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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Lol you know the North Koreans started the war right? It's 15% of the population. CCP families get more family members promoted. So I strongly doubt that it would be that simple.
  2. India's socialist period (from the 50s to the late 70s) resulted in far lower growth than their market-reform oriented period. The 90s saw them revert back to import substitution industrialization, which has never worked, so don't know why they thought it would work then. He's actually right - but the change in fortunes happened well before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the downturn for DPRK started in the late 60s early 70s, and DPRK is not, and has never been a communist state. It's also not just a simple as South Korea being a US client state, but since I don't have time nor the desire to give a lesson on South Korean industrialization I'll just suggest reading Alice Amsden and Ha-Joon Chang. The CCP has 92 million members. China's population is approx 1.4 Billion. So no, not everyone has a family member in the CCP. Much like in the DPRK, CCP members in the communities are often unknown, and will report infractions of Xi Jinping thought to the authorities. It's a pretty classic technique.
  3. Listen, what you Welsh and your sheep do in the privacy of your own homes is no one's business at all.
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56660644 Exoskeletons getting cheap could be cool as fuck.
  5. For all my Canadians: Canada to distribute remaining vaccines through “Roll up the Rim to Win” contest
  6. In terms of overall numbers rising out of poverty, yes. But South Korea blows away the CCP in raising the prosperity of its people. https://countryeconomy.com/countries/compare/china/south-korea?sc=XE34 For a nation of comparable size, India is the obvious choice. They kept up with China until the mid-90's, but poor government policy decisions in the late 80s early 90s led to disastrous results, as outlined in this paper.
  7. This is of course important to acknowledge. Under the policies of Deng to reverse the damage caused by Mao, and opening the country up to global capital, the number of people that have risen out of poverty has been tremendous. I would say that without the fear component, the current government would face a lot more criticism in public. 2014: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/30/china-repression-dissent-xi-jinping 2015: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/19/xi-jinping-does-china-truly-love-big-daddy-xi-or-fear-him 2019: https://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/3006516/xi-jinpings-intolerance-dissent-within-government-heightens 2020: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/7/7/china-launches-political-policing-task-force-state-media
  8. Jesus. Minneapolis cops not the brightest bunch. The firing of the officer involved in the US Army pull over is small consolation.
  9. Because of stuff like this: You know why the CCP gets high support ratings? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-06-27/in-chinas-universities-targeted-attacks-on-intellectuals-raise-memories-of-the-cultural-revolution
  10. Yeah I saw it earlier on reddit. What it really shows is the difference in training. The US army officer, while obviously scared, was able to remain calm and used his training to deescalate as much as possible. These cops (who apparently make up half of the town's patrol) have obviously received no training, and have let their animal brains take over.
  11. @auxien good ramble. I don't even think I've been that much of a cunt to zeff, who is definitely not arguing in good faith. Also you’re right I’m not crying about it. I’d still have a beer with anyone on this forum, even zeff. We're in a thread about China. Let's keep it that way, and we can discuss the US in the US thread. I will continue to say that China's criminal justice system is far worse because while all the things you say happen in the US are true, they are also against the law in the US. And sometimes that shit gets called out (for example the recent case with the cops harassing the officer from some branch of the military - he is suing them). In China, that shit is baked right into the law. I'll also say that in the US, while prisoner rights are pretty minimal, at least many prisons have libraries, internet access, exercise facilities etc. In China, prisoners are lucky to get a walk around the prison courtyard, before it's back to their cell with 6 to 14 people in it. And while black people and other POC are often arrested on trumped charges, there is at least something to fight against (the charge being trumped up). The Uighur in the detention camps are arrested not for any trumped up drug charge or driving while black. They are detained (not arrested) simply because of their ethnicity - there is no charge they can fight. Anyhow, more on how the rest of the world views China: http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14275872
  12. If I can’t get my St. Hubert, a motherfucker is gonna pay.
  13. Yeah there’s all kinds of stupid going around. Some of it is definitely the human response to being locked down for so long, but fuck these irresponsible cunts with no thought for others.
