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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. He won silver in both previous Olympic experiences, so he clearly wanted that gold. He totally crushed that run, which was not easy cause the Aussie who went before him also laid down a pretty mental run. The dude who won is only 23, and he's been competing in the X-games since he was like 13. His brother was also competing, he set a record for biggest backside air (24'4" or 7.4m), which was absolutely ridiculous.
  2. Further to zeff's question about the influence of Computer Music (or "high" culture) on popular music, this article from the quietus, ignoring the obvious agenda, is a good illustration of some influence: https://thequietus.com/articles/27692-xenakis-pauline-oliveros While neither Xenakis or Oliveros were strictly composing Computer Music, their use of technology (and computers) and the influence they have had can't be denied. Text of article in spoiler, in case you have troubles accessing the site, or just want to read the text.
  3. Scanned the first 20 minutes or so, pretty cool. Lol at this though:
  4. https://news.yahoo.com/climate-hope-scientists-uk-set-120014685.html Some interesting info on the UK project and the related France-located international consortium.
  5. From a South African who benefited off apartheid policies? unglaublich!
  6. That men’s snowboard half-pipe final was pretty fucking mental.
  7. Check the sonus link that’s in my first response. It’s free! or just throw the names of the three composers drillkicker mentioned into youtube. Curtis Roads is pretty accessible.
  8. Yes. There are many examples of “high” culture influencing “low” culture. The same holds true the other way as well.
  9. There are 7 billion people in the world, many of whom don't speak any languages in common with you. 0.05% of that is 35 million. Now I pulled that number straight out of my ass, but not an unreasonable assumption. Because artists enjoy creating art, and many people recognize that art is important to developing culture. In Canada for example, the Canadian ElectroAcoustic Community is an organization that promotes electroacoustic music. It is funded by SOCAN and the Canada Council For the Arts (one of the government bodies in Canada responsible for promoting arts and culture). It has a great jukebox online at SONUS. Korea has a similar organization: The Korea Electro-Acoustic Music Society. They have an international music festival, which is amazing. I don't know if Japan has a similar society, but I would guess so (I talk about those three countries cause I know them best). The point is that although it may be niche, governments and private foundations recognize that culture is multifaceted, and they want to promote and nurture the arts. That's why those institutes exist (and also in some cases, people pay). Because they love creating art?
  10. This guy making the natural sciences awesome
  11. Huh, anyone from Louisiana on here...you might like this guy. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/gary-chambers-jr-confederate-flag-louisiana-senate-1297202/
  12. A lot of Americans I've met abroad just say America and then follow up with the state, although some will just say the state (especially the ones perceived as more well known). Just my anecdotal experience. That second part is weird, I only ever hear that argument made by Americans (and delet) who are convinced that America is the source of all evil in the world. Like the rest of the world knows very well that America is taken to meant U.S.
  13. sorry ? p.s. the preferred nomenclature is "Clown Parade".
  14. A fair point. Kind of like a reverse "miracle on ice". I was personally looking forward to McDavid doing stuff like this (more like this) on the Olympic stage.
  15. It would have been worse this year if the pros played. McDavid is better than Crosby, and Crosby would have still played.
  16. The commentator is gold. FLOL the pros aren’t even playing in this olympics because they don’t want to risk catching COVID. As @ignatius says, the playoffs get gnarly (and I don’t even really like hockey).
  17. Can't believe we lost to the Aussies in curling.
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