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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. It’s the most efficient model found so far. I’ll need your definition of decentralized democracy before I can make any arguments one way or the other.
  2. As the historical tidbit of the peasant revolt against collectivism (first under Lenin and then Stalin) shows, people vastly prefer that to Marxist-Leninist thought. The same goes for China. The current grey and black market economy in North Korea, as well as the legitimate real estate market, also demonstrate that people have a preference for monetary reward. Now money can be a substitute for some other immediate reward, but the implied consequence is that people want rewards that are immediate to the sale of their value (be that labour or good), and this is true in virtually all economies. For example, even the potlatch economy of the Pacific Northwest, the reward is honour and more importantly safety, as demonstrations of wealth and power show it is futile for smaller families to attack more powerful ones. You asked why capitalism solves the problem better, and that’s why. Command economies are generally very poor at allocating resources, and have difficulty managing and planning to maintain and improve their economy.
  3. The reaction if Chauvin had been found anything but guilty on all counts would have been worse than European hooliganism.
  4. Lol yes it’s fucking gross. I hope we get relegated to the third division, the glazer cunts sell us off to a 50+1 fan owned consortium and football is done proper again.
  5. Also, sure, let's compare water supplies of China with Japan and South Korea then. Both countries devastated by WW2 and the Korean War, and yet somehow they have potable water in their urban centres through well-maintained water infrastructure. South Korea was also a less developed country at the beginning of the 20th century.
  6. Because people are incentivized through monetary rewards for selling their labour. Which is clear from an examination of history.
  7. Man stop constructing strawmen. I asked you where the surplus labout to invest in more water infrastructure was going to come from. You responded they would just move from one field to the other, as if it were something easy to do. The idea behind bringing this up is that in order to increase efficiency in the use of materials, people (and industries) specialize, which is something your proposal of just moving from one field to another seems to ignore.
  8. You choose one district? In one capitalist country? With terrible regulations and no enforcement? Canada: you can drink straight from the tap in all cities and towns, barring areas where using artisanal wells makes more sense. The vast majority of the US you can drink tap water, same in Japan, South Korea (though they don't for some weird reason), Western Europe. China on the other hand - don't ask for ice cubes in your glass for bottled water, comrade. People already do this in, and they specialize in it, making them more efficient.
  9. We really need a Rick reaction emoji to go along with the Farnsworth one.
  10. You said this: Where does that extra labour come from, assuming water infrastructure exists and is being maintained by civil engineers? If they need more, that implies more labour? Like how is that difficult to understand? Your answer was: So again, I ask you: do you understand that people just can't pick up and move fields of work? How are you going to incentivize people to begin working in that field? Are you going to command them to do so? That's what the history lesson refers to, people are incentivized for their own reasons, some are not interested in doing more than they can to provide for their family, while others want to do more, and work for society on a larger scale.
  11. That's not what I asked at all - I asked where the extra labour to invest in water infrastructure would come from.
  12. You understand that people can't just stop working as say, a computer programmer, and pick up work in civil engineering/welding/construction for developing water infrastructure right? That was the point of the comparison with Mao's steel production initiatives. Peasants who were formerly farmers went to work on steel production using backyard furnaces, reducing their contribution to food production (subsequently leading to famine in China). This is called opportunity cost. It's not nazi propaganda: https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/ca.secondwave/is-ussr-peasants.htm It's a good lesson that people prefer to work for their own incentives, whatever they may be.
  13. The USSR succeeded under Lenin because Lenin compromised in the face of famine and instituted the New Economic Policy on grain production, which was an obvious capitalist economic policy. After Lenin died in 1924, Stalin later reversed that course, leading to widespread famine in the Ukraine. Your lack of understanding of Soviet history is alarming.
  14. Specialization and opportunity cost are things that exist. Do you know what happened when Mao did the very same thing you are proposing for steel production in China (China needed steel, so people stopped what they were doing and went and produced steel (as an important aside, this was not optional). Also I don't know what kind of socialist government would let their workers go without literally the most important element for people to survive. The below sounds pretty harsh to me.
  15. The thing in Korea is that it's not common to entertain at home, nor are home studios etc common. Also the big high-rise apartments are built out of thick concrete, not wood. Plenty of the smaller places have noise issues.
  16. @TubularCorporationYes that is a market economy (or capitalism), where people decided to sell goods and services (servers, code, people to maintain both). Are you confusing markets with trade? Also, fuck Daniel Ek.
  17. Can't see the picture, but Chollima plays a very important role in North Korean socialist propaganda. I have a good picture of the statue from the last time I went, but it's on one of my hard drives somewhere, so the wiki version will have to do.
  18. Because WATMM's quoting system was obviously created by socialist management: @cyanobacteria , you said: To which I replied: To which you replied: Sorry I wasn't clear: when you said there would be more labour invested in water infrastructure, where would this surplus of labour come from?
  19. @auxien Yeah for sure, I know what you mean. I'm guessing it's the lack of atmosphere that causes something like light not reflecting as much, as well as it likely being the Mastcam that took the video, which apparently only has a resolution of 2MP. Good article here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-04-19/mars-nasa-helicopter-ingenuity-to-take-historic-flight/100055364
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