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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Dear @auxien, thank you for your valuable feedback. I sincerely hope you never choke your lizard at an inopportune moment.
  2. Is masturbating a flaw? "An internal investigation" into a dude who accidentally masturbated on a Zoom call. Jesus fuck puritanical 'murica strikes again. I do like how they went from talking about a dude stroking his unit straight to discussing guns. Look at this shit: do we need an international conversation about chain-yankin, even if it's accidentally on cam?
  3. Need a download of this... PHANTASIA sounds well lush. In the wishlist, probably by the time I can afford to spend money on music Aleksi will have released 3 more lol.
  4. The F in Group F stands for "Fuck your pool picks".
  5. is stored in the balls.
  6. In a surprise to no one, the mega-rich (ultra-rich? obscenely rich? super-duper rich?) use legal means to avoid taxes: https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax It's long past time to think about new ways to improve the tax code - and it's not just a simple wealth tax. A tax on borrowing past certain amounts and for certain purposes, a wealth tax at the end of the year with clear definitions of what constitutes wealth, an increased corporate tax, and removing loopholes. That's just me thinking off the top of my head, so I'm sure people much smarter than me with some time can go after that money. Since America can trace at least some of its origin to the opposition of paying taxes though, it may continue to be a tough slog.
  7. I liked most of HS. I had a fun time and only had one truly awful teacher. I was lucky, I went to a big HS that was well funded and had a lot of opportunities for fun extra-curricular activities (this was in the late 87-90 in Edmonton, Canada). I understand in America it's going to be much more patchwork - rich neighborhoods with higher property taxes will have better schools, which speaks to the need for better distribution of funding (leading to more resources for teachers, increased training opportunities for teachers, increased extra-curricular activities for students etc. etc.). But yeah, different for each person.
  8. Ugh on the phone with my brother yesterday, just found out he won't be getting the vaccine because "he's not sure if it's necessary". Since it was like 11 PM my time I had no desire to get into an argument with him but fuck me what a selfish prick.
  9. Started playing FANTASIAN. So far, exactly what I expected and that’s just perfect ?
  10. But mechanical memorization is not the same as ensuring that everyone (or trying to ensure) has the same base level of education... That sounds like you had not the best teachers - although, someone pretty famous said "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist" Anyhow of course some things suck about learning basic things - but you have to do that to get to the interesting parts, otherwise you don't really understand the interesting parts!
  11. Satan's Favorite Sodomite - sounds like a GG Allin song. FLOL
  12. I mean you can still socialize when you're 24 - fuck I didn't start uni until i was 35 and made some good friends (no 18 year olds, but some in their early 20s and other mature students). I'm gonna take a wild stab given the demographics of this board and say you're a white dude (please forgive me if I'm wrong) but traveling to other countries would be incredibly safe for you barring some obvious regions. I dunno, I just think it's a huge chunk of time (and money in the US and increasingly in Canada) when you're 18 that could be better spent elsewhere. I mean obviously it's just my opinion, but I think the pressure to do so is more what I'm talking about, but certainly there are many people like yourself who want to do so, so that's great as well.
  13. I wonder how the naming sequence for this series is going to go. IS the next one going to be β Merak?
  14. Critical thinking should definitely be taught in high school. Some more flexibility could be introduced (for example I didn't have to take all 3 sciences to the grade 12 level - only 2 out of the 3, thank fuck cause I was terrible at physics - although only mildly better at chemistry lol), but the point of school up until post-secondary is to ensure that everyone has the same base level of education. Edit: I just think most teens don't have any idea of what would be valuable to study and prepare them for life later - like would they get a good solid foundation. I was a fucking idiot when I was a teen (I still am, but even moreso then), I would have done 2 physical education classes and 4 music classes, cause that's what I was interested in at the time. More funding (and more better paid teachers) would allow for more extra-curricular activities, better music and other fine arts programs, and so on. History could be made much more interesting by teaching about the foibles of historical people as well as their achievements. Better paid teachers would also mean you're getting better teachers, who understand how to teach but also inspire creative and critical thinking. I think the real problem is this weird fixation with making kids go to college/university straight after high school. Like take a couple of years off (I took off ten lol), work some service industry jobs, travel, whatever, but go get a sense of the world, and then go to post-secondary/university.
  15. So this is what Thanskgiving dinner sounds like at a republican retirement home.
  16. Not really haha funny, but yes, an astute observation that fewer firearms == fewer firearm related homicides. Don't ask me why Americans love their guns so much, I've fired off some up here in the frozen wastelands north of the wall and sure it's kind of fun watching things go boom, but it wears off quickly.
  17. Not to be the the "well akshually" guy, but the limited data available indicates that most firearm related homicides of young people occur in the home or on the streets. From this study: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/140/1/e20163486 More on school shootings in this article: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/02/gun-violence-children-actually-experience/582964/
  18. Lol I wonder how many one here will understand that acronym. Us ancients will, but surely to fuck they're not still using these in classrooms.
  19. I thought you were gonna post the naked woman trashing an Outback (chain restaurant for anyone unfamiliar), and then getting tased.
  20. chenGOD


    Likely they tracked the BTC to a wallet they had either owned (through hacking the hackers, not attacking the BTC protocol) or it was on an exchange that was cooperating with law enforcement. Also they should have used Doge.
  21. Sent me down a brief rabbit hole of youtube climbing - this one had my palms sweaty as fuck:
  22. Those pics are so cool. I have a friend who got into mountaineering in a big way (he's done Everest, tried K2 - he was in Siren of the Himalayas), and his pics were always amazing as well. Love seeing those shots - really shows the awe of the world.
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