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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yeah that was a fucking blast to watch as a neutral. Thoroughly entertaining.
  2. Thanks, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this. Seems so obvious.
  3. Got my booster shot on Sunday. Immediately got a case of sinusitis the next day. I think my 5g upgrade went glitchy. halp?
  4. Just finished season 6 of The Expanse. Decent. Last two episodes were really good, and there’s an awesome Easter egg in the last episode. Definitely better than a lot of other dross. See - interesting idea, some decent characters but the Queen can go fucking do one. Worth a watch.
  5. Is that 750 euros for what looks like crocs and half of a cotton sock?
  6. Yes I think the preparation is of course extremely important - but I guess for CBD at least, there is already a large amount of industry that can perform this at relatively low cost. I think it is slightly more difficult for the two cannabinoid acids as described in this paper: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.1c00946, both of which are different from CBD. I think we need @Audioblysk to give us a chemistry primer, or maybe @xxx?
  7. People aren't going to be smoking huge blunts to combat COVID, but CBD might have some potential. Note that this study is a pre-print and the sample size is small: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7987002/
  8. That’s so weird! My roommate’s friend’s kids both died from the vaccine too!!!
  9. Not relevant to the conversation but that was always one of my fav DK songs:
  10. I forgot, one of the things that really stood out to me on this is the bold part. That means the dude has been drinking copious amounts of his own urine for god knows how long. Just….wtf.
  11. This is funny though: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fauci-hot-mic-roger-marshall-b1991054.html And here's the audio:
  12. That tweet was comedy genius and no one can tell me otherwise. Only bested by another tool sliding a dildo up his own rectum to "own the libs".
  13. Jesus fuck Paul is an absolute tool. Classic tactic of throwing out question after question trying to find something. Fauci doesn't do very well here, he should demand the first time Paul interrupts him that he be allowed to finish his response.
  14. Sigh. It must be weird not to have a conscience. At least the piss guy isn’t grifting on his urine cure…?
  15. From the article: So it seems like the guy who discovered deltacron currently believes that it will be less either less virulent or less transmissible (I’m guessing the latter). At this point I feel like it’s almost inevitable that everyone will get some form of COVID-19, although it may continue to weaken in virulence, to be more like the common cold (which is also caused by coronavirus, though not exclusively). We will probably end up addressing it like the flu although boosters/vaccines may have to be more frequent. At present though, obviously it is still a massive issue and we should all be doing our best to follow safe practices when out and about, and getting vaccinated/boosted.
  16. Yes, this is also known as an exit scam. that whole thread is top level lels
  17. Ehhh, pro-agonist was a pretty fucking good album. This is cringe though. Lol in one of the comments he replied to though, he says “here’s a stunning NFT blah blah ….free forever at https://hic.link/the-cliff.” guess what’s at that link now? lol This is so much more sophisticated, and obviously therefore better, than me hitting “checkout now” on my bandcamp cart.
  18. Really nice:) thanks man. Also really good to see Pietro is still running igloomag.
  19. Yeah just been reading about the draaaama. Real shame about that - and that AVN video is the tits. He was probably the best possible person to interview the lunatic in prison. Either him or Louis Theroux.
  20. Compared to Quebec and 'berta, BC is doing ok. I'm surprised that Ontario isn't worse. Check the cases per 100k. https://covid19tracker.ca/
  21. lot of good sample material there. Also, didn't realize it was the All Gas No Brakes guy who did the interview.
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