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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. :( I totally read that as "freestyle raping". FWP: why is champagne so expensive?
  2. lol I was quite drunk when i was watmming last night. My apologies eugene! But if it encapsulates a google search, it could very well provide a link for downloading the album (from a blog for example). Anyhow, let's just use a bit of common sense on this and not get into the semantics of things.
  3. If you can't understand the difference between "saying something has leaked" and "publicly providing a link that allows people to download the album" then you might want to consult a neurosurgeon, as your brain has clearly ceased to function.
  4. Trying to cite non-standard publications in Chicago style can lick my dirty sac. Fuck you stupid editors for not accepting in-text cites!
  5. If you've ever walked across a park full of goose shit, you'd understand why this is not a good idea.
  6. fucking lol http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p012ctfh
  7. LOL the other day i saw a city worker blowing leaves off a path that was in a heavily wooded area. TOO MUCH NATURE ON NATURE PATH! also, Java the island or the programming language?
  8. This would be a perfect thread for me to unload in, but I'm studying for a final.
  9. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    Hmm, sometimes maybe, other times I find it quite interesting and compelling. Looking at economic explanations for the end of the Roman empire (in the West), for instance, can be fruitful, and certainly provides a useful counterfoil to some of the more traditional arguments (e.g. blaming it on Christianity or barbarians). Personally, I find a lot of European Economic Histories, especially those written by Europeans, to be tedious, racist, and startlingly ignorant of a lot of world history. Also the desire for neo-classical economists to apply market principles to everything is slightly maddening. Because a lot of the times, it was not a goddamned market that drove economics! Also Niall Ferguson should stick to reporting about straight history and leave economic analysis alone, and he really needs to get over the loss of the British Empire, lol. Didn't see your response. The Diamond Age is wonderful. "Everyone" "hates" the abrupt ending, but half of that has to do with how fun the book is. It's probably better than Snow Crash, although he's most famous for Snow Crash. The Diamond Age is also probably a better place to start than Anathem, which is pretty brilliant, but not quite as immediately engaging and funny. I think his latest novel, Reamde, was a bit of a disappointment after Anathem. It's basically a fun, better written, thousand page Tom Clancy esque shoot out, with typical geeky moments that fail to get the in depth tangential exploration that he's known for. It's not bad, but it falls far short of the mark, imo. His Cryptonomicon does the same kind of thing re: "technothrillers" but does it better, without stereotypical Islamic terrorists, and with lengthy digressions on Cap'n Crunch cereal and masturbation. If you end up liking what you've got, definitely give Cryptonomicon a go. I adored the "Baroque Cycle" follow-ups/prequels to Cryptonomicon (Quicksilver, The Confusion, The System of the World), but they seem to be a little divisive. Stephenson's pre-Snow Crash books are probably only worth checking out if you're a confirmed fan. He's probably my favorite popular fiction writer, and I don't like a lot of them. Spot on response. I've read the Baroque Cycle three times, and plan t pick it up again in the new year. Reamde was such an easy read after Anathem. Enjoyable though!
  10. I'm not picking on you, lol just having some fun. apologies if feelings hurt. (fwp: I'm all out of drizzle)
  11. Is that Shelvey, Jaap Stam, Pierlugi Corlini, or Uncle Fester?
  12. It's a little bit difficult to compare season 1 with the other two seasons though, in terms of body count - Season 1 was only 6 episodes. And really? Shane only kills one zombie in Season 1? I need to rewatch that shit lol.
  13. Fuck i thought that mark gage had finally released a follow-up to VapourSpace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46zqMz1_2KE
  14. That totally happened in Beyond Re-animator. Which you should probably not watch. fixed. sheesh.
  15. Sitting in the library common space, listening to two fuckwits discuss how "amazing autocorrect is" while proclaiming the merits of madonna's latest album (she still makes music?). Kill me now.
  16. Just fucking lol holy shit. What is that beaver doing to that cock!! and have you ever seen 3 wolves howl?
  17. lol this thread is fucking great, holy shit I'm crying from laughing too much. fucking great finds usagi.
  18. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    Just finished: Defining Engagement: Japan and Global Contexts, 1640-1868. Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea Dead Aid: Why Aid is not Working and how there is a Better Way for Africa Defining Engagement was very good, an interesting look at Japanese foreign relations during most of the Tokugawa Period. Nothing to Envy was sensationalist dogshit. Dead Aid was interesting (although flawed in parts) in its critique of aid, but fails badly in economic prescriptions for Africa. Also totally ignores importance of political infrastructure and institutions. Next up - a bunch of books on the agricultural revolution in britain. I'm kind of not really excited about them lol. Economic History is mostly about as exciting as watching paint dry.
  19. [snicker] maybe Robbie is a fan of Brand. [/snicker] fucking lol!!!
  20. Did you happen to get the name of it? Also sorry that it's gone. Can't recall it off hand - but it was from the Gigantic Breweing Co. thank you all for your condolences. delet - India Pale Ale
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