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Everything posted by Adamovich

  1. not my links, just delivering some guys recordings
  3. no no no, you said its boring so stay bored you boring fuck RIP Derek James
  4. I sometimes keep waking up with these cuts from Furthur track. Thanks a lot AE...
  5. I'd be blessed with SAW outtake opener from Field Day....
  6. now it's the proper stretch being aired right now lol
  7. What if the track doesn't contain beat fuckery? So that means it's done by Rob himself only? Or if the track is just a beat fuckery
  8. well I did that during acid mix just for bants, no need to be salty
  9. this is still going, fuckin love it
  10. now it's a proper acid mix, diggin it
  11. that residents stuff is definitely not for me ..
  12. Lots of partying including AFX/AE/BOC appreciation discussions, dunno, i'm too long here.... EDIT: and listening seshes
  13. From Star Wars? LOL he was on a screen there for like 3 minutes....
  14. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 use this website, not some fishy youtube livestreams
  15. Sean pls release AE_LIVE_HELSINKI_141116
  16. For 12 years of being a member of this forum I don't think I've ever seen Aphex subforum this dead.

  17. Amazing mix, listened to it from start to end, took me a dozen or more of trips to work back and forth and felt empty when it finally ended. Never felt that way about any mix so far. Maybe someday I will try to do something similar in terms of duration. ?
  18. Does the world need more 179BPM acid/breakbeat/amen/cymru/whatever beats or what?
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