely gin and tonic with Bombay whilst smoking cigarettes in a bar. Inside. Like a civilized person should be able to.
  3. what about the second through infinityth lines? Talk about whatever catches your fancy. If she's worth your time, she'll listen and talk back. Helps if you reciprocate. And remember that partners are not always going to want to talk about the same thing over and over again - if you want to talk about the hi-hat sound Tiesto uses for his snurr rsh for the thousandth time, tht's what xltronic is fer.
  4. flol at both England's team of the future and the pro wrestling from Obel's post. Beautiful stuff.
  5. =( but you seem like a really healthy guy otherwise... Don't you go running and stuff and have body fat of like 0.5%??? (I think I saw a pic of you in the recent pics thread like a year ago and you were ripped!) I smoke occasionally too, if I'm drinking a stiff drink like scotch or cognac. I'm guilty. My body fat used to be really low, when I was doing home renovations. I've been a lazy fuck for like the last year though. I loathe jogging, when I'm not being a lazy fuck I play soccer, badminton, ultimate, and basketball. I'm sure I'll cut back when I get back to Canada, the economics of it just don't make sense in Canada.
  6. I know I should quit, but I fucking love smoking. Also, in Myanma at 80 cents a pack, you can't afford not to smoke.
  7. Was at some club the other night, the music was universally shitty until the DJ slipped in a remix of "Freak". I think I cummed a little.
  8. There aren't any real hostels here, but there are guest houses. You can find decent ones for between 10,000-15,000Ks/night ($10-15 USD). I would recommend one night at the start and one night at the end in a proper hotel though. Also bring some immodium pills. You'll need them. If your phone is unlocked, would recommend bringing one, although telecoms are dodgy (in the sense of infrastructure capacity) here. You can get a sim card for Check out yangon expat connection on google groups for people who might be able to help you out with places to sleep for cheap, and finding good deals on bike rentals. I can't speak to transportation costs in Cambodia, but they're really cheap here. Taxis in Yangon, just negotiate a price before hand. You can get almost anywhere in the city for under $5. If you don't like the price the driver is offering, just say no and walk away. Buses to Inle Lake/Bagan etc are really cheap as well. Flights to Mandalay can be had for cheap, depends on the day and time of flight. But that tour group is bloody ridiculous.
  9. What situation in Bangkok? The junta? You'll be waiting a while. Just personal things, lol. Sorry to be unclear. :D I was actually in Bangkok when the last junta was in power in 2007. Ah I see, Sorry if I came off as harsh, I'm just grumpy doing schoolwork at 1:45 in the morning lol.
  10. Jesus they're fucking you all kinds of ways on that tour. The most expensive thing should be your flight to Burma. After that you can stay in just normal hostels and shit while you're here. Personally I'd never do a tour, cause who the fuck wants to listen to some idiot blither on about the marvels of Bagan. I mean Bagan is cool, but I don't need some twit telling me about it. And if you really really feel the urge to get a tour guide, they'll have locals there who will be more than half the price. You won't want to do the tour in Feb-April - it's bloody hot. Try for November. And also keep an eye on the news, if there's fighting in Shan state, you won't be able to do that part of the tour easily. What situation in Bangkok? The junta? You'll be waiting a while.
  11. Love that track, and the 12" it's sat on Oh yeah, that's the split with AFX, totally forgot I had it, will have to give it a blast in his memory The better side of that split IMO....
  12. chenGOD


    Yes, and 4chan is actually a scholarly resource. ;)
  13. tough break on the puss out but this was a great read, cheers lol xxx flipped it inside out like a sock when he was reading that.
  14. Sheeeeeeeeeeit. Found out about this earlier today, totally ruined my Tuesday. Thanks for all the cracking tunes Mr. Bell (yes I know LFO was more than Mark Bell). Fav LFO moments? I love the Warp Records Memorial Mix where it's Freak mixed with Olson, Moby's " next is the E", and Leftfield's "double flash". (starts at 21:10 in the mix, lasts until about 27:50 - )
  15. wtf that's what a smart phone is for. Just whip that shit out and browse some watmm when someone is gnawing your ear off. Put in some earbuds and listen to autechre for maximum effect.
  16. Just watched "The Act of Killing" which is an insanely surreal documentary about the killings of the communists in Indonesia in 1965-66. Highly recommend.
  17. I'm almost at level 200 of candy crush, and I've done it without spending any money on boosters.
  18. I wish I was better at making charts from .csv data in excel. Also I guess I should really learn how to make macros...pain in the ass to sort data manually.
  19. The former USSR had terrible economic data reporting.
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