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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. No water supply yet. *Just* electricity. Well Q brains blame Jews for running the globalist cabal, but they also dislike muslims…
  2. Standard MO for Israel. Also this must be tearing the Q folks’ tiny little minds apart.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/07/world/middleeast/israel-netanyahu-hamas-attack.html Israel will also retaliate by committing war crimes: https://www.channelstv.com/2023/10/07/israel-halts-electricity-supply-to-gaza-energy-minister/
  4. Lol sorry man, it was meant to be in jest. For me they're not better than the albums (I love onclements to bits), but that's just my preference.
  5. The outtakes are good and all, but they are not better than the albums from which they were omitted. Except for "Cow is a Mammal", that is a masterpiece.
  6. That's right. Didn't she sell of them in Japan for like $5k a pop or something? Or am I totally misremembering (entirely possible). Anyways. Fucking stupid bullshit. Almost as bad as NFTs.
  7. Lol that article talks about using actual children (like 13 year olds) to clean slaughterhouses. You're talking about paying Indian university students less than they might earn as research leads? (Or what are you talking about?) These two things are vastly different.
  8. Yeah there's a lot going on, but long way to go. BUt if it can happen in Detroit, it can happen anywhere in the US. I think the ability to different types of work remotely now will help with the sprawl and "automobile disease", and creating walkable, 15 minute cities. Although many corps are fighting remote work for a number of reasons, it just feels like an inevitability.
  9. I gotta say though, that the new investment into downtown Detroit has made that area remarkably livable. I visit my friend there a couple of times a year, and there's lots of walkability around Greektown and the MGM. It needs better public transportation, but the idea is right. Condos with grocery stores on the bottom floor, local shops and markets etc. I know it's only a small section of the city, but you gotta start somewhere. The sprawl though....
  10. It sure is. I'd only heard "More than This" and the title track previous to last night.
  11. I had never heard Roxy Music's "Avalon" in full until last night.
  12. There was some girl on here before (can't remember her user name because senility) who made YouTube videos with emojis/icons going down the screen very similar to what is seen in the live streams. Obviously not live, but clearly a predecessor. I didn't think it was art then and I don't think this is art now, but that's just me.
  13. Maybe he sampled the hits but the syncopation is pretty different. And of course he's processed them. It's also entirely possible that it's just a coincidence - Aphex isn't the first person in the world to have their drums gated as fuck.
  14. The full ruling is here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23991872-ny-ruling-on-trump-business-fraud, and the judge lays down a brutal legal smackdown on Trump's lawyers, Trump, and his family of fraudsters. My schadenfreude is through the roof.
  15. When I was much younger, I took up the druidic practice in private. The meditation guides and internal spiritual connection with nature I found very helpful, not so much the worship of nature deities/spirits. The Book of Druidry was a very interesting read and practical guide that helped develop inner spirituality without falling prey to the blind faith required of most theism.
  16. I just throw them all into respective playlists. So GAIA has a playlist, CYCLES, ALITHIA, PHANTASIA etc. Put the list on shuffle and you have enough music for the day. So good. Especially on headphones.
  17. Man that will be a trip. All london-ish watmmers should check them out.
  18. I have to say that all the people I met in the city were fine? My hotel was in Saint-Denis, work was in the 16th arrondissement, everyone was courteous enough. Maybe I didn't meet any "true" parisian/parisienne?
  19. Romney never needed the corporate paymaster though. He's got his family money and Bain Capital money. Romney is smart enough to know when he needs to appear principled - a real snake in the grass. Still a thousand times better than trump.
  20. I mean yes and no. They can't not cover him - he's running for the highest office in the land (and he also committed a bunch of crimes while sitting in that office previously). The problem is they cover him completely uncritically. And then of course you have the Republican party which has just completely given up any pretense of integrity from top to bottom (the older Dems are not much better - from my outside observation - but at least there are some policies proposed that actually might do something for the American people as opposed to just "getting back at the Dems"): hence Kevin McCarthy's latest buffoonery. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/top-us-house-republican-mccarthy-calls-biden-impeachment-inquiry-2023-09-12/
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