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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. The solar power panels are of course bought, often on the grey market. This is the people of North Korea selling the apartments (well the certificate to live there), not the state. But just to be clear, you’re saying it’s alright to use capitalism to better the lives of the citizens of a state? Even if it creates the inherent contradictions as described by Marx? Why are you posting these photos? I’m genuinely curious as to your motive.
  2. They’re not sustainable. The solar panels give them barely enough electricity run lights or appliances for a little bit because of how terrible their electric grid is. There is also nothing legally decentralized about North Korea. I find it interesting that you just skipped past the whole selling of properties that were granted to people by the state. Even North Koreans are capitalists. You wouldn’t want to live there, I can guarantee you that.
  3. An interesting article on gerrymandering: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/05/27/redistricting-gerrymandering-2021-moon-duchin-interview-491199
  4. Those new apartment buildings look nice, but don’t have central heating. If you look closely, you’ll see solar panels on most apartments’ balconies because North Korea doesn’t have a stable electric grid. The best part about those fancy apartments though (the ones on “future scientist street”) is that they command a good price on the real estate market in Pyongyang. https://www.nknews.org/2016/05/owning-a-home-in-north-korea/
  5. Ireland doing the right thing: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/26/ireland-recognises-israels-de-facto-annexation-of-palestine
  6. Or you could accept that I've actually read a fair bit about East Asian history, and try and counter those points?
  7. I agree with this so much. I find a lot of ambient I'm listening to requires more attention, but it's very rewarding.
  8. Oh and a new discovery for me (probably been mentioned in this thread but since the search function sucks... and much more to hear, here. <- (bandcamp link)
  9. Damn it I should really check this thread more often. Ah well. The new Mark van Hoen album is decent. https://markvanhoen.bandcamp.com/album/just-like-the-moon Track 5 may be my favourite (at the moment).
  10. Japan was so influenced by the west during the Meiji restoration, (Ian Buruma's "Inventing Japan" is a really good, quick read) and have taken on a lot of Western influence through cultural exchange. South Korea's relation with the US and the west is also very evident. To deny the British influence on India is really just.."not on". But yes the definition of the west isn't concrete, and those concepts of occident and orient are extremely archaic. But in a geopolitical sense, Israel is very much a Western nation.
  11. They aren't, the UN declaration has had at least one binding treaty (out of nine) ratified by 193 member nations. Most have ratified four or more. But of the original 58 signatory states, the majority were "western". There's nothing racist about the UDHR.
  12. Yes and modern democracy kind of originated in "the west". But please explain why Israel isn't a western nation?
  13. My man - you should read up on Taiwanese resistance to Japanese rule. Sure the Taiwanese have more respect for the Japanese than Korea, but it is 100% disingenuous to call it benign. The point is that Japan tried to emulate the Western colonizers, not that they did for as long. It wasn't merely boasts - and those countries often did accept the suzerain-vassal state. For a nuanced look at the issue, I recommend "Ambassadors from the Islands of the Immortals", or "Tradition, Treaties, and Trade: Qing Imperialism and Choson Korea". For a look at how Chinese philosophical thinking affected Korea, Martina Deuchler's "Confucian Transformation of Korea" is required reading. Of course international relations in East Asia are more nuanced than that, so here, you can read some more of my thoughts on it. ASIA 410 Term Paper (edit).pdf
  14. What would you call it? Modern Israel was created through the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate of Palestine (endorsed by the League of Nations and the US), and then partition. The state supposedly adheres to "western" principles such as democracy and a market-based economy, and in theory upholds fundamental human rights. It's major trading partners are the US and UK (and China of course, they need to buy cheap shit like everyone else).
  15. Saw that on reddit. I'd take the $2K and go get the vax.
  16. Taiwan, Manchukuo (Manchuria), were also colonized by the Japanese with typical colonial economies (i.e. resources and output went to the colonizer). The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere ran into a little problem called the Second World War, after which you'll note that many of the western colonists also lost their colonies. Yes Chinese control over client states was different than colonization, but the idea was that those client states only derived any authority through the mandate of the Emperor. There was still an element of use of foreign resources for the Chinese. What is this even referring to. Do you somehow think that because I acknowledge that other people besides westerners have agency in discussing global issues that have no impact on their lives, I'm somehow shrugging off the very real issues of colonization's legacy? Or the very real issue of Israel being absolutely in the wrong in their relations with Palestine? Why are you using slurs when discussing the issue here?
  17. It seems the first two audits were publicly funded and the third one is being funded partly by the state but mostly through private donations. Also, apparently the naming of the company was left to the owner's 9 year old son. Cyber Ninjas.
  18. Bee Mask was such a good album. He may have peaked too early. But this track is really lovely, as was his "Filo Loves the Acid" release from a couple of years ago.
  19. "Let me ask you a question then" Proceeds to ask 8 questions in one. Also, if I'm Arizona taxpayer, I'd be asking some serious questions about how much that "independent contractor" is billing the government. You know he's not paying for all that tech out of pocket.
  20. Is this kindergarten? "Naughty west - time out corner for you." Japan took a pretty good whack at East and Southeast Asia for slightly over 50 years. China proclaimed its superiority over other nations during much of its imperial reign, through the form of suzerain-vassal international relations (extracting "tribute" for profit, and controlling other nations' foreign affairs). Go back further and you'll find western Asian nations colonizing Africa. The "west" is just the latest in a series of colonizers (or aggressive entities) throughout history, which of course is the theory behind offensive realism (see Mearsheimer and Walt - more so Mearsheimer).
  21. So Tresor is releasing a boxset to celebrate 30 years of banging tunes (a touch on the expensive side). On that is a beautiful Donato Dozzy track: I'm very tempted to auction off a kidney and put in a pre-order.
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