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Everything posted by kausto

  1. I tried to bind my micro to ESI MidimateII and didn't succeed. IIRC m-audio uno should work. I use focusrite saffire's midi in/out for editor since everything is sequenced from OT usually
  2. Actually z-plane filters on various e-mu samplers etc made that signature barking bass sound in late 90s drum'n'bass Edit: Damn, now i want e-mu E6400
  3. Dave Noyze made a little tool for PreenFM2 to generate Farey sequence family ratios. It could be used to manually program Yamaha stuff also.http://ixox.fr/forum/index.php?topic=69272.0
  4. Heh, i played a gig not so long time ago using OT, controller and LXR. snippet
  5. Yeah. G2 is dope and has a memory for delays at least. Someone on electromusic forum made some uberlush reverb algorythms in style of classic eventide stuff for example. I also suspect plenty of buffer abuse stuff and reverbs at Untilted, Quaristice and Oversteps tours was made on G2.
  6. Micromodular is versatile (as always). Sounds fat (as 2nd gen Nord you know). It is also really stable and never fails. With Axoloti while patching you have to compile always first to hear/see results so no realtime patching in style of Nord. Though Axoloti is more verstile with it's GPIOs and MIDI there are also plans to implement multiple cores audio rate and control rate interconnection. There are also dozens of new objects by users now — community is growing. It's paradigm is more in pd/max realm than 'virtual eurorack' a'la nord. I use mine as FX processor using CUE In/Out as send/recieve through DIR. I made several patches and loaded 'em as precompiled bank so it can work autonomously. I control its parameters via midi using CC pages on OT. Axoloti sounds nice too. Example i made for BBDBode patch I have one more Axoloti with fried output (there was a problem on revision 1.0) and i plan to use it as midi processor/generator to do autoaccompanement using something like 2nd order markov chains.
  7. 5 FM voices though. Snare engine doesn't have FM. Anyways LXR is awesome. It had probability locks way before Elektron implemented conditional trigs. I use alternative FW by Brendan Clarke. I also use samples as OSC waveforms sometimes — if you modulate 'em with FM oscs they start glitching pretty nicely (they start to play fast in loop). Brendan FW also has nice perfomance stuff like looper etc.
  8. There was times when i used OT outs as 4 mono channels by hard-panning AB and CD. Year ago i had to optimize and minimize my setup since my son began to approach my desk full of heavy boxes which is not safe for him. I tried to use smaller mixer but finaly everything ended up with this configuration.
  9. Um, holy balls. Also there's this video of someone who modded it to have CV control of all the front panel parameters (which is only 4 but still): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InCGxrC0k_I Shit. This 80-90s digital fx boxes category is my Achilles' heel in GAS department.
  10. Regarding cheap reverbs i really like lexicon's lxp-1,5,15 sound. It uses their LEXICHIP DSP also. I have lxp-5 but one of its capacitors has blown i tried to replace one but it seems i made everything worse lol. I have to repair it with help of proper experts i guess. I hooked my lxp-5 to midi controller. When you change delay size via midi it barely clicks (comparing to Quadraverb for example; even ensoniq's dp/2-4 can click). It can sound like granular freezing sometimes. Now i occasionally glance in direction of Lexicon MPX-1 with hint of GAS also. I'm also GASing over Symetrix 606
  11. kausto


    Pitchfork: The timing on that "Iera" track is pretty disgusting-- were you using fader controllers to manipulate MIDI data? Autechre: No, that was purely programmed, grid-programmed, all onscreen, just nudging MIDI events around. That track is totally just mousin' it-- but there are other tracks, as on "Sublimit", that are just a drum machine up and running, 16-grid style, no swing or anything, everything just completely straight. On this record there's no generative work or fader based MIDI stuff. Now it is 90% hardware sequencing lol
  12. kausto


    Regarding overall feel and vibe. 'Untilted' seems most unstirred album while being completely mad. There is no any hint of surplus pathos and death metal spookings of latest max/msp era stuff. It reminds me Mr. Oizo's 'Moustache (Half A Scissor)' in that regard. Also rhythm. Untilted, Untilted Tour (+ SND 4,5,6 later): there was a brief period when there was a feeling like they were arching standard breakbeat knees backwards.
  13. kausto


    Yeah it is pretty stimulating music. It is also mixes well with stimulants
  14. kausto


    Untilted unused designs by Alex Rutterford Also it is still my favorite Autechre album.
  15. Beautiful, thanks for sharing this. Yeah i remember how i was amazed by this mod when Renoise 2.8 beta appeared
  16. Hadoop synth, I like it. The pieces the OT and my imaginary tracker have in common with Buzz are variable track length, and (with the Wave Recorder plugin in Buzz) recording waves. Cool idea on sequencing Resynth with MIDI. You can actually do similar things with LGPT although there's not much in the way of smoothing, polyphony, or sample length. Regarding loop points modulation in Renoise there are some hackarounds like this tool for instance.
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