  14. I love The Orb, and anything that's great is largely as a result of anyone else except LX..
  15. I’m kind of ok with this one, assuming she was down with it.
  16. Well that's just BS. If I'm going to be late I always send a text saying sorry and when I expect to arrive.
  17. My SFWP - I changed insurance providers because I could end up saving like $1000 a year (for home/auto insurance). I asked my insurance broker if there would be any early cancellation penalty for switching. He was all "no in fact it looks like they will owe you money." So I went ahead and made the switch. Turns out my broker misread the invoice from my original provider, and so now for this month I ended up paying first and last month with the new provider, as well as a month for my previous insurer, which was like $400. So fucking stupid.
  18. Did he/she at least text? I think it really depends on the context for me. Work meetings - after 2 minutes of waiting I'm starting to be impatient. Meeting a friend for coffee during the middle of the day (when that used to be a thing) - 15-20 minutes is tolerable, maybe more depending on what I have planned for the rest of the day. Meeting a friend for drinks - meh, whatever I'm happy drinking by myself. Perception of time in different cultures is fascinating.
  19. So far no one has provided anything that shows America is probably worse, or even similar. If you think I’ve been a cunt to you, sorry. I’ve been nothing but straightforward, except perhaps the last line about illuminating things. Don’t think I’ve been particularly cuntish to anyone except zeff, because he is a churlish cad. (Where did you see goDel?) I simply do not find it credible that people are seriously comparing the US and Chinese criminal justice systems in any meaningful way, as they are not even based on the same legal system (US is common law while China is Civil). As an example, police in China can detain suspects up to 37 days before a prosecutor approves the arrest. The penalty for theft in China can land you life imprisonment. I dunno man, but I gotta think even as a POC, you’d rather be in the American justice system than in China.
  20. Two really interesting articles on thinking about COVID-19 and implications for society and the response. https://www.e-ir.info/2020/05/29/anxiety-and-covid-19-the-role-of-ontological-security-and-myth/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/08/01/the-sociologist-who-could-save-us-from-coronavirus/
  21. I made a nice little post just above, I was on my phone before but thought better to back up what I said. Not very similar, but surely significant. So what magic light bulb went off when comparing the Chinese and US criminal justice systems? Don't do it like the Chinese do? Or that the US criminal justice system needs reforming? I'm not intelligent but even I knew these things. I didn't provide any commentary, simply quoting your words back to you.
  22. itd be great if we could just like not lie about what other people have said your sentences don't even make sense. communist nation on the rise to prosperity through communism>? they havent achieved communism, they haven't even achieved socialism they are led by their communist party and their stated goal, one which they seem to be moving towards, is the achievement of socialism. the same cant be said for any openly capitalist states we all know communism is better than capitalism if you could achieve it, yet capitalist states don't even bother stating that they hope to achieve it one day, they in fact actively oppose it militarily hence the current state of the world and the ruin facing anyone who tries socialism, and the reason is clear - class conflict i am communist. am i communism or have i achieved communism? no china is communist. is their economic mode of production communist or have they achieved communism? no Since I don't particularly like being called a liar: Per you calling the US and China the same: From this post: And from this post: Per you saying that China dragged itself out poverty by communism (you actually said socialism so still wrong just with different terminology) Per you ignoring atrocities On 2/23/2021 at 9:59 PM, cyanobacteria said: my memories of the general takes of these people, and I'm making no personal claims here, is that the Uyghur "genocide" is CIA propaganda mostly propagated by some dude named Adrian Zens, surrounding China's method of deradicalizing extremist muslims and giving women free access to birth control technologies to improve their living conditions, as well as providing education to them all, and that some evidence suggesting this is that most muslim majority countries support China's policies whereas those speaking out the most are the very same countries murdering countless muslims in the middle east in their oil wars. i can't say it doesn't make sense to have such a perspective So no, I'm not lying about the things you're saying. A classless society would be, sure, although we haven't seen one of those in, ever. Moneyless no, stateless no. The communist mode of production is wasteful and inefficient and if you take a basic macro class you can figure out why. But let's leave the econ lessons for another thread and talk about China? The thing here is that I may come across as someone who hates China, when what I actually despise is their government. Chinese culture (both classical and modern) has so much to offer. Incredible films, incredible stories, great thinkers, some incredible food as well (I do prefer Korean and Japanese but can not deny that there is some amazing Chinese food).
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