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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. To be fair to this guy - at least he is suggesting the letters get checked for accuracy: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1503097725918728194?s=20&t=mDYyyy3z0wOubzT-eP0_uQ
  2. Severance - dark as shit and awesome as fuck. Great acting all around, but John Turturro kills it. Raised by Wolves - I started season 1 the other night but was way too high. Looks fucking freaky though.
  3. There would be, but probably not as many as inside the US....
  4. Jesus, we're not Russians here. ? Dude has a right to speak (with some constraints as per the rules, which everyone has read in triplicate) They're 2-3% of the total armed forces, and the same percentage for the general population (going by last election results). Not sure they're ready for an armed takeover.
  5. Max Blumenthal who reports for RT and Sputnik with a pro-Russian take? :surprised pikachu face: that other guy retweets Russian officials and a quick Google of Dean O Brien Ukraine shows he may not me the most trustworthy source… Anyways, since you hate nazis, here are some more for you to hate on
  6. Better or worse than COVID Infected Bat? AIB v CIB cage match.
  7. Lavrov is a total piece of human garbage:
  8. https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2022/03/02/the-controversy-over-chrystia-freeland-and-the-ukrainian-scarf-explained.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army Not so black and white as you would have it.
  9. That article is hilarious for so many reasons: "Slava Ukraine" (Glory to Ukraine) by itself is not a fascist slogan - it needs to be in conjunction with another phrase meaning "Glory to the Heroes". That's my understanding based on a little bit of research and asking some Ukraine friends. It goes on to say: " As Deputy Prime Minister, she [Minister Freeland, in her role as Minister of Finance is what they actually mean] has unveiled many of the brutal sanctions adopted by Ottawa against Russia, which amount to economic warfare and will have their most devastating impact on the lives of ordinary people." Most of Canada's economic sanctions are against Russian oligarchs and their assets in Canada, as well as entities they control. Additionally, Canada-Russia bilateral trade is so little, any other economic sanctions will have no impact - they are a show of political solidarity in the face of an act of war conducted by Russia. The article also says: "...the Canadian ruling class is clearly attempting to exploit this outrage, together with widespread political confusion about the background to the conflict, to marshal support for NATO’s proxy war against Russia." NATO was not engaged in a proxy war with Russia. NATO expansionism has already been addressed in this thread - but I will add a PDF that explains this in IR terms. It next goes on to say: "Ukrainian nationalism firmly established itself in Canada after 1945, when the Liberal government of Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent undertook to admit tens of thousands of Nazi collaborators from Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. The established communities of Eastern European immigrants in Canada prior to the war had been politically dominated by socialists and the left. St. Laurent was determined to provide them with new leadership." Which explains of course why every single National Socialist or Nazi party in Canadian history has been led by former Germans, and not a single member of a Nazi-related party has ever been elected to Canadian parliament. Canada additionally has a strong history of arresting and jailing Nazis and fascists or deporting them. (PDF link) It then concludes its' fantasy by saying "Far-right Ukrainian nationalists are now at the very center of Canada’s foreign policy." Which is so far-fetched I can't even begin to address the inane nature of the statement. As has been pointed out several times, the Azov battalion makes up approximately 2~3% of Ukranian forces fighting against the Russian invaders. That is a gallery with 3 photos in it. Out of the thousands of photos coming out of the invasion, you found 3. Well done. For clarity - Right Sector is a political party, not an armed group. In 2015, they had 2 nominal representatives (members who ran as independents and not on the party platform) in the Ukrainian parliament. In the 2019 election, they won none. In fact - "In the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election, Right Sector took part on a united radical right nationwide-party list with the Governmental Initiative of Yarosh, National Corps, and Svoboda. This combination won 2.15% of the nationwide election list vote and no seats.[38] This election the party did not win a single-mandate constituency parliamentary seat." So they ran a united radical right nationwide party - and won 2.15% (in keeping with the proportion of the Azov battalion to total fighting forces), with NO parliamentary seats - or in other words, support declined. Are Nazis bad? Of course they are. Does the Ukraine have a SEVERE Nazi problem? Not really. They exist and are bad. Why you're trying to obfuscate the issue here with this whole "Nazis are taking over" rhetoric is completely unclear, except for it provides you a vehicle to mouth off at NATO and through that, "the evil imperialists". I fucking promised myself I wouldn't engage with you, but goddamn, this is almost as dumb as your previous statements under your incarnation as a red-pill MRA warrior. I won't repeat them, because as you have rightfully pointed out, you made them, learned, and changed your perspective. Much respect for that. However, it's also worse, because you're insulting the hell out of Ukraine and Russian citizens (the ones who keep getting arrested for protesting the war) who are suffering for Putin's hubris. IR Theory Guide to Ukraine's War - (Walt - FP 2022).pdf
  10. I guess some of you may be interested in this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCva7xBQlC_a06OvVqfoj0fg I only found out about it because my friend gave a talk on there (he rambles a bit at the beginning, forgive him, he's in academia):
  11. Not wrong - the Conservative party here suddenly voted along with other parties to remove barriers for Ukrainian refugees: https://www.lakelandtoday.ca/beyond-local/canadas-ukraine-refugee-plan-praised-but-questions-raised-about-other-war-escapees-5126789 Compare that to the Conservative response to the Syrian crisis (they had a majority government at the time): https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-election-2015-conservatives-message-syrian-refugees-1.3226039 And more recently, our approach to the Afghan refugees after the Taliban took over (better than Syria, but still not great): https://finance.yahoo.com/news/canada-continues-welcome-more-afghan-224200987.html To add on that, because our Immigration branch is so short staffed (like virtually all federal government departments here), the delays are going to be huge: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/petawawa-ont-group-worried-syrian-refugee-family-will-take-back-seat-to-ukrainian-immigration-1.5813060
  12. Lol the chart for the exchange rate really puts it in perspective:
  13. ca c'est le brassage de marde fantastique.
  14. as logakght said - use soundcloud and buy off bandcamp. easy-peasy. And pirate away - if you're going to screw the artists, don't at least make Daniel Ek and his fucking ilk rich.
  15. I knew someone would say this. Is that what I said? Read carefully.
  16. It’s the best way. Unless in public, then of course you just pull out and spray like a firehose.
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