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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yes, North Korea has really turned things around due to 60 years of crippling sanctions. Poor, malnourished people are really not going to rise up against military dictatorships. See also, Myanmar. Sanctions should be targeted, not broad. Even then, their efficacy is questionable, and really only work if there are already democratic institutions in place to punish offenders.
  2. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-statement-ukraine-crisis-would-never-have-happened-if-president-2022-2 As well, a reminder that: Trump wanted to dismantle NATO, which would help Putin Trump wanted to bring Russia back to G7, which would help Putin Trump withdrew from Open Skies surveillance treaty, which helped Putin Much more here: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/t11uq0/trump_who_was_impeached_for_withholding_nearly/hydu4ke/ Yes it's a reddit post - a lot of it is very easy to find evidence for.
  3. So with respect to those truckers in Canada, the CBC's very good Fifth Estate show produced this episode. It's a pretty decent overview:
  4. That's the PM of Finland. This link here gives a great overview from the Finnish left: https://jmkorhonen.net/2022/02/23/on-the-kremlins-imperialism/
  5. War isn’t binary, there are a thousand stories that make up a war. I think it matters who started it because without the aggressor there would be no response, if that makes any sense. sorry for misinterpreting your statement on Twitter. it is easy to get sucked into doom scrolling on Twitter and Reddit. Putin’s intentions are not difficult to discern: he yearns for the old days of Soviet strength, and he has made that clear in his speeches, and more importantly, his actions. of course you should feel safe to vent as you want here, and my retorts were never meant with any ill intent (I don’t harbour any ill will to any current WATMM members), so my apologies if they came off as such.
  6. To complement that excellent source: Bellingcat had produced a spreadsheet to counter disinformation - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bZ5uItSGLfYlCKT2kl0MEGYIF0gEhPaY68KVduwPw8M/edit#gid=0
  7. That's not what I said, but thank you for misinterpreting my eloquently worded post. So who's dragging who where? Why go to twitter when you get the information straight from Putin's mouth? It's not like there isn't plenty of video of Putin saying exactly what he means.
  8. Damn, Ukraine rep to the UN Security Council letting the Russian rep (currently the president) have it in his closing statement (starts at 1:33:25 if the link is messed up):
  9. So, Russia invaded Ukraine, but somehow it’s the fault of the west that war is starting?
  10. That’s a great article, thanks for sharing! that’s funny on the Chinese characters, that translation is obviously right because of the sequence, but my immediate thought for 1 and 2 was “day” and “month” respectively (because you see those characters used that way every day).
  11. I’m excite! but it’s pretty ambient already? Cycles 5 is prob my fav out of the bunch so far. Liking this much more than the Phantabla releases.
  12. "Now pass the gravy." The upcoming biopic on Big Sam - myth, marvel, and legend.
  13. I mean it’s probably both, which is why California prices are almost as much as BC, but on par or slightly more expensive than Alberta (heavily subsidized and no provincial sales tax). Inflation is real (not to the extent some sectors are gouging us for), and as pressure from other types of transportation becomes stronger, the price of gas will continue to increase. Even some of the OPEC cartel are realizing this and investing in EVs and other forms of energy use. Still a long ways to go before things get “clean”. Sorry, I forgot we were in the SFWP thread, not the “oh shit the planet is dying” thread.
  14. Yeah this is really just Americans losing the subsidies around gas prices that have been kept up for so long. Still sucks, cause the real fwp is the lack of good public transport in most North American cities.
  15. biathalon is the most metal. skiing like a motherfucker and then getting your heartrate down so fast to be able to shoot accurately? Ridiculous.
  16. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/current-covid-patients-hospital?country=~DNK 1,300 and climbing, and even if they're sent home relatively quickly, that's still a massive surge the hospitals have to deal with, and obviously you don't want to bring in people who have pre-existing conditions to wards full of people with a highly contagious variant of COVID...maybe they should build a COVID only hospital? Sadly all of the people I know who have COVID have been vaxxed..so no schadenfrude available yet. The good news is, because they've been vaxxed, symptoms are very mild.
  17. Totally reasonable question, and I wasn't assuming you were arguing, hope my response didn't come across as combative. I think you're right, we'll have to wait and see for the long-term effects to be better understood with omicron, but I'm of the opinion that we should take preventative measures until we better understand that risk.
  18. Well, it's pretty well established that COVID causes heart issues: https://www.science.org/content/article/covid-19-takes-serious-toll-heart-health-full-year-after-recovery And while the risk may be less with the Omicron variant (according to one cardiologist?? lol I don't know how accurate that information is), it is clearly not nil. So like many of the discussions around this, it will come down to risk tolerance, cost-benefit analysis, etc. etc. I wouldn't say the Danish model is the best to follow...https://covid19.who.int/region/euro/country/dk Hospitals run a significant risk of being overwhelmed again (check out the spike after Feb 1): https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/current-covid-patients-hospital?country=~DNK
  19. Absolutely - the Japanese guy who won it (should have been in first after his second run) is only 23!!! And it's his 3rd Olympics! The dedication and hours those athletes put in at a young age also helps, plus the whole "standing on the shoulders of giants" to drive themselves to do better than their idols.
  20. I think this is the thing that people can't see with the omicron variant, because while the actual symptoms of infection may be lesser than with the previous variants, all the heart, lung, respiratory, and whatever other issues remain.
  21. chenGOD


    rewatched this last night after finishing the first book. It's amazing how much they got right. The music took away from it a bit more in some places, but that's also likely because i don't have a good home theatre setup. The only one that still makes me cringe is the stupid "middle-eastern wailing" piece. Other than that it could have benefited from some better mixing. Still, it was truly a phenomenal piece of art. Can't wait to see how they wrap things up in part 2.
  22. That's why I said ignoring the obvious agenda. Other than that aspect I thought it was ok. There's just not much quality journalism on the influence that I could find. I mean, they all have talked about the influence Xenakis has played on their music at some point (well, I'm not sure about Rollins), I guess maybe it's not a gamut? I dunno, trying to spark some positive conversation instead of all the negativity that is currently swirling around Ottawa. How about this then: Lots of sample material for someone so inclined...
